Statement on the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan

Nov 22, 2016

Astana, 22 November 2016

The Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan

We, the Members of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, reviewed the sustainable development goals and considered our role in attaining them.

Recognizing the importance of harnessing our efforts to champion the SDGs in Kazakhstan, we commit ourselves to:

·        Promoting the wide range of application of principles of sustainable development across the country at all levels.

·        Take every effort to ensure that the people of Kazakhstan, equally women and men, both in urban and rural areas, will benefit from achieving SDGs.

·        Ensuring adequate funding to all SDGs on national and sub-national levels.

·        Integrating SDGs into the national legal framework to create favorable institutional conditions for their nationalization.

·        Supporting nation-wide public awareness campaign, jointly with UN Agencies and civil society that should help promote SDGs implementation at national and local levels.   

·        Promoting multi-stakeholder partnerships and building strong alliance to mobilize nation-wide support to achieve SDGs.

·        Engaging with other countries and international organizations in the spirit of SDG 17, to jointly implement activities that hold the promise of furthering human development in the Central Asian region and globally.

·        Following principles of democratic governance, rule of law, access to justice and personal inviolability of an individual while promoting SDGs. 

We are convinced that progress towards SDGs will help Kazakhstan to improve people’s wellbeing and fulfil its aspiration to join 30 most developed nations in the world.