Ockham’s Razor is a soap box for all things scientific, with short talks about research, industry and policy from people with something thoughtful to say about science.

Latest Programs

Sunday 14 May 2017

  • To overcome the rising tide of public anti-intellectualism, Professor Mark Dodgson says the association in the public mind with academic and elite has to be broken.


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Sunday 7 May 2017

  • Prostate cancer is a controversial topic, and opinions on the diagnosis, treatment and management of the disease are more divergent than ever before.


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Sunday 30 Apr 2017

  • How do we help foster the next generation of clean energy entrepreneurs in a country with a "risk-averse mindset" toward clean energy? Dr Adam Bumpus has some ideas.


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript

Sunday 23 Apr 2017

Sunday 16 Apr 2017

  • Technology is transforming the economies of the world but Australia is being left behind; participating in the innovation revolution from the safe confines of being a bystander. Marlene Kanga is calling on Gen Y and Gen Z to create — and not just consume.


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript

Sunday 9 Apr 2017

  • Len Fisher says we’re all inclined to look for patterns in events, and there are two reasons why we see patterns even when they aren’t there: one is evolutionary, the other is mathematical.


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Sunday 2 Apr 2017

  • It’s not common for doctors to speak out publicly on health issues which are contentious or viewed as political. Dr Janet Irwin was an exception to this rule.


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Sunday 26 Mar 2017

  • Why do we hear so much more about drug and treatment innovations than about research that improves the lives of patients while they wait for those innovations to see the light of day?


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Sunday 19 Mar 2017

  • What do we know about science in Indonesia? We rarely hear about what LIPI is doing — Indonesia's equivalent of the CSIRO. During her time there, Mari Rhydwen discovered the country's different approach to science — and ‘different ways of being’.


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript

Sunday 12 Mar 2017

  • Too many of us fear mathematics, probably because of the way we were taught in primary school. That's a great pity, according to Don Aitkin, because it is, as his father taught him, a most useful tool in everyday life.


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Sunday 5 Mar 2017

  • It is estimated that 134,174 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Australia this year. Many medical students and newly graduated doctors, however, are still uncomfortable with the disease, says Ben Bravery.


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript

Sunday 26 Feb 2017

  • Simon Chapman AO says there's never been a more important time for researchers all over the world to speak up about their work — its implications and how societies and governments should act on it.


    This [series episode segment] has image, and transcript

Sunday 19 Feb 2017

  • Globally, the impacts of climate change are going to contribute to human migration. Where it occurs, it should be supported so as to protect people’s communities, livelihoods, rights, and health, argues Dr Celia McMichael.


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Sunday 12 Feb 2017

  • We tend to assume that some of the serious problems facing the world can be solved by technical wizardry. According to Ted Trainer, our assumptions are wrong.


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