Lqd skincare's Harrods wall was a long time building

The long path to Harrod's: Chris Glebatsas (left) and Anthony McDonough, co-founders of Lqd Skincare.
The long path to Harrod's: Chris Glebatsas (left) and Anthony McDonough, co-founders of Lqd Skincare. Jonathan Oakes

Melbourne-based maker of skincare, Lqd, is not scrambling to hire a team ahead of its launch in Harrods next month. The start-up had already invested in three full-time employees in the UK, true to its slow, resource-heavy path to globalisation.

"I've seen six or seven Australian men's skincare brands come and go since I started experimenting with my own," said Anthony McDonough, an organic chemist turned marketer who founded Lqd with life partner Chris Glebatsas in 2010.

The brand is already stocked in David Jones, Sephora and US department store chain Bloomingdale's, although 90 per cent of its circa $5 million annual sales are through its own online store, spurred by a Facebook community of 128,000.

"Those other brands failed because they did what most of our competitors did, which is take women's formulations off the shelf, recolour and refragrance them and stick them in a fancy box, without the millions that an Estee Lauder has to spend on advertising."

A sufferer of dry, itchy "winter skin" during a 2000-2007 stint in Europe running marketing for pharma giant SCA, Mr McDonough couldn't find any off-the-shelf products that relieved him, so resolved to make his own from scratch.

The result is a range with "maximum levels" of active ingredients like anti-aging peptides, that is not afraid to go against the all-natural, organic trend in skincare.

"The foaming agent used in all the 'organic' body washes is actually a known skin irritant ... we try and bring what works from nature and science together," said Mr McDonough.

The former Tabcorp general manager of marketing helped bootstrap Lqd with a redundancy payment, following Victoria stripping Tabcorp of its gaming licence in 2008.

Despite a significant outlay to one of Australia's top developmental chemists, Doug Miller, to manufacture Lqd's products, the founders decided against making any bold claims in their advertising.

"People are over the gimmicky ingredients and big claims in skincare," said Mr Glebatsas.

"We know that the peptides in our eye serum are 60 per cent as effective as injectable botox, but we'd rather people discover that for themselves. If they don't notice our products making a difference they can have their money back."

ASIC filings show Lqd took on $1.4 million from an angel investor last year, its first external investment.

This justified an earlier investment in four employees to underpin the Bloomingdale's launch, including one just to train the chain's staff on selling Lqd, and one to travel the network giving instore men's facials. The company has 50 employees overall.

"We believe in building very solid foundations in a country before we launch. The fact that we had a sustainable, globalising business before we raised capital meant we didn't have to give away most of the company to get it," said Mr McDonough.

The post-raising investment in UK talent paid off when the brand signed off on a coveted spot in Harrods this month.

"We were expecting a shelf, they've given us a wall the size of what [165 year-old skincare brand] Kiehl's has in the 'men's grooming lounge'," Mr McDonough said.

Patience also played a part in this coup, he said.

"Our retailers like the fact we haven't gone out and tried to be absolutely everywhere, which is the trap a lot of start-ups fall in to."

Mr Glebatsas, who oversees logistics and finance for Lqd, took an unusual path to skincare entrepreneurship.

He was running hedge fund derivatives valuations for Deutsche Bank in London in 2008, when what he thought was a workday cold turned out to be something much worse.

"I woke up in hospital with meningococcal meningitis, and the doctor saying I had a 14 per cent chance of living," Mr Glebatsas recalled.

A reassessment of priorities was in order.

"On one side of my bed was my mother, on the other was my boss, saying we're losing millions on the desk, we need you to come back in and unwind some trades," Mr Glebatsas said.

"Surviving all of that was a pretty powerful motivator to chase my passions in life."
