Feature Members



Feature member Nicole with her sons Hugh and Julian.

In nature's hands

I was 28 and expecting my second child. All was well with the pregnancy and we were very excited to be adding to our family. So we were shocked when at our 20 week scan they found a mass so large it was displacing our baby's heart.

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Feature member: twins times two

Twins times two

My name is Sam. I have four children under four. And, I have a confession to make. I’d love just ONE more. Essential Baby member Sam shares her story of life with two sets of twins.

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Feature member Nicole

Feature member: Costello syndrome

Nicola suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Costello Syndrome. She is the 14th person to ever be diagnosed in Australia, and there are less than 300 people in the entire world that have the same condition.

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Feature member Danni with her daughters

Paige: Extra chromosome, extra special

At my first obstetrician appointment, my doctor explained about the NT (nuchal translucency) scan and blood test and told me that I could have this test to see what my risk was for having a child with Down syndrome.

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My large family: Love multiplies

The washing is stacked higher than superman flies, and nappy-changing has been in operation for the past 18 years. Laura shares the realities and many joys of having a family of 11.

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Feature members

Our large families: EB members share

With seven, eight and 10 children under their respective wings, Essential Baby members Leanne, Susan and Tanya offer an insight into their large families.

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Feature member: Violet's story

Violet was born full term and it was devastating to hear after she was born, that she had been born with health problems.

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Feature member Sharon with son Maxx

Beating the odds - our premature arrival

My husband Nathan and I started trying for our first baby in 2001. After 6 months and a lot of questions from me, I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

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A son's gift

A son’s gift

Expecting a baby is such a precious gift and my wife, Kylie, and I were awaiting our first. Ultrasounds provide a unique opportunity for dads. For a dad, an ultrasound is our first bonding experience.

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Genetic Factor Infertility: Our story

I had spent almost all my adult life to date falling pregnant, or getting over a pregnancy (as if it were an illness). Yet our home and hearts were still waiting to expand to let in just one special child.

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Karen's story

"My 15-year-old son, Adam, has been in Westmead Childrens' Hospital since February 24 after being involved in an accident which left him with burns to 60% of his body. We were told it was very bad and to go home and pray.”

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