The baby who helped a dog overcome her fear of everything

Weezy with her little best friend.
Weezy with her little best friend.  Photo: Instagram

It's true that animals are our very best friends and they often don't let us down where humans might. They're faithful, always loving, and children have an extra special bond with their pets.

And sometimes, kids make everything better for an animal who has suffered in her short life, too.

That's what happened to Weezy, an Italian greyhound who used to be scared of everything. Shaking and shuddering from fear, the first family who took her home from an Alberta, Canada pound actually brought her back the next day for being far too timid.

It's not known what had happened in her life to make her so distrustful of humans and so scared of the world around her, but once Sarah Mavro heard about Weezy, she drove two hours from her home in Edmonton to pick her up.

Weezy was scared of squeaky toys, humans and even flying insects. She had to have all but two of her teeth removed, which is why her tongue hangs out.

Weezy was given a security blanket to hide in and lots of patience and love, and bit by bit she began to trust her humans. It took her three years to build the confidence to bark again.

About 7 months ago, Weezy got a new baby brother named Evan and since then, reports Sarah, Weezy has come out of her shell. Speaking to Dodo, she says, "She loves him even more than she loves us I think. She will climb right up beside him and let him get all over her."

Looks like life is pretty hunky dory for a little doggie who now has a sweet boy to spend her days with.

You can follow the life of Weezy on Instagram.