- published: 15 Nov 2016
- views: 5
Bad News may refer to:
Farming Simulator is a farming simulation video game series developed by Giants Software. The locations are based on American and European environments. Players are able to farm, breed livestock, grow crops and sell all assets created from farming. The game has sold over four million copies.
In career mode, the player takes on the role of a farmer. Their task is to expand on their "dated" farm and machinery. The main goal of the player is to harvest their crops and sell them in order to expand their farming enterprise (e.g. machines, fields, animals and buildings). The player is free to explore, grow from their choice of several crop types, and invest their money in additional fields and equipment. Livestock may be purchased, and then it is up to the player to care for the animals.
There are dynamically generated missions which consist of the player performing various tasks within a time frame such as mowing grass or delivering cargo. If the player successfully completes the task, they are rewarded with a sum of money, plus a bonus amount of money based on how quickly the task was completed.
Alright so good news and bad news. I got my mic to capture live but the bad news is the audio mix is terrible so I am quiet and Farming Simulator is very loud. This is a lets play series that is going to focus on realism in Farming Simulator 17. Currently, all this means is that I will not be teleporting around or abusing any bugs in the game. Which we actually find one in CoursePlay in this episode. Modlist: Old Field Shed V1.0.0.0 4Real Module 02 - Tire Dirt V1.0.1.0 4Real Module 03 - Ground Response V1.0.0.0 Grainstorage V1.0.0.0 Holmer Pack V1.0.0.0 ITRunner Pack V1.0.0.3 New Holland Baler Pack V1.0.0.1 Reck Jumbo I V1.0.0.0 Shed Package V1.0.0.1 Woodchip Storage and Machinery Shed V1.0.0.0 CoursePlay V4.01.00124
Music: News Google Images: https://www.google.ca/search?q=the+end&rlz;=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA683&hl;=en-US&prmd;=ivmn&source;=lnms&tbm;=isch&sa;=X&ved;=0ahUKEwjzrOXRltrTAhVDLmMKHdE5BWQQ_AUICSgB#hl=en-US&tbm;=isch&q;=meaning+of+life&imgrc;=Nhou0V8aO0l9mM:&spf;=303 https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA683&hl;=en-US&biw;=1024&bih;=300&tbm;=isch&sa;=1&ei;=8S8NWZfmMYmejwPh5Z-ADQ&q;=the+end&oq;=&gs;_l=mobile-gws-img.1.1.35i39k1l3.;= https://www.google.ca/search?q=earth&rlz;=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA683&hl;=en-US&prmd;=inmv&source;=lnms&tbm;=isch&sa;=X&ved;=0ahUKEwiviK6lmNrTAhVRw2MKHSbhCwUQ_AUICSgB&biw;=1024&bih;=653#imgrc=jXQUWxXqjMcBAM:&spf;=158 https://www.google.ca/search?q=heaven+and+hell&rlz;=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA6...
I had too much fun making this silly video. Aftermath doesn't look too bad, hope the maps are cool. PSE's TAC-15 website: http://pse-archery.com/products/productdetail/part_number=01135/445. PSE ArcheryVvideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5nVSfv0Rlg 100 Yard Awesome Shot Guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDQthc4jap4 You can send questions in the comments or on twitter @daskro or on facebook.com/daskro If you like this series please subscribe. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=daskro
Description Of What I am Doing ~ I am working on a new mod for Terraria based off of my comic books, I got lazy with this video because I pulled another all night but next time it will be better. My beta will start September 2nd 8:00 PM EST - October 2nd 8:00 PM EST Featuring ~ No One Become A Patron ~ http://www.patreon.com/user?u=272775&alert;=1 My Music ~ https://soundcloud.com/turtle-dragon-beats Note: All Games and Trademarks are Copyright of their Respective Owners For collaborations and business inquiries, please contact via Channel Pages: http://channelpages.com/MannyTheGamingTurtle For collaborations and business inquiries, please contact via Channel Pages: http://ChannelPages.com/MannyTheGamingTurtle
Full credit to The Juice Media for this video Uploaded by thejuicemedia on Dec 21, 2011 http://thejuicemedia.com RAP NEWS episode 10: The year we've all been waiting for - 2012AD (or, if you ask a Mayan) - is finally here. What will happen? Will we see the poles shift or a paradigm shift? Will a rogue Sumerian planet smash into our solar system, plunging us into serfdom under the iron fist of a race of gold-hungry aliens? Or are the aliens already here? Or are all these merely humanity's collective projections of itself as it careens towards an ever-accelerating super-connected cyber-reality - whatever that means... One thing's sure, if 2011 was a prelude of things to come, 2012 is going to be one hell of a year. Now that it has arrived, are we ready? Join your host Robert...
Pls leave a like and subscribed if you like thi video
NIGHTCORE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!!! I HOPE U ENJOYED IT, COMMENT AND RATE! MY CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1ZNLJR0Je_cBKD3d8Nlvg If you have a request you can write it in the comments or send it to naruto.uzomaki391@gmail.com :) Original song: Mob of the Dead Easter Egg song "Where are we going" Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Picture link: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm;=isch&source;=hp&biw;=1218&bih;=939&oq;=anime+zombies+&gs;_l=img.3..0i24l2.4305.7196.0.11963.;=anime%20zombies#q=anime%20guy%20sad&tbm;=isch&tbs;=simg%3ACAQSEglMrDM9-2J8pSHc5rqb5PQ5CQ&ei;=Po_TUdfCNIrVtQbjooCwDQ&ved;=0CAYQhxw&bav;=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm;=bv.48705608,d.Yms&fp;=59b605f5c0cc0ed&biw;=1218&bih;=939&facrc;=_&imgdii;=_&imgrc;=hS-3o_O4...
Code: 41**aa17.
How you can get Cave Game in the new launcher! :) ------------------ ? - Relaxing Piano (I dont now who made this music..) Cyborgs On Crack - Dicipline Le Chocolat Noir - Paste Nudo You can download these 3 songs here: http://bit.ly/songscg ------------------ I Recording with Camtasia 8
Terraria 1.0 (I think) A video I made almost 2 years ago for something to do that I recently found on my computer. Was thinking about making a series of videos in this format showing off different games likes this at the time, but for whatever reason I decided not to do it. (Laziness I guess.)
Alright so good news and bad news. I got my mic to capture live but the bad news is the audio mix is terrible so I am quiet and Farming Simulator is very loud. This is a lets play series that is going to focus on realism in Farming Simulator 17. Currently, all this means is that I will not be teleporting around or abusing any bugs in the game. Which we actually find one in CoursePlay in this episode. Modlist: Old Field Shed V1.0.0.0 4Real Module 02 - Tire Dirt V1.0.1.0 4Real Module 03 - Ground Response V1.0.0.0 Grainstorage V1.0.0.0 Holmer Pack V1.0.0.0 ITRunner Pack V1.0.0.3 New Holland Baler Pack V1.0.0.1 Reck Jumbo I V1.0.0.0 Shed Package V1.0.0.1 Woodchip Storage and Machinery Shed V1.0.0.0 CoursePlay V4.01.00124
Music: News Google Images: https://www.google.ca/search?q=the+end&rlz;=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA683&hl;=en-US&prmd;=ivmn&source;=lnms&tbm;=isch&sa;=X&ved;=0ahUKEwjzrOXRltrTAhVDLmMKHdE5BWQQ_AUICSgB#hl=en-US&tbm;=isch&q;=meaning+of+life&imgrc;=Nhou0V8aO0l9mM:&spf;=303 https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA683&hl;=en-US&biw;=1024&bih;=300&tbm;=isch&sa;=1&ei;=8S8NWZfmMYmejwPh5Z-ADQ&q;=the+end&oq;=&gs;_l=mobile-gws-img.1.1.35i39k1l3.;= https://www.google.ca/search?q=earth&rlz;=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA683&hl;=en-US&prmd;=inmv&source;=lnms&tbm;=isch&sa;=X&ved;=0ahUKEwiviK6lmNrTAhVRw2MKHSbhCwUQ_AUICSgB&biw;=1024&bih;=653#imgrc=jXQUWxXqjMcBAM:&spf;=158 https://www.google.ca/search?q=heaven+and+hell&rlz;=1C9BKJA_enCA679CA6...
I had too much fun making this silly video. Aftermath doesn't look too bad, hope the maps are cool. PSE's TAC-15 website: http://pse-archery.com/products/productdetail/part_number=01135/445. PSE ArcheryVvideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5nVSfv0Rlg 100 Yard Awesome Shot Guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDQthc4jap4 You can send questions in the comments or on twitter @daskro or on facebook.com/daskro If you like this series please subscribe. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=daskro
Description Of What I am Doing ~ I am working on a new mod for Terraria based off of my comic books, I got lazy with this video because I pulled another all night but next time it will be better. My beta will start September 2nd 8:00 PM EST - October 2nd 8:00 PM EST Featuring ~ No One Become A Patron ~ http://www.patreon.com/user?u=272775&alert;=1 My Music ~ https://soundcloud.com/turtle-dragon-beats Note: All Games and Trademarks are Copyright of their Respective Owners For collaborations and business inquiries, please contact via Channel Pages: http://channelpages.com/MannyTheGamingTurtle For collaborations and business inquiries, please contact via Channel Pages: http://ChannelPages.com/MannyTheGamingTurtle
Full credit to The Juice Media for this video Uploaded by thejuicemedia on Dec 21, 2011 http://thejuicemedia.com RAP NEWS episode 10: The year we've all been waiting for - 2012AD (or, if you ask a Mayan) - is finally here. What will happen? Will we see the poles shift or a paradigm shift? Will a rogue Sumerian planet smash into our solar system, plunging us into serfdom under the iron fist of a race of gold-hungry aliens? Or are the aliens already here? Or are all these merely humanity's collective projections of itself as it careens towards an ever-accelerating super-connected cyber-reality - whatever that means... One thing's sure, if 2011 was a prelude of things to come, 2012 is going to be one hell of a year. Now that it has arrived, are we ready? Join your host Robert...
Pls leave a like and subscribed if you like thi video
NIGHTCORE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!!! I HOPE U ENJOYED IT, COMMENT AND RATE! MY CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1ZNLJR0Je_cBKD3d8Nlvg If you have a request you can write it in the comments or send it to naruto.uzomaki391@gmail.com :) Original song: Mob of the Dead Easter Egg song "Where are we going" Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Picture link: https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm;=isch&source;=hp&biw;=1218&bih;=939&oq;=anime+zombies+&gs;_l=img.3..0i24l2.4305.7196.0.11963.;=anime%20zombies#q=anime%20guy%20sad&tbm;=isch&tbs;=simg%3ACAQSEglMrDM9-2J8pSHc5rqb5PQ5CQ&ei;=Po_TUdfCNIrVtQbjooCwDQ&ved;=0CAYQhxw&bav;=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm;=bv.48705608,d.Yms&fp;=59b605f5c0cc0ed&biw;=1218&bih;=939&facrc;=_&imgdii;=_&imgrc;=hS-3o_O4...
Code: 41**aa17.
How you can get Cave Game in the new launcher! :) ------------------ ? - Relaxing Piano (I dont now who made this music..) Cyborgs On Crack - Dicipline Le Chocolat Noir - Paste Nudo You can download these 3 songs here: http://bit.ly/songscg ------------------ I Recording with Camtasia 8
Terraria 1.0 (I think) A video I made almost 2 years ago for something to do that I recently found on my computer. Was thinking about making a series of videos in this format showing off different games likes this at the time, but for whatever reason I decided not to do it. (Laziness I guess.)
Various – 148 Label:Nabi Records – NABICD001 Format:CD, Compilation Country:France Released:Sep 2004 Genre:Electronic Style:Psy-Trance Tracklist 1 –Blisargon Demogorgon 15 Minutes 8.32 2 –Para Halu Bug In Your Mind 9.40 3 –N3xu5 Shadows From The Past 8.12 4 –Dejan Phoneky 6.57 5 –Toxic Bad News 7.12 6 –Bug Funk Fu Zin 8.00 7 –Dejan Morphosis 7.14 8 –Bug Funk Kamui 7.25 9 –DataKult Liquid Genocid 7.00 10 –.0.0.0. Domina 7.29 Companies, etc. Mastered At – The Hive Credits Design – Into Mastered By – Xenomorph Notes Design by Into (into-design.net)