
What We Do

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) contributes to the Government of Uganda’s goals to reach middle income status by the year 2040. In the next five years (2016- 2020), the UNDP will be contributing principally to the achievement of good governance in Uganda. This is because achieving good governance creates enabling conditions for achieving high-quality human capital, which in turn drives attainment of sustainable, inclusive economic development. UNDP is leveraging its comparative advantages by focusing on governance and sustainable, inclusive economic development while complementing the efforts of other United Nations country team members on human capital development. This will be achieved through two key programme areas; the Inclusive, effective governance programme & the Sustainable, inclusive economic development programme.

Our Goals

Our goal is to eliminate extreme poverty, reduce inequalities and exclusion.

Empowering lives and building resilient nations

Adding Value to Agricultural commodities; Through the African Facility for Inclusive Markets, UNDP in Uganda is developing value chains to improve the production and distribution of commodities such as rice, beans, and cassava, thus helping to add value and raise the incomes of smallholder farmers.

Our Stories

  • Jennifer Nyakato, above in a black t-shirt stands beside her new water tank while her grandchildren look on, her house below in the right hand corner has also been given a touch up to match the new tank. Below in the left and middle is Scovia Tumwebaze standing beside her new water tank as well. (Photo Credit: UNDP Uganda 2015)

    Water tanks, saving lives in Isingiro district

    As the early year heat sears everything in its way, 50 year old Jennifer Nyakato’s new water tank stands out in her small compound like anmore

  • Jovita Kyomugisha, the chairperson for Kataara Women’s Poverty Alleviation Group shows off their elephant dung paper gift bags and some of their other products which include paper beads, handmade baskets. The improved cook stoves in the background are also made by the group. (Photo Credit: UNDP Uganda 2015)

    Elephant dung changing women’s lives in Rubirizi

    Happy faces welcome you to the small building that houses the Kataara Women’s Poverty Alleviation Group in Rubirizi district. The women have taken a few minutesmore

  • Barbara Apire, 13, successfully regained ownership of land and property that belonged to her deceased mother with the help of a paralegal from the Uganda Network on Law, Ethics, and HIV/AIDS (UGANET). UNDP-UGANET photo 2014.

    A daughter's right to property

    Thirteen year-old Barbara Apire lives in Boroboro village, Adekokwok sub-county, in Lira district, Northern Uganda. Barbara’s mother died of Aids-related illnesses when she was 12, leavingmore

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  • Tourists take a break during their ride through the Mpanga Tea Plantation, the ride through the plantation is a relatively new tourism product started by Mr. Richard Tooro and the Mpanga Tea Estate that shows cases the rich tea growing back ground of the Rwenzori region (UNDPUg 2014).

    Tourism business linkages lead to new products and partnerships

    For Richard Tooro, tourism is a calling. A teacher by profession, Mr. Tooro says he got into tourism by chance because of his calling to explainmore

Projects and Initiatives

Agriculture has to address three intertwined challenges; ensuring food security through increased productivity and income, adapting to climate change and contributing to climate change mitigation. It is precisely for this reason that this project was developed as a way forward for food security in a changing climate environment. more

The Development of Inclusive Markets in Agriculture and Trade (DIMAT) Project

The Developmen of Inclusive Markets in Agriculture and Trade (DIMAT) project is aimed at creating market access and improving the value of agricultural produce – core to Uganda’s Agricultural Development Strategy and Investment Plan 2010/2015 which envisions shifting agricultural production from the confines of subsistence farming into commercialised mode, as a way of helping some of the poorest communities create income-generating activity. more

That diaspora remittances topped $879.4m in the financial year 2011/2012, higher than coffee at $466.6m, shows just how much a huge contribution they make to Uganda’s economy. more

With funding support from the UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention & Recovery (BCPR), this project focuses on Local Development and Social Cohesion in Northern Uganda, building on past UNDP interventions; it aims at contributing to the social and economic stabilisation of the region. more

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About UNDP

UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.

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