Saturday, May 27, 2017

Intercept exposes TigerSwan mercenaries employed by Dakota Access Pipeline


TigerSwan, U.S. mercenaries in Afghanistan, brought the horror of war to Standing Rock. The Intercept exposes the private security hired by Dakota Access Pipeline, and how TigerSwan operated with impunity with militarized police.

Article by Brenda Norrell
Photo Militarized Police at Standing Rock

Documents leaked to The Intercept expose TigerSwan mercenaries employed by Energy Transfer Partners worked in conjunction with militarized police to spy on Standing Rock water protectors, and protect the interests of the private pipeline, Dakota Access Pipeline.
The documents were leaked by a TigerSwan employee and appear in The Intercept article, "Leaked documents reveal counterterrorism tactics used at Standing Rock to 'Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies."
The Intercept reports, “The leaked documents include situation reports prepared by TigerSwan operatives in North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, and Texas between September 2016 and May 2017, and delivered to Energy Transfer Partners. They offer a daily snapshot of the security firm’s activities, including detailed summaries of the previous day’s surveillance targeting pipeline opponents, intelligence on upcoming protests, and information harvested from social media. The documents also provide extensive evidence of aerial surveillance and radio eavesdropping, as well as infiltration of camps and activist circles."
The Intel reports show Tiger Swan was busy reading Facebook and Twitter and reporting information. The Intel reports show millions of reports from Facebook and Twitter, according to the documents. TigerSwan was conducting "fly overs" of Dakota Access water protectors and relaying their Intel to law enforcement forces on the ground, according to the documents.
Pipeline opponents in Iowa and other locations were also targeted by Tiger Swan.
TigerSwan worked for Energy Transfer Partners, owner of Dakota Access Pipeline. TigerSwan supervised DAPL' s other private security. TigerSwan said in a report on Sept. 7, 2016 DAPL' s security firms were: SRC, Per Mar, Leighton and Silverton International in Iowa. The DAPL security in North Dakota were 10 Code, Leighton and one which appears as "???", according to Tiger Swan' s report to DAPL.
That report comes four days after Standing Rock water protectors were attacked by vicious dogs, as they were defending burial places from DAPL bulldozers, on Sept.3.
TigerSwan was also following individuals around Houston. Further Tiger Swan was reporting on the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe from easy online sources. In the leaked documents, Tiger Swan reports the video by Anonymous, apparently considering it as a serious threat, which was posted online.
TigerSwan targeted Palestinians in Standing Rock camps.
TigerSwan was still stalking water protectors two months ago at the new camps, according to its April 9th report.
The Intercept article includes an e-mail list of law enforcement involved, including the notorious Fusion Centers, known for targeting people of color.
The seriousness of these mercenaries by Dakota Access Pipeline, TigerSwan, is revealed below.

(Photo) DAPL helicopter used in surveillance of Standing Rock camps, and included in TigerSwan Intel report.

DAPL security responsible for the dog attack on water protectors were Silverton and 10 Code, supervised by TigerSwan mercenaries, The Intercept leak reveals. Frost Kennels of Ohio brought the dogs.

Read the article at The Intercept, and click on the documents.


(Photo above) Desmog blog reported earlier "Security Firm Running Dakota Access Pipeline Intelligence Has Ties to U.S. Military Work in Iraq and Afghanistan"
By Steve Horn • Friday, October 28, 2016


T Blu said...

Who paid these bastards? DAPL? Government? ??? said...

At Standing Rock, TigerSwan was employed by Energy Transfer Partners, owner of Dakota Access Pipeline. TigerSwan contracts in Afghanistan are with the US government, and paid by taxpayers.