

Manchester bomber: 'large part' of network in custody

Manchester, England: British officials expressed confidence on Friday that they had rounded up the bulk of the Manchester bomber's associates and said their efforts to avert a follow-up attack appeared to be succeeding.

"We've got hold of a large part of the network behind Manchester bombing," said Mark Rowley, the top counterterrorism official for the Metropolitan Police in London.

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New video of Manchester bomber emerges

A new video has emerged that appears to show Manchester bomber Salman Abedi outside his home.

Eight men, ages 18 to 38, were in custody, and searches were still taking place at 12 locations in the Manchester area, the city's top police official, Chief Constable Ian Hopkins, said at a news conference. "There has been enormous progress with the investigation, but there's still an awful lot of work to do," he said.

The latest raids occurred Friday morning at a barbershop in the Moss Side suburb and at a pizza restaurant in St. Helens, a town about 30 km west of Manchester.

Normal rhythms began to resume across Britain, even though the nation was on its highest level of alert "critical," meaning another attack could be "expected imminently" and was to remain so at least through the weekend.

Public events, including the Great Manchester Run, a 10-kilometer race and half-marathon scheduled for Sunday, will take place as planned. Hundreds of soldiers have been deployed to protect important sites around the country and to give relief to police forces.


Campaigning for the country's parliamentary election has resumed, and with polls showing the race tightening, the opposition Labour Party opened a line of criticism, asserting that Prime Minister Theresa May, who was previously the home secretary, and the governing Conservative Party had made Britain more vulnerable by pursuing a bellicose foreign policy and by cutting security budgets at home.

"Many experts, including professionals in our intelligence and security services, have pointed to the connections between wars our government has supported or fought in other countries, such as Libya, and terrorism here at home," the Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, said in a speech.

May accused rival Jeremy Corbyn of saying that Britain had brought terrorism upon itself, in an unusually personal attack that thrust the Manchester bombing into the centre of an election campaign less than two weeks before the vote.

May was at the Group of Seven in Sicily discussing global affairs with fellow leaders after campaigning had been suspended for three days. The mud-slinging marked May's own return to electioneering after a series of opinion polls showed her once dominant lead evaporating.

"I have been here today at the G-7 working with other international leaders to fight terrorism. At the same time Jeremy Corbyn has said that terror attacks in Britain are our own fault and he's chosen to do that just a few days after one of the worst terror atrocities we have experience in the UK," she said before leaving the summit early to return to London.

"I think the choice people face in the general election has just become starker," she said. "It's a choice between me working constantly to protect the national interest and working for security and Jeremy Corbyn who frankly isn't up to the job."

The bomber, Salman Abedi, 22, a native of Manchester, killed 22 people and injured at least 70 others Monday night when he blew himself up as a pop concert by U.S. singer Ariana Grande was ending at Manchester Arena.

Abedi was from the city's large Libyan community, his parents having fled the regime of Muammar Gadhafi in the early 1990s. The family returned to Libya - only temporarily, in the case of Salman and his elder brother - after Britain, France and the United States led a NATO campaign that helped topple Gadhafi in 2011.

Authorities have been scrambling to find out whether Abedi received help; how the bomb was built; and whether there were plans for another attack. There were many lingering worries Friday, most gravely the possibility that Abedi might have assembled sufficient explosive material to produce a second bomb.

Abedi opened a bank account a year ago, drew money from it to buy nails and screws from two hardware stores, and rented an apartment where he assembled the bomb, a law enforcement official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because authorities have prohibited unauthorised disclosures of investigative details, said Friday. "There was so much material left behind that it clearly could have been turned into at least one other bomb," the official said.

The last of the 22 victims was publicly identified as Megan Hurley, a 15-year-old from Halewood, near Liverpool. She attended the concert with her older brother, who was injured.

Grande, in a letter to her fans that was posted on her social media accounts on Friday, said she would return to Manchester and put on a benefit concert to raise money for the victims and their families.

New York Times, Bloomberg