Physical Resistance Festival – a big success and back next year!

22 04 2017

“Now, whoever has courage and a strong and collected spirit in his breast, let him come forward, lace on the gloves and put up his hands.” – Virgil

“To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there’s no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other in the face” – Jack Handey

The beginning of the month saw the first Physical Resistance Festival. Hosted by the Anti-Fascist Network, and inspired by events like the Polish Freedom Fighters tournament, it was a mash-up of combat sports, football and drinking.

The Saturday saw anti-fascist fighters from around the country jump into the ring to face off over the course of twenty Muay Thai and boxing bouts. The fights were a mix of novice and experienced bouts. Weeks and months of hard training paid off in an atmosphere of great mutual respect. Honours were shared between the Red and the Black corners.

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Interview with an AFN activist fighting in Syria

29 12 2016


In late 2015 an activist with the Anti-Fascist Network went to Rojava (the liberated Kurdish area in northern Syria) to join the Kurdish fight for self-determination and against ISIS. They returned in summer 2016.

You are an animal rights and anti-fascist activist. Why did you go to Rojava to help the Kurds?

There are many reasons that I went to Rojava to help the Kurds. There was a curiosity about war and conflict that took me to Rojava. I wanted to see what it was like myself and have that experience. I wanted, in many ways, to escape the stagnant and repetitive existence that we are forced to endure here.

I also went because I liked what the Kurds were doing in Rojava and I believe in the concept of solidarity. This is their moment in history, they invite internationals to go and help them and I felt in some ways it was my duty to honour my belief system and join them. This is the nature of solidarity. If you sincerely believe that a better world is possible then you have to take risks and be prepared to make sacrifices. After four years of academia I liked the idea of once again, ‘getting my hands dirty.’ Too many people on the left are content to prioritise writing articles or doing a PhD in critical thinking or environmental studies or something and kid themselves that they’re still struggling as part of some sort of radical counter-culture or movement.

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Bolton, Egham and Glasgow

26 11 2016


Today saw anti-fascists confront a “no more mosques” demo in Bolton in Greater Manchester. Former BNP activist Bryn Morgan, the organiser of the demo, stated it was “not a racist protest” despite it being absolutely stuffed with overt Nazis such as the repugnant National Action and North West Infidels pulling sieg heil salutes.

Luckily the assembled anti-fascists significantly outnumbered the racists.

According to Manchester Anti-Fascists who mobilised for the demo: “A small group of Nazis from minuscule various groups and some assorted local racists were kettled by the police while being pelted by abuse and missiles from locals and antifascists.”

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November 26th – No fascists in Bolton!

16 11 2016


Facebook event


“Bolton says ‘NO’ to Mosques”, a false name for a few of the local dying fascist organisations are planning to mobilise on Saturday 26th November to spread hate and divide our communities with their racism and Islamophobia.

They may call themselves ‘peaceful protesters’, but there’s nothing peaceful about their hate for entire categories of people.

We plan on mobilising against them. Join us in the streets to make sure that fascists know they are not welcome in Greater Manchester.

In the past, now and forever –
¡No Pasaran!

Manchester Antifascists

/// Full announcement to follow ///

There is also a local TUC anti-fascist demonstration. Details here

AFN Southern Regional Conference, Reading,10th September

13 08 2016



The AFN will be hosting a Southern Regional Conference in Reading on the 10th Sept.

Facebook event here

Now more than ever we need to show a united front against fascism.

Join us at the Southern Anti-Fascist Network conference – a day of workshops, music, discussion, networking, films, stalls, books, food, children’s entertainment and more.

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Nottingham EDL humiliated at home!

7 08 2016


A small crew of Brighton Antifascists mooched up to Nottingham yesterday to join Midlands Anti-Fascist Network in opposing the EDL. A piss-poor EDL demo was outnumbered 10-1 by local anti-fascists. And a good day was made even better by the fact some EDL seem to have “lost” their flag. Oops!

END THE EDL in Nottingham this Saturday!

2 08 2016


 – Exact location: TBC

 – Get involved Midlands:

 – Get involved National:

 – For more info check Midlands Antifascists on Facebook

Facebook event for the day

Following their national demonstration in London on the 16th of July, the bickering remnants of the EDL (English Defence League) have announced another national demonstration in Nottingham on the 6th of August. However – Nottingham is a firmly antifascist city and has shown repeatedly over the past decade that racists are NOT welcome here! We’re calling for a strong counter-mobilsation on the 6th of August to give a much needed boost to the organised Left post-Brexit, and deal a critical blow to the tottering remnants of the EDL.

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