Focus Areas                     United Nations Development Programme  Romania          Home About  UN System in Romania UNDP in the World UNDP in Romania Legal Framework and Management   Focus Areas  Social Inclusion Promotion and Protection of Global Public Goods International Development Cooperation   Our Work  Projects Database Partners and Donors   Operations  IPSAS Employment Opportunities Tender Announcements Human Resources Finance Procurement   MDGs  MDGs in Romania Basic Facts about MDGs   Rio+20 Media Room  News Newsletters Press releases Publications Press Clips Movie Clips   Contact            Millennium Development Goals for Romania  Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger   Achieve universal primary education   Promote gender equality and empower women   Reduce child mortality   Improve maternal health   Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases   Ensure environmental sustainability   Develop a global partnership for development  Related UN Links   UN Romania UN Information Center Bucharest UN Global UNDP Global UNDP Europe and CIS MDG Monitor UN Global Compact UN Correspondents Association       Focus Areas  With its accession to the EU Romania entered an extremely important stage in its development. The UNDP Country Programme Action Plan for 2010-2012 supports Romania to use fully the development opportunities of EU membership and diminish disparities between Romania and other EU member states. As a trusted partner of the Romanian government, local authorities, civil society and private sector and based on combining international best practices and Romanian experience, UNDP stands ready to offer an effective response to the main development challenges.

  UNDP activities in Romania are focused in the following key thematic areas:

   Romania’s increased role in international development cooperation and aid effectiveness  Capacity building for the promotion and protection of global and regional public goods (e.g., shared environmental protection and climate stability through cross border cooperation)  Social inclusion, economic and political empowerment of vulnerable groups   These thematic areas enable a better focus of UNDP development activities at national level, provide framework for its programmes and projects, and connect them with well-defined outcomes. Following the priorities set in the current Country Programme Action Plan 2010-2012, UNDP Romania implements programmes and projects in the following focus areas and their respective sub-areas:


     1.  Promoting MDG achievement and fostering inclusive participation     1.1 Policy reform for social inclusion, economic and political empowerment of vulnerable groups and women’s participation in political processes

      1.2 Social economy models for Roma inclusion

      1.3 Engaging civil society in policy decision making to increase inclusion of marginalized groups

      1.4 Strengthening the rule of law and effectiveness of judicial system to promote rights of disadvantaged groups

     2. Supporting Romania in the promotion and protection of local, regional and public goods, including biodiversity, climate stability     2.1 Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the Black Sea region, climate change mitigation and adaptation

      2.2 Enhancing Romania’s energy efficiency through local interventions

      2.3 Cross-border development cooperation for the Danube Delta, the Lower Prut and the Carpathian Mountains.

     3. Achieving the MDGs and developing Romania’s International Cooperation and Aid Effectiveness      3.1 Strengthening Romania’s official development assistance (ODA)

      3.2 Ensuring Romania’s contribution to international development cooperation programmes, in line with the Paris Aid Declaration, in support of the MDGs


Page last updated on 09/04/2011   News08 July 2016Call for Communications and Advocacy Projects and Activities in the Field of Development Cooperation

08 June 2015Results of the EYD2015 communication and development education grant programme

02 March 2015“Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” Competition Results

29 January 2015UNDP Launches Competition: “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities”

18 November 2014ESCOs in Romania - a solution to a wider accessibility to energy efficiency measures especially in poor areas

Openings and AnnouncementsEurope & CIS VacanciesEurope & CIS Procurement NoticesNewsletters24 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 10 - 16, 2012 Haberler

18 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 1-9, 2012

31 August 2012  CSR Newsletter August 1-31, 2012

16 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 9 - 15, 2012

09 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 2 - 8, 2012

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