
Cautious optimism as China and US team up against North Korea

You don't have to look far these days to find dire warnings of the risks posed to global financial markets by nuke-toting, trigger happy North Korean president Kim Jong-un.

In the past week, global investment bank Citi warned its clients that the risks of a military conflict on the Korean peninsular were higher now than they had been for the past 25 years.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un poses a threat to financial markets but China is working hard to alleviate the risks. Photo: AP

Soon after, JPMorgan warned that investors should not be sanguine about the risks posed by global hot spots such as North Korea. The bank said that while long-term investors could usually rely on markets to recover crisis-induced losses, the big short-term swings could have significant negative impacts on fund performance and corporate earnings.

There are good reasons to be pessimistic about Kim's next move. Since he was handed power by his dad, Kim has conducted more missile tests than all the combined tests of the previous 27 years. This year will be another record on the current run rate.

As well as threatening a sixth nuclear test, his rhetoric is becoming increasingly hostile towards the United States and the one country that was once North Korea's only friend, China.

When Chanticleer this week visited Mao Zedong's favourite lakeside hotel in Wuhan in central China there was a graphic reminder of just how close the relations between the two Marxist-Leninist countries were.

A photograph in the permanent exhibition inside the hotel shows Chairman Mao shaking hands with Kim Il-sung, who is a doppelganger for his grandson and current leader Kim Jong-un, his grandfather and "Supreme Leader".

Kim's grandad, who was later enshrined in North Korean history as the "Supreme Leader", had the same sharp-cut sides and mop of thick black hair as his grandson.

Today, relations between China and North Korea have never been worse. There have not been any high-level exchanges between Pyongyang and Beijing for a decade.

This freeze in relations was triggered by the first nuclear test in 2006.

Kim's state-owned media has responded to recent critical articles in China's state-owned media by warning China to ponder "the grave consequences to be entailed by its reckless act of chopping down the pillar of the DPRK-China relations".

South Korea, which is officially still at war with North Korea, has been left heaving in anticipation of the next missile test.

The US has responded to the threats from North Korea's Kim with equally raucous comments.

US president Donald Trump warned on Twitter of a "major, major conflict", Vice-President Mike Pence said the era of "strategic patience" was over and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told a press conference during a visit to Beijing this month that "all options are on the table".

Amid the rising tension, China has stepped up its efforts to seek a peaceful resolution. It appears to be making good progress with its diplomatic response, helped along by the successful meeting between Trump and Chinese president Xi Jinping in Mar-a-Lago.

Reasons for hope

Yang Xiyu, a former Chinese diplomat who has worked for 20 years on resolving the security crisis on the Korean peninsular, is now cautiously optimistic.

Chanticleer spoke to him in Beijing at the China Institute of International Studies along with a delegation of senior Australian journalists led by former foreign minister and now director of the China Relations Institute at UTS, Bob Carr.

Yang is a recognised North Korean specialist who is still called upon to assist Chinese diplomats in their handling of the issue.

He represented China at the first four party talks in New York in 1996 called to negotiate the end of North Korea's nuclear weapons program. He also represented China in the six party talks in 2004 and 2005, which resulted in a joint statement that contained guidance for denuclearisation on the peninsula.

Yang says the only difference between the Chinese and US approach to North Korea is the approach.

The Chinese side will not consider military options whereas the US has said "all options are on the table".

But Yang says a breakthrough occurred after the summit between Trump and Xi in Mar-a-Lago.

"So after the summit there were two phone calls and the two presidents finally got common ground," he said.

"You have heard new voices, new tones, by both sides. Both China and the US are now seeking a peaceful solution.

"That is the new element in US policy toward North Korea. Just two days ago even President Trump in person used the word of peace on the peninsular and that is the first time in my more than 20 years appearances on the peninsular affairs."

Yang said China's idea for resolving the problem is dual-track negotiations with dual suspensions. This means the US and South Korea suspending joint military exercises and North Korea suspending all nuclear and missile testing.

"In practice those suspensions are easy – it is just a decision," he said.

"But unfortunately we haven't got any positive responses from both sides although it is not difficult to act."

Yang says that if the US and South Korea dropped the military drills it would reduce the strategic suspicions of the North Koreans who could then suspend nuclear and missile testing.

"That's the first baby step toward the reduction of strategic suspicions.

"Then based on the improved environment and increased confidence we should return to the table to negotiate and bargain all items one-by-one."

Yang says China has resisted economic sanctions against North Korea because of possibility of spill-over effects.

"We need to be cautious about the spill over," he said.

"In fact, I always make a joke we cannot learn from the US by shooting one trouble by making more troubles like Libya or Iraq.

"We cannot solve a complex nuclear issue only with economic sanctions. Limited sanctions can spill over into human problems and they don't solve the nuclear issue they just put more troubles on the table."

Yang says that if here is a successful resolution to the North Korean problem then Xi and Trump can share the praise.

He says when Xi met Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Xi "introduced some history knowledge" to Trump and the result was a peaceful solution was agreed.

"I think the two presidents got a very great consensus about a peaceful solution to this complex issue," he said.

That should be good for financial markets.


The author travelled to China as a guest of the  Australia-China Relations Institute at UTS.