27 May 2017

Transatlantic tensions dominate G7 summit

By Peter Schwarz, 27 May 2017

Nearly a decade after the 2008 financial crisis, the conflicting interests among the imperialist powers have reached a point at which they can no longer be reconciled through talks and diplomacy.

Conflict between Europe and America dominates NATO summit

Talks stall on third day of Quebec construction strike

By Roger Jordan, 27 May 2017

Quebec’s Liberal government has confirmed that it intends to outlaw a strike by 175,000 construction workers, with the House leader saying a strikebreaking bill will be tabled Monday.

Quebec premier amplifies threat to outlaw 175,000-strong construction strike

Quebec construction strike rattles Canada’s ruling elite

After 34 years on death row, eight execution warrants
Thomas Arthur dies by lethal injection in Alabama

By Kate Randall, 27 May 2017

Thomas Arthur, 74, had spent 34 years on death row and had seven previous death warrants served against him. The US Supreme Court denied his petition for a stay of execution.

Georgia carries out its first execution of 2017

Fourth Arkansas execution ends gruesome eight-day state killing spree

Trump adviser and son-on-law Jared Kushner under investigation in probe of Russia ties

By Barry Grey, 27 May 2017

The political warfare in Washington has intensified with media reports that Kushner is among those being investigated by the FBI and special counsel Robert Mueller.

Ex-CIA director’s testimony fuels new round of anti-Russian agitation

Republican who attacked reporter wins congressional by-election in Montana

By Tom Hall, 27 May 2017

Greg Gianforte, a right-wing technology mogul, won the election despite being charged with misdemeanor assault for body-slamming a reporter from the Guardian the day before the vote.

Corbyn makes his appeal to become Britain’s next prime minister

By Robert Stevens, 27 May 2017

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn gave his response to the Manchester suicide bombing yesterday, amid the further unravelling of the government’s narrative of the attack.

Royal Bank of Scotland seeks to avoid High Court action by shareholders

By Jean Shaoul, 27 May 2017

Former senior RBS executives have never had to make a public account of the events leading up to the bank’s collapse in 2008, when it was rescued by then Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Political tensions in Indonesia after jailing of Jakarta governor

By John Roberts, 27 May 2017

Basuki has withdrawn an appeal over his jail sentence in line with ruling elite concerns about possible unrest generated by intense social divisions.

One thousand staff stood-down after private college collapses in Australia

By Oscar Grenfell, 27 May 2017

The closure of Careers Australia, which had been accused of dubious enrolment practices, was apparently triggered by the withdrawal of substantial government funds.

Australia: Teachers explain why the AEU-government deal should be rejected

New in Russian

Представитель организации «Интернациональная молодежь и студенты за социальное равенство» завоевывает место в студенческом сенате Нью-йоркского университета

От нашего корреспондента, 27 мая 2017 г.

Айзек Осеас, член ИМССР, завоевал место в студенческом сенате Нью-йоркского университета от Школы наук и искусств, в которой обучаются около 4 тысяч студентов университета.

New in Spanish

La versión oficial del atentado suicida en Manchester se deshace

Por Julie Hyland, 27 mayo 2017

En menos de 24 horas, ya era claro que la afirmación de la primera ministra de que las agencias de inteligencia británicas sólo conocían al atacante “hasta cierto punto” era una mentira.

“Existen aires de rebelión laboral en India y China”
El profesor Immanuel Ness conversa sobre los trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki

Por Jerry White, 27 mayo 2017

El profesor de Brooklyn College, Immanuel Ness, quie ha escrito ampliamente sobre los conflictos de clase en India, fue parte de un equipo que investigó la represión de los trabajadores de Maruti Suzuki.

Más de 10.000 inmigrantes detenidos cada año en California son padres de ciudadanos estadounidenses

Por Genevieve Leigh, 27 mayo 2017

Un nuevo informe publicado por Human Rights Watch examinó casi 300.000 detenciones federales de inmigrantes en instalaciones en California de 2011 a 2015.

New in French

Sommet de l’OTAN dominé par les conflits Europe-Amérique

Par Johannes Stern, 27 mai 2017

La première visite du président américain Donald Trump en Europe a exposé le désaccord profond dans l’alliance transatlantique.

Le premier ministre du Québec concrétise sa menace de criminaliser la grève de 175.000 travailleurs de la construction

Par Keith Jones, 27 mai 2017

L'un des plus grands débrayages en Amérique du Nord depuis des années, la grève de l'industrie de la construction a mis en colère et perturbé la classe dirigeante canadienne.

Le président brésilien contraint d’annuler son ordre d’envoyer l’armée contre les manifestants

Par Bill Van Auken, 27 mai 2017

La volte-face de Temer sur un décret donnant les pouvoirs de police à l’armée venait au milieu d’une vague de critiques de la mesure comme illégitime et des appels renouvelés pour sa destitution.

Les morts de Manchester : des victimes des opérations britanniques de déstabilisation au Moyen‑Orient

Par Robert Stevens, 27 mai 2017

Il n’y a pas d’explication innocente au fait que le kamikaze Salman Abedi a été en mesure de voyager en Libye, en Syrie, en Turquie et en Grande-Bretagne sans être inquiété.

New in German

G7-Gipfel wird zum Debakel

Von Peter Schwarz, 27. Mai 2017

Ein knappes Jahrzehnt nach der globalen Finanzkrise haben die Interessengegensätze zwischen den imperialistischen Mächten ein Ausmaß erreicht, das sich nicht mehr durch Gespräche und Diplomatie überbrücken lässt.

Provokative Patrouille von US-Kriegsschiff im Südchinesischen Meer

Von James Cogan, 27. Mai 2017

Aus Peking verlautete, das Verhalten der USA sei dem Frieden und der Stabilität in der Region nicht förderlich. Es könne zu Zwischenfällen auf See und in der Luft kommen.

Streikende Amazon-Arbeiter unterstützen Aufruf zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit

Von unseren Korrespondenten, 27. Mai 2017

Bei dem jüngsten Amazon-Streik in Bad Hersfeld stieß ein Flyer auf großes Interesse, der die International Amazon Workers Voice und eine Initiative für eine weltweite Koordination des Widerstands ankündigte.

Video: Streikende Amazon-Arbeiter sprechen mit der WSWS

27. Mai 2017

Reporter der WSWS sprachen mit streikenden Arbeitern des Amazon-Verteilzentrums in Bad Hersfeld (Hessen). Seit Jahren wehren sie sich gegen die gnadenlose Ausbeutung zu Niedriglöhnen beim Versandhändler Amazon, der dem Multimilliardär Jeff Bezos gehört.

Québec: Premierminister droht, Streik von 175.000 Bauarbeitern für illegal zu erklären

Von Keith Jones, 27. Mai 2017

Der Streik in der Bauindustrie von Québec ist einer der größten Arbeitskämpfe in Nordamerika in den letzten Jahren. Die kanadische herrschende Elite reagiert darauf mit Wut und Nervosität.

New in Turkish

İsveç’in Julian Assange’a yönelik soruşturması başından beri bir siyasi komploydu

David Walsh, 26 Mayıs 2017

WikiLeaks’in tek “suçu”, Amerikan emperyalizminin ve müttefiklerinin Irak’taki, Afganistan’daki ve tüm dünyadaki yasadışı, ölümcül faaliyetlerine ışık tutmaktı.

New in Urdu

سری لنکا کے وزیر اعظم نے امریکی اتحادیوں کے ساتھ تعلقات کو مزید تقویت دی ہے

11 May 2017

اسکے باوجو د کہ سری لنکا کو چین کی سرمایہ کاری کی اشد ضرورت ہے لیکن وہ ابھی تک ایشیاء میں امریکی قیادت میں فوجی اقدامات کا اتحادی ہے

Other Languages


War clouds over South Asia

27 May 2017

South Asia is becoming more and more geo-politically polarized between an India allied with US imperialism and a Pakistan backed by Beijing.

Earlier Perspectives »

International Amazon Workers Voice

Striking Amazon workers in Germany support call for international cooperation

By our correspondents, 27 May 2017

A flyer announcing the creation of International Amazon Workers Voice was distributed during yesterday's strike at Amazon in Bad Hersfeld. The initiative for the coordination of resistance globally met with widespread support.

“This is modern day slavery”
Amazon workers worldwide denounce dictatorial working conditions

By Eric London, 26 May 2017

Socialist Equality Party launches International Amazon Workers Voice newsletter

By the Socialist Equality Party, 24 May 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Sri Lanka: SEP holds meeting and picket in Hatton for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 27 May 2017

Plantation workers, youth and housewives from Hatton and plantation estates participated in the SEP campaign.

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 5: Judge Goyal mangles the law to sustain the legal vendetta

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 18 May 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Book Reviews

Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes’s Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign
The Democratic Convention, anti-Russian hysteria, and Clinton’s concession
Part Two

By Eric London, 27 May 2017

A new book provides insight into how the Democratic Party attempted to manipulate popular opposition to war and inequality to advance the interests of the American financial aristocracy.

Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes’s Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign
An inside look at Bernie Sanders’s role in the Democratic Party primaries
Part One


Anthony Bourdain in Laos
A rare media examination of the US saturation bombing of Laos

By Walter Gilberti, 26 May 2017

Perhaps only a culinary celebrity can evade the wall of self-censorship in the American media to discuss a war crime committed by the US military.

US warship carries out “freedom of navigation” exercise in Chinese-claimed waters

By James Cogan, 26 May 2017

Prominent analyst predicts “imminent” US war on North Korea

Republican health plan would leave 23 million uninsured, budget office says

By Kate Randall, 26 May 2017

$1.4 trillion in cuts to health program for the poor
Trump budget aims to fatally cripple Medicaid

More on the Trump presidency »

Manchester’s dead: Victims of British regime-change operations in the Middle East

By Robert Stevens, 26 May 2017

Official account of Manchester suicide bombing unravels

Fifty years after racist anti-miscegenation laws struck down
American public overwhelmingly accepting of interracial marriage

By Niles Niemuth, 26 May 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

From the archives of the Revolution
Speech at a Session of the Petrograd Soviet on reports by the socialist ministers

By Leon Trotsky, 27 May 2017

This is a new translation of a speech delivered by Trotsky before the Petrograd Soviet on May 26, 1917 (May 13 O.S.).

From the archives of the Revolution
Speech on Comrade Uritsky’s report on the attitude to the Provisional Government

This week in the Russian Revolution
May 22-28: Global class struggle intensifies

22 May 2017

The revolution in Russia gives the signal to workers everywhere, but the gathering revolt is met with repression by the capitalist state and treachery by parties and unions claiming to represent workers.

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


Conversations with Joseph Goebbels’s secretary
A German Life: A glimpse into the Nazi inner circle

By Bernd Reinhardt and Verena Nees, 27 May 2017

The Austrian-made documentary centres on Brunhilde Pomsel (1911-2017), who worked as a secretary in the office of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels from 1942 to 1945.

The 2017 Whitney Biennial—a survey of contemporary American art: What does it show?

By Clare Hurley, 25 May 2017

A conversation with artist Celeste Dupuy-Spencer

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

27 May 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Auto parts workers fired after “Day Without Immigrants” protest

By Nick Rodriguez, 26 May 2017

Socialist Equality Party

The class issues in the UK snap election
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party (Britain)

22 May 2017

The following is a statement by the Socialist Equality Party in Britain on the central issues facing the working class in the June 8 general election.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
The class issues in Britain’s snap election: Austerity, dictatorship and war

19 May 2017

The Flint water crisis

Watch: Anger erupts at Flint City Council meeting

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the WSWS on Facebook

Watch: Flint family threatened for refusing to pay for poisoned water

Three years after the lead poisoning of Flint, residents face water shutoffs, home foreclosures

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »


International Youth and Students for Social Equality member wins student senate seat at New York University

By our reporters, 23 May 2017

Isaac Oseas, a member of the IYSSE, has won the position of student senator for the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at NYU, which includes 4,000 graduate students at the university.

NYU involved in Department of Defense supercomputer project
No to militarism and surveillance! NYU must reveal all ties to military and spy agencies!

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

“A declaration of hostility towards the principles of humanity”
Professor Mario Kessler publishes comment criticizing views of right-wing professor Jörg Baberowski

More on the fight for historical truth »

The ICFI's International May Day Online Rally

May Day 2017: Lessons of history and the fight for socialism

By David North, 1 May 2017

Watch the video »

A political appraisal of the ICFI’s 2017 International May Day Online Rally