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 Email: Daniel.Bailey@Sheffield.ac.uk

 Research Interests: Environmental Political Economy, Welfare State Sustainability, the Political Economy of post-Growth, the Green State, State Theory, Spatial Scales of Economic and Environmental Governance, British Political Economy.

   Daniel Bailey joined SPERI as Project Research Officer in September 2016, having previously worked as an Associate Lecturer at the University of York and completing his ESRC-funded PhD at the University of Sheffield.

 His research explores the political implications of the evidence which suggests that economic growth is both increasingly difficult to stimulate and environmentally unsustainable. The fiscal sustainability of the welfare state – which has long been predicated upon securing further economic growth – appears to be predicated upon a ‘radically uncertain’ growth dynamic. His research, therefore, explores the political economy of welfare state sustainability in the context of a post-growth transition and its repercussions for state capacity and state-financed welfare programmes. His analytical focus on the contradiction between ‘sustainabilities’ poses the question of how progressives are to formulate an political-economic strategy for the 21st century which meets both the imperatives of social protection (typically met through state institutions financed by monetised economic activity) and the imperative of environmental protection (which may require us to question economic growth).

 Dan’s work for SPERI supports a research project – developed in collaboration with FEPS and Policy Network – entitled ‘Diverging Capitalisms? Britain, the City of London and Europe’.  This project contemplates the changing nature of the British economy, its place within the European economic space and the consequences of ‘Brexit’.


 Bailey, D. (2016), ‘The environmental paradox of the welfare state: The dynamics of sustainability’, New Political Economy, 20(6), 793-811. Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13563467.2015.1079169

 Bailey, D. (2015), ‘Situating consumption in a sustainable economic recovery: Bringing the environment back in’, British Politics, 11(1), 119-140. Available at: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/bp/journal/vaop/ncurrent/abs/bp201515a.html

 He has also co-authored a report for the New Economics Foundation and a series of articles for LSE Politics and Policy, The Conversation and the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute.

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