UNDP Around the world

Global Centre for Public Service Excellence

Women with ForesightWomen gathering under the shade of a Baobab tree in Malawi. (Photo: Lindsay Mgbor/DFID)

We aim to improve the public service capacities required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence (GCPSE), we believe that the states which invest in their administrative capacity will be successful in delivering the 2030 Agenda.

Based in Singapore, GCPSE aspires to be UNDP’s catalyst for new thinking, strategy and action on building effective, accountable and transparent public institutions [SDG Target 16.6], a target that impacts on the success of all other SDGs.

GCPSE does this by bringing officials, policy-makers and expert-practitioners together to facilitate continuous learning, stronger evidence, and South-South Cooperation. In our pursuit of public service excellence, we feature insights that can help build policy coherence and politically viable solutions.

Our approaches include:

  • The Empowered Futures Initiative (EFI): we apply foresight methodologies and alternative futures in development contexts to make public service more resilient and inclusive. EFI supports ‘futures literacy’ in the analysis of long-term trends, adaptive planning and strategy development. more on foresight >

  • New Public Passion: we advocate that partners pay greater attention to the intrinsic motivation of public officials, through sound administration, merit-based policies and a workplace culture that upholds integrity and fosters innovation. more on New Public Passion >

  • Peer-to-Peer Learning Alliances: we seek to foster transformational leadership in public sector institutions. Peer-learning enables reform leaders to find more effective solutions informed by political economy and practical experience. more on Peer Learning >

More about the GCPSE and its partners>

What we do

Evidence hub

With our partners, we explore trends and innovation in public service and bring to light new knowledge relevant to countries at the development frontline. more 

Convening hub

The Centre is also a convening hub where officials, leaders, policy-makers and experts can exchange their ideas, knowledge and experience. more 

EIP Joint Secretariat
EIP Joint Secretariat

The UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence, in partnership with the OECD-DAC, forms the Joint Secretariat for the Effective Institutions Platform, a partnership of more than 65 countries and organisations (multilateral and bilateral development agencies, civil society, think tanks) which aims to support countries in strengthening their public sector institutions through initiatives such as Peer-to-Peer Learning. more