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Usually held on 3rd Saturday of the month - (email PIMC to verify)
Next Meeting: May 20 2017 @ 6:00 PM
Bipartisan Cafe 7901 SE Stark st.
General Meeting

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5/27/17 27-May-2017 12:17

Hands Up Don't Shoot Upstander Festival today 5/27

From the open publishing newswire: Upstander Festival today noon to 5pm
Portland Art Museum Mark Building
1119 SW Park Ave

Art - Music - Speeches

Information video interview with organizer Teresa


updated: 6/2/17 16-May-2017 21:56

The Shortwave Report 05/12/17 Listen Globally!

shortwave report From the open publishing newswire: A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Spanish National Radio.

The latest Shortwave Report (May 12) is up at the website  http://www.outfarpress.com/shortwave.shtml in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59)

Dan Roberts
Shortwave Report-


government | police / legal 16-May-2017 21:49

More Money Honey

From the open publishing newswire: rate increases for water and sewage.

Dear Members of the City Council,

On Thursday afternoon about 1400 you will be considering rate increases and we, Individuals For Justice will oppose all three items, 519, 520, and 521.

I am enclosing a statement by a citizen in arms who sees these rate increases as the height of arrogance and we concur with her assessment. We fully expect you to pass these ill-thought out rate increases but will go on record opposing all three so you cannot claim that no one objected. We objected to your ill-thought out move to cover the reservoirs and you spent hundreds of millions of dollars and could have left our water supply alone, due to the EPA being stopped by the mad-man in the WH.

We demand an outside audit before any more of our money is spent on these projects that only help developers and construction corporations.


actions & protests | labor 16-May-2017 21:38

Video: Mayday Portland 2017

From the open publishing newswire: Here is some picture[s] and video footage from Mayday in Portland Oregon

Video on YouTube:  https://youtu.be/9I2hbAy0elI (1 hour 19 minutes)
Pictures on Tumblr:  https://portlandmayday2017.tumblr.com/


A related post & discussion on black spiders can be found here:

And few more pictures on this post:


actions & protests 16-May-2017 20:02

Video from the recent Montavilla Rally and March.

From the open publishing newswire: The event began with two speeches, both at first extolling the importance of free speech and then complaining how those who oppose their ideology are interfering with theirs. There was a large of amount of that going on, as one can hear on the video.
Much emphasis was put on taking the high road and refusing to interact with counter protesters, further claiming that the other side is afraid to engage in honest debate with them.

 https://youtu.be/kIrt_oPkkrc [video link]

Though at first making valid points about the importance of the First Amendment, the first speaker rapidly descended into name calling, personal attacks on opposing ideologies and self righteous Nationalistic flag waving. Communists and Antifa were singled out to the general applause of the crowd.

Some might believe that uploading the content of their speeches is providing them with a platform to spread their mistaken and delusional ideas. This is a valid point, but I believe that their platform is being shaped and polished, slowing learning how to engage the general public with ideas and images that paint them more favorably.

They are beginning to use the violence and all first amendment interference against them to their advantage. This mechanism will be difficult to counteract without people hearing and understanding the threat from what seems like common sense arguments and accusations. [...]


actions & protests | labor 29-Apr-2017 13:24

May Day Rally & March - PDX

From the open publishing newswire: Join the Portland May Day Coalition to rally and march in unity and solidarity with immigrant workers and communities.

Meet at 12pm,

Rally at 2pm,

March at 3pm.

Portland Farmer's Market - Shemanski Park, 1010 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205, USA


actions & protests | economic justice 29-Apr-2017 13:21

May Day Actions 2017

From the open publishing newswire: An anti-capitalist march is set to take place here on Monday May 1st. Open to the public, ALL are welcome except: police goons, Nazi/Alt-Right boot-lickers, and agent provocateurs. Meet-up is scheduled to take place at Shemanski Park in SW Portland at 1:00pm. This is a more radical march than the city-sanctioned permitted one which is scheduled for 12:00pm that day, same location.

Attendees of the anti-capitalist march are encouraged to wear all black and mask up. While the Portland Police Gestapo will likely provide friendly and courteous escort service for the permitted march (much as they did for the Women's March back in January), a wholly different response is expected for the more radical one. Police abuses and excesses are guaranteed. [...]


environment | forest defense 09-Apr-2017 17:35

Public Lands and the Elliott Forest - Update and Next Steps

From the open publishing newswire: Public lands are under attack all across the west, but perhaps one of the greatest threats to public ownership is right here in Oregon. The State Land Board appears to be moving closer to privatizing the Elliott State Forest, which means advocates of public lands need to get organized! Come learn about the wide array of threats to public lands and what we can do to help save the Elliott State Forest:

Monthly Wild Ones Meeting
"Public Lands and the Elliott"
6:30pm - 8:30pm, April 11, 2017

Base Camp Brewing (930 SE Oak St, Portland)
RSVP HERE:  http://org.salsalabs.com/o/1780/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=99676


community building | imperialism & war 04-Apr-2017 09:47

4/4/17 Public Reading of MLK's speech Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence

From the open publishing newswire: 50th Anniversary Public Reading of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's speech Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence.

April 4, 2017 is the 50th anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence. To commemorate this anniversary, Veterans for Peace Chapter 72 is hosting a public reading of the speech at the Portland Art Museum. Following the speech, we will discuss how militarism, racism, materialism and other issues addressed in his speech are still relevant today.

What: Free Public Reading of Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence
Who: Veterans from US wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and others will read
When: April 4th 2017 - 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Where: Portland Art Museum - Miller Gallery - Mark Building- 1119 SW Park Ave, Portland Oregon


29-Mar-2017 17:13


From the open publishing newswire: To Chief Marshman, Acting Chief Davis, Capt. Bell, Captain Krantz, PPB Policy Analysts, Compliance Officer/Community Liaison Team, Community Oversight Advisory Board staff, US Dept. of Justice, Citizen Review Committee and the Portland Police Bureau:

While we are thankful that the Bureau has asked for more input into Crowd Management/Crowd Control Directive 635.10, as we predicted, the sheer volume of changes made to the last draft posted in January is far too large for a 15-day comment period. We've repeatedly requested "red-line" versions of proposed Directives, and noted that when you began this new process, a list of general concepts about changes being made would make public input more meaningful. Now we find ourselves in the position of sorting through the revised draft almost from scratch.

While all references to pepper spray have been removed from the Directive, it's not clear if that substance (whether in canisters or projectiles) is covered by the generic term "riot control agents," which still appears in a few places in the new draft (including Procedure 5.1.6). We remain opposed to the use of impact munitions, tear gas, flash-bangs and other weapons at protests, as well as bicycles used as weapons and the Mounted Patrol Unit in crowds.


April 7th & 8th 28-Mar-2017 13:20

Three Events to Participate In

From the open publishing newswire:
1) A presentation from former Political Prisoner Daniel McGowan about his experiences in the Earth

2) TILTED SCALES COLLECTIVE PRESENTS Fighting Charges, Strengthening Movements: A presentation and community discussion based on their new book, A Tilted Guide to Being a Defendant

3) Portland Rising Tide: Direct Action Training


human & civil rights | police / legal 28-Mar-2017 13:11

The Killing of Quanice Hayes by officer Andrew Hearst - AMA

From the open publishing newswire: Press Statement For Immediate Release - March 22, 2017

The Grand Jury decision not to indict Portland Police Officer Andrew Hearst for the killing of 17-year-old teenager Quanice Hayes is like a recorder repeated over and over again especially when it comes to Black Lives.

The District Attorney and Grand Juries have never indicted a White Police Officer for killing or using excessive force against a Black person or Latino in the history of the City of Portland.

Whether Quanice Hayes was guilty or not of personal robbery it is not the responsibility of the Police Officer to act as Judge or Jury and carry out the sentence.


environment | youth 28-Mar-2017 13:08

High School Environmental Leadership Program (HELP Portland) April 4th

From the open publishing newswire: High School Environmental Leadership Program Meeting (HELP Portland)
Learn more about your potential as a leader and collaborate with other students about actions we are taking as an interconnected group of youth, supported by community!

NEXT MEETING: APRIL 4th (Dinner Included!)

Join a gathering of HELP Portland! Learn more about your potential as a leader and collaborate with other students about actions we are taking as an interconnected group of youth, supported by community!


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