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Mandurah council's crackdown on pet pigs leaves family heartbroken

Another WA family has had a run-in with their council over their pet pig - in this case, one-year-old Matilda of Falcon. 

The star of Falcon's Pepper Street, 'Tilly' is an 80-kilo hairy mini pig, and a beloved member of the Sears family, who say she is an active and affectionate pet who loves running along the beach, cuddles, falling asleep on the couch and rolling around with Betsy, the family dog.

On any given day it is not unusual to see the family of five walking along the street with dog Betsy and pig Matilda on a leash on their way to their evening beach run, getting stopped by curious passersby who want to get a picture of Tilly. 

But the long evening walks could become a thing of the past now that the family was told by the City of Mandurah they had six weeks to find a new home for Tilly. 

The family was away enjoying a holiday in Dunsborough over Easter when Tilly, who was staying at a property back in Falcon, found her way out onto the street and wandered around the area in search of the Sears. 

A passerby called Mandurah rangers, who took her to the pound. The family managed to get her back but were told pigs weren't allowed as family pets and they had to re-home Matilda.


It is not the first incident of its kind in WA - earlier this year another family in the South West was told by the Shire of Harvey to find another home for two-year-old pet mini pigs Arnold and Olivia

Mother Sarah Sears said they got Matilda from a New South Wales breeder when she was seven weeks old.

"From watching Babe, my favourite movie, I ended up loving pigs and then when I started researching them I realised how intelligent and how clean and how gorgeous they were," Ms Sears said.

"So I was looking through my phone one day and saw mini pigs for sale and saw her it was love at first sight.

"She is funny, she is so hilarious.

"Everybody takes photos, she is a movie star. 

"[She] gets all the family out and we have a laugh because she becomes the explorer and off she goes."

Ms Sears said Matilda had been toilet trained since she was two months old, she had been de-sexed, and she got wormed every three months.

"I just can't see what's the difference between a big dog and a small pig," She said.

"I'll be sad when she goes because I can't just imagine her being chucked down in a paddock because she's always been so close to us."

Ms Sears said other WA councils had already changed their local laws to allow families to have pigs as pets as long as their house is properly equipped, and hoped the City of Mandurah would follow suit.

"If we have to put a microchip in and pay for her like a dog we'd be quite happy to do any of it and for them to come out and see that she can't escape and everything is good," she said.

Meanwhile, she has put a call out to other pig owners who would like to give Matilda a home.

"The perfect scenario would be if I could find someone else who's got a pig and I can put her out there and still be our pig and look after her," she said.

She said they would pay all her expenses as long as the family could still come and visit Matilda regularly.