13 Short Films about Social Media

13 Short Films about Social Media

Students in the University of Westminster’s MA Social Media’s 2015 class created as part of the module “Critical Theory of Social Media and the Internet” short films about social media theory books.

Ebru Sahin produced a movie about the contemporary virtual world, for which she interviewed David Gauntlett and Mark Andrejevic:

Gabriela Rodriguez Moreno talks to Paulo Gerbaudo in the movie “Social media and the streets”:

Rogerio Simoes Silva interviewed Geert Lovink about social media and the Internet:

Ketevan Kantaria made a video about Aleks Krotoski’s book “Untangling the Web”:

Zhiwen Yan had a conversation with Simon Lindgren about the book “New Noise: A Cultural Sociology of Digital Disruption”:

Becca Wei interviewed Nick Couldry about media power in the new media age:

Yuqing Wu talked to Marisol Sandoval about her book “From Corporate to Social Media: Critical Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility in Media and Communication industries”:

Sherry Zhao interviewed Chris Atton about alternative media and alternative perspectives about the Internet:

Bangyan Xie made a movie about Christian Fuchs’ book “Digital Labour and Karl Marx”:

Yanyan Tan talked to Anthony McNicholas, Christian Fuchs and David Feng about blogging’s impacts on society:

Ye Zhang interviewed Mark Andrejevic and Toby Miller about media studies 2.0:

Yubo Liao talked to Christian Fuchs about the Internet and society:

Xingzi Jiang interviewed BJ Mendelson about his book “Social Media is Bullshit”:

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