Ending Poverty. Forever.

We’re committed to eradicating poverty once and for all. That’s why we work to get to the root causes of poverty and create lasting change for everyone.

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For People and Planet

As one of the world’s largest development organizations, present in close to 170 countries and territories, the United Nations Development Programme has been on the frontlines of the fight against poverty for more than 50 years, working to provide people with opportunity, roll back inequalities, and restore dignity for people everywhere.

When we began our work five decades ago, one in three people worldwide lived in poverty. Now? Just one in eight.


Extreme poverty has dropped to historic lows, but people everywhere still face serious challenges. Stark inequalities remain. Violent tensions, natural disasters and climate change leave many vulnerable to crises. And there are still 800 million people living on less than US$1.25 a day.

The good news is we have a plan. World leaders have made a historic pledge to end poverty, protect the planet and give everyone a chance to enjoy peace and prosperity. They’re called the Global Goals, and we’re leading the way. But we need your help.

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“It’s My Duty”

For Mirjeta, returning to her native Kosovo after obtaining her dream job as a fashion designer was an easy choice.

Read Mirjeta's story

“I Didn’t Know How to Get Her Back”

Fatima was at her wit’s end after her ex-husband kidnapped her oldest daughter.

Read Fatima's story

“It Safeguards Our Identity”

Contrary to what one might think, ecotourism camps run by the Pemón people in Venezuela’s Kamarat Valley are preserving, not eroding, their unique culture and way of life.

Read Victorino's story

“It’s About Becoming Something”

Hurricane Matthew’s winds whipped through Ana Celeste’s house as the storm pummeled southwest Haiti in October. “It shook us so hard,” she said, “it took everything.”

Months later, more than one million Haitians are still struggling to recover. The storm’s impact damaged or destroyed over 120,000 houses, and wiped out 80-100% of the region’s harvest.

Read Ana's story

“I’ve Benefited from Beekeeping”

I’m famous with the bees,” said Victoria. Known to most as Mama Beehive, this industrious mother of seven is inspiring others in Uganda.

Victoria and her family live in the country’s mountainous eastern region, where the impacts of climate change are jeopardizing traditional agriculture-based sources of income. Rising temperatures hinder crop production, more intense rainfall produces increased landslides and flooding, and deforestation and loss of vegetation combined with extreme rainfall are eroding the topsoil. As a result, food security has deteriorated and farmers’ livelihoods are endangered.

Read Victoria's story

"I'm proud to do this"

Afghanistan has one of the highest maternal and child mortality rates in the world. A lack of health facilities in rural areas, combined with a scarcity of female health workers, means that many women don’t receive the healthcare they desperately need. UNDP is helping change that by training a new generation of female healthcare workers.

“I’m here to learn something so I can serve my village and my country,” says Abida, one of those future healthcare workers.

Read Abida's Story

"Necessity is the mother of invention"

Aisha is one of 6.5 million Syrians displaced by civil war. Looking for ways to support her family, she joined a UNDP training program and became a plumber.

“There is nothing wrong if a woman works to help her husband,” she says, “together we can make a more productive outcome.”

Read Aisha's Story