About UNDP in Uzbekistan

 UNDP in Uzbekistan

UNDP opened its representative office in Uzbekistan in January 1993, and has since been committed to facilitating the country’s development.  UNDP has worked intensively to support Uzbekistan’s Government, civil society and ordinary people in overcoming the numerous challenges that have been faced during the nation’s transition period.  UNDP has assisted governmental and non-governmental institutions in obtaining the knowledge, experience and resources needed to successfully pursue economic and social reforms, and to ensure the well-being of the Uzbek people.  

What do we want to accomplish?


UNDP assistance in Uzbekistan, through its current Country  Programme Document (2016-2020) , focuses on two inter-linked objectives. These objectives are to support the Government in advancing economic and democratic reforms, and to strengthen and foster the participation of civil society in development processes at national and local levels. UNDP’s work in Uzbekistan is concentrated on two thematic areas, specifically governance sustainable development

What are our results?

UNDP has maintained mutually beneficial relationships with many line ministries of the Government of Uzbekistan, in the environment & energy, governance and economic governance sectors. UNDP has worked to support the Government in creating an enabling environment for small businesses, which has included assisting the establishment of Business Facilitation Centres and the introduction of the One-Stop-Shop approach to public services.

Within the governance sector, UNDP has contributed to enhancing the efficiency, transparency and accessibility of government services on national, regional and local levels. UNDP has been instrumental in establishing an e-governance system in Uzbekistan, specifically through the development of a national electronic flow system, and has thereby helped to enhance the quality of public services. The agency has also advocated for the adoption of a WHO protocol on anti-retroviral treatment (ARVT) by the Government of Uzbekistan, ensuring access to treatment for an additional 3,000 people living with HIV.

UNDP has also worked to address environmental issues in Uzbekistan, while advocating for efficient energy use. The agency has played a major role in developing Uzbekistan’s National Water Code, representing an important shift from a fragmented to a comprehensive approach to water management. After a decade of advocacy, UNDP has supported the establishment of Uzbekistan’s first biosphere reserve. It has also assessed and mapped the unique flora and fauna on the nation’s Ustyurt Plateau.

Who are the decision makers?


The UN Resident Coordinator Stefan Priesner who heads the UN System in Uzbekistan  is also the UNDP Resident Representative, while Farid Garakhanov is the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative. There are two programme clusters  in the Country Office, including Good Governance, Policy and Communications & Sustainable Development clusters.

UNDP works in partnership with the Government of Uzbekistan and associated line ministries, as well as a number of national NGOs and civil society organizations. UNDP operates within the Uzbekistan Country Programme Document for 2016-2020, which is approved by Government of Uzbekistan.
