- published: 12 Feb 2016
- views: 6438
RTW may refer to:
"Memoirs of a Dacia" - RTW Bridge Battle online
Rtw Victor
RTW 15 Official Highlights
RTW TRAVEL Round The World Trip 10 month adventure
RTW 2K16: Caw Update 18 - DLC Pack 1 (WWE 2K16 - PS4 Community Creations)
RTW: Campaign Commentary Slaves and Rebels-- Part 1
[Rasant rückwärts] - RTW BW 1300/1 + RTW 2500/1 Berliner Feuerwehr
Rtw Nmax
Ambulance POV code 3 response [ride along]
Actors: Vangie Labalan (actress), Tony Carreon (actor), Jimmy Santos (actor), Boy Alano (actor), Zandro Zamora (actor), Jaime Fabregas (actor), Flora Gasser (actress), Janno Gibbs (actor), Bayani Casimiro (actor), Rudy Meyer (actor), Balot (actor), Robert Talabis (actor), Palito (actor), Romy Romulo (actor), Lucy Quinto (actress),
Genres: Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi,This is Rome Total War Online Battle #2207. I command the army of Dacia. My opponent, Blade-Runner, commands the army of Gaul. MAP: Moon River Bridge DENARII: 15,000
Caw Update List: Bryan Black Justin Kayse Ricky Tyson Chris Stasiak Kevin Lockhart My mic was on all kinds of bs during this video so I apologize for that but just showing off the first batch of Caws that I've created so far. Programs Used: Sony Vegas 11.0 Songs: Drake: 0-100 Instrumental Search: D29 or RTW on the PS4 Community Creations to download my caws. The Round Table: the round table isn't a clan or a group that people can join. we are a group of friends that play svr together and also do our own wrestling shows involving original caws that we create. we're not saying we're the best or better than anyone or everyone. that whole banwagon statement should be said only to those who think we are a group of snobs that think we're the best. thank you & enjoy the show. Disclaimer...
Part 1 of my new slaves and rebels campaign. Enjoy :) I'm beginning to get questions regarding how to unlock all factions. Use this link: http://www.twcenter.net/wiki/HowTo:Unlock_All_Factions Remember to keep AT LEAST ONE faction not under playable. Your game will crash because it cannot fit all factions in the same screen. p.s. Apologies for the black screen from 13:00 -- end of video.... Didn't catch that :( Don't be discouraged though; I doubt subsequent campaign vids will have that...
[D] – [Neufahrzeuge am laufenden Band] Neue WAS RTW-Generation + Facelift RTW-Generation | Einsatzfahrten ASB Pforzheim und DRK Pforzheim | Viel los in nur zwei Stunden In diesem Video sind verschiedene Einsatzfahrten des Rettungsdienstes in Pforzheim zu sehen. Das Besondere daran ist, dass alle Rettungswagen erst seit wenigen Wochen im Einsatzdienst sind. Sowohl die Rettungswagen des ASB Pforzheim, als auch der Rettungswagen des DRK Pforzheim sind neue Facelifter. Teilweise sind bei den WAS-Rettungswagen auch die Seitenspiegel- und Frontblitzer zugeschalten. Lediglich das NEF des ASB in diesem Video hat schon einige Monate Dienst hinter sich. Alle Einsatzfahrten entstanden an einem sonnigen Nachmittag entlang der Berufsfeuerwache in Pforzheim, binnen zwei Stunden. ------------------...
ein von Personal der Bundeswehr besetzter und auf der Feuerwache Prenzlauer Berg stationierter Rettungswagen der Berliner Feuerwehr bleibt auf Einsatzfahrt im dichten Verkehr auf der Prinzenstraße stecken. Daraufhin entscheidet sich der Fahrer rückwärts zur Kreuzung zurück und auf der Osloer Straße weiterzufahren. So eine Einsatzfahrt "rückwärts" habe ich bisher noch nicht gesehen... Der wenige Minuten später von der Feuerwache Wedding kommende RTW 2500/1 muss sich an der Kreuzung auch erst kurz durch einen Ampelrückstau kämpfen. // two emergency ambulances of the Berlin Fire Department stuck in traffic. The driver of the first ambulance decides to drive backwards and take another way 10/2016
German ambulance responding: The ambulance from the private EMS provider "Ackermann EMS, based in the municipality of Friedeburg in Wittmund County, is heading towards the hospital in the city of Oldenburg. The hospital is located in the southern borough of Kreyenbrück, not far from the highway ring road. The ambulance is driving on eastbound highway 28 and taking the exit which isn't far from the hospital
You know you're livin' a lie when you just can't win
Pulling in first prize ain't gonna give you a break
You know I'm kickin' back, I had a broken wing
Me and my shadow are the next best thing
I need someone
You know it might take more than you give to me
Are you gun-shy, are you listening?
What we got here is dead reckoning
And take me in for the night in the right time zone
We'll do what you like, make a left turn home
I put out the light, you're turnin' way too red
No stop sign straight up ahead
You need so much
So much sympathy
That's more than I can say
You know it's not too late
Are you gun-shy, are you listening?
What we got here is dead reckoning
And if it feels good, we'll do it again
See your way clear, dead reckoning
Tell me why, tell me why
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
Are you listening?
You mean so much
So much to me
That's more than I can say
You know it's not too late
Are you gun-shy, are you listening?
What we got here is dead reckoning
And if it feels good, we'll do it again
See your way clear, dead reckoning, yeah
What we got here is dead reckoning