& the World of Murray Whelan

Welcome to the website of Shane Maloney.

  • ENCOUNTERS – from The Monthly to television
  • Various articles and speeches including the ever-popular Invitation to Scotch College speech and a piece on being translated.
  • Postings of upcoming appearances at literary events, festivals, conclaves, mass rallies, libraries, workshops, panels, conventions, conferences, working-bees, fishing expeditions and wine tastings.
  • Samples from the audio books and directions to where you can buy them.
  • Stuff about the 2004 telemovies of ‘Stiff’ and ‘The Brush Off’, including photos, John Clarke’s view from the director’s chair, and how to get the DVDs.
  • Some sordid details about my personal history.
  • Here are contact numbers if you want me to speak at a festival, library, school or corporate event.

There are also links to booksellers, a schedule of my upcoming engagements, news about doings at The Brunswick Institute and various other bits and bobs.

Please note: This is the site for Shane Maloney, the novelist. It is not, alas, the website of Shane Maloney, the young hurley player who contributed magnificently to Galway’s defeat of Kilkenny in the All Ireland u-21 hurling final.

Nor indeed is it for the Shane Maloney currently serving 10 years for possession of 1.2 million euro worth of heroin. That Shane Maloney has 84 prior convictions and took the time rather than spill to the cops but, to the best of my knowledge, does not have a website.

If you are looking for Dr Shane K. Maloney, the animal physiologist, you have come to the wrong place. But click here for an account of his dealings with hotheads in the baboon community . Also his most recent study on the impact of global warming on the black sheep of the St Kilda archipeligo