Fathers need to join the conversation on paid parental leave

Paid parental leave backlash

The Government wants to rein in spending on paid parental leave to save money in the budget but there's a lot of opposition to the proposal. Courtesy ABC News, Channel 7.

I recently asked my father if he took time off work after I was born. "Nope", he replied without missing a beat. He went to work the night I was born and taught his corporation  law class at a local university.

He didn't take paternity leave around the time I was born, but my mother, following a well-studied trend, took maternity leave and then moved from full-time to part-time work.

Although rising, women's workforce participation remains 14 per cent lower than men's and, after their mid-20s, female participation rates decline for their next two decades. This translates, by some estimates, to over a billion dollars worth of lost productivity in the Australian economy.

New fathers often have to balance being the primary source of family income with spending time with their new baby and ...
New fathers often have to balance being the primary source of family income with spending time with their new baby and supporting their partner. 

Despite this, women continue to perform three times as much domestic work as men who work similar hours. A large chunk of this domestic work is child rearing and a father's role in changing this dynamic remains underestimated.  

The focus of most family-related statistics and work-family policy emphasises women's roles as mothers and carers. Fathers are often left out of the work-family policy discussion. Although explicitly gender-neutral, 99.5 per cent of the government's paid parental leave is taken by women.

Paternity leave is a means to rectifying the unequal distribution of child care and work patterns.

The Paid Parental Leave (Dad and Partner Pay and Other Amendments) Act 2012 was a rushed response by the Labor party to Tony Abbott's now infamous "Rolls Royce" parental leave scheme. The Productivity Commission had recommended a paternity leave component in Labor's initial paid parental leave scheme, but the then treasurer Wayne Swan pointed to the financial ramifications of the global financial crisis as the reason for leaving it out of the original act.

The current Dad and Partner Pay scheme provides two weeks of pay at the minimum wage. Fathers must take unpaid leave from their employer and apply for the scheme, which is paid by the government through Centrelink. This is a small but meaningful sum, especially for casual workers and the self-employed.

Dad and Partner Pay also sends a signal that taking time off after childbirth is a routine part of working life for fathers as well as mothers.

The payment is "ring-fenced" by design, which means that the payment cannot be used by the birth mother – it is "use it or lose it" only for fathers and partners. International evidence demonstrates that fathers take significantly less leave when there is no ring-fencing of paternity leave schemes. Ring-fencing in Norway and Portugal has caused a marked increase in fathers taking leave. 

Of the 75 per cent of fathers who took any leave after childbirth before the Dad and Partner Pay scheme introduction, most took a combination of employer-funded annual or carer's leave. In other words, fathers value being paid for time off but don't consider it financially viable or worthwhile to take unpaid leave.

New fathers often have to balance being the primary source of family income with spending time with their new baby and supporting their partner. Time-use data confirms this – Australian fathers work on average five hours more per week than non-fathers.  

The social expectations of fatherhood are also changing to reflect men being more present in the domestic sphere. The Dad and Partner Pay scheme supports the increasing role that fathers play in child care. More men taking time off to look after their child would rebalance the gendered nature of child care, changing the focus to ensure child-rearing is more equally shared between parents.

Employers are important in this transition. They must manage changes to operations due to employee absence. Employers also have a role to accommodate and normalise time spent caring for children by fathers after childbirth.

A supportive workplace culture is key. Managers' and coworkers' opinions of paternity leave have an impact on whether someone decides to take leave.

In submissions to the Productivity Commission, the Australian Industry Group predicted that a separate paternity leave component would "not increase their period of leave and… [fathers] will merely receive the additional income". Other employer groups raised concerns about administration costs.

My research, with interviews conducted with employers in the 12 months since the introduction of the scheme, demonstrate that these concerns have not materialised. Nearly all organisations interviewed said the scheme was administratively easy to plan (because notice could be given six to nine months in advance). Notably, many employers acknowledged that paternity leave arrangements had a positive effect on workplace culture.

In its early stages, Dad and Partner Pay has been successfully accommodated by employers. Although both time and pay are minimal compared to most OECD countries, Australia's Dad and Partner Pay scheme does benefit all parties in the workforce: employers' workplace culture, mums, dads and, most importantly, children.

The flexible nature of university work enabled my Dad to share in childcare after that first night. Dad and Partner Pay is a modest step in the right direction to enable fathers who don't have such flexibility to share in childcare with their partners after birth.  

Leo Gordon has recently completed an honours degree majoring in work and organisational studies at the University of Sydney Business School.
