We are Equality Rights Alliance

Equality Rights Alliance is Australia’s largest network advocating for women’s equality, women’s leadership and recognition of women’s diversity. We bring together 61 organisations with an interest in advancing women’s equality.
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Stay tuned for actions you can take in 2017 to advocate for women’s rights and gender equality in Australia

Latest News

Endorsement of Civil Society Statement to the Australian Government Calling for a Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse and Neglect of People with Disability

A Civil Society Statement prepared by Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPO Australia) calling for Federal Government support for a Royal Commission into violence and abuse against people with disability. The statement is open for organisational endorsement with further details available here. The statement is available here.  

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NFAW Gender Lens on the 17-18 Budget

The National Foundation of Australian Women has released the Gender Lens on the 17-18 Budget, bringing together a gendered analysis of measures in the Budget with recommendations to enhance gender awareness and responsiveness in the Budget cycle. The Australian Government Budget process does not incorporate gender responsive budgeting nor produce a Women’s Budget Statement. Without […]

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A Glance at Housing in #Budget17 and What it Means for Women

*Sincere thanks to Terese Edwards from the National Council of Single Mothers and their Children for assistance in putting this together* The 2017/18 budget is a mixed bag for women. There are a number of measures that are welcome such as the move to ban direct cross-examination of survivors of violence by perpetrators in family […]

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Latest Events



CSW Report Back and Forward Planning Webinar

CSW Report Back and Forward Planning Webinar

Join the National Women’s Alliances for our CSW61 Report Back and CSW62 Forward Planning webinar.

Time: 1:00PM-2:00PM
Location: Webinar -RSVP for details

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Social Change Education Network and Exchange

Social Change Education Network and Exchange

Maria Delaney shares reflections on the history and current scene in education for gender equity and violence prevention, both nationally and locally.

Time: 6.00pm
Location: South Brisbane

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Women’s Centre for Health Matters Focus Groups: Weight, Diet & Fitness and Mental Health

Women’s Centre for Health Matters Focus Groups: Weight, Diet & Fitness and Mental Health

Women’s Centre for Health Matters are conducting research into how women in the ACT manage their health, and their utilisation of health services.

To deepen their understanding in these areas, they are seeking further feedback on health issues that ACT women have identified as being of particular concern.

Time: 6.00pm
Location: Pearce

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Welcome to our new website!

Our new site is still under construction, so please sign up to our newsletter to receive new content and information.

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