Blog May 26
Doreen Nicoll | Hamilton singer, Josh Weresch, hopes people find themselves and a connection to others in his songs.
Blog May 26
Dr. Doug Klein, Edmonton family physician, Dr. David Ryan, St. Albert family physician, and Minister of Labour, Christina Gray.
David J. Climenhaga | Upon passage, Bill 17 will bring Alberta labour law as it pertains to unions into the late 20th Century and place it squarely in the middle of the legal mainstream.
Blog May 26
Screenshot from 2017 Conservative leadership debate in Toronto/CPAC
Karl Nerenberg | It will be a big weekend in Canadian federal politics. The Conservatives will get a new leader, while the NDP leadership candidates will debate each other in Sudbury.
Columnists May 26
Photo: Heads Up Aviation Photography/flickr
Jim Stanford | Air Canada has fared much better since its executives abandoned financial engineering in favour of actually running an airline. Real prosperity can't come from buying and selling pieces of paper.
Columnists May 26
Photo: The White House/flickr
Rick Salutin | Trump's speech in Riyadh this week was normal foreign policy drivel, which came as a relief. It was no more preposterous than what Obama, Clinton, or Trudeau deliver when they talk world issues.
Columnists May 25
Photos: Matt Jiggins/flickr; BGM Riding Association/Wikimedia Commons
Murray Dobbin | As they choose a new leader, NDP members will decide what they want their party to be. The two candidates who stand in greatest contrast are Manitoba MP Niki Ashton and newcomer Jagmeet Singh.
Blog May 26
Penney Kome | Congress can use the 25th Amendment to remove a president and appoint a new VP.
Columnists May 25
Photo: The White House/flickr
Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Donald Trump's arms deal with Saudi Arabia is wrong. It will inflame an already war-ravaged region, hitting Yemen especially hard.
Columnists May 25
Photo: peter pelisek/flickr
Katie Douglas, Pro Bono | At the beginning of May, a group of tenants in Toronto went on a rent strike, taking a creative and courageous stand to fix the issue of affordable housing.
Podcast May 25
Image: Wikimedia
Victoria Fenner | Civil rights activist, educator, and author Angela Davis spoke at the 2017 Canadian Labour Congress Convention. Listen to her keynote address here.
RabbleTV May 25
Screenshot from Not Rex video
Tristan Lettieri | Google says it's tough finding enough nerds to write the long strings of code to maintain their ever-evolving database, so they're bringing in robots to do the work.
News May 25
Image: Paul Ford/flickr
Meagan Gillmore | Workers in reality TV often work in unsafe and unhealthy environments, contributing to professional and personal drama that can rival the action on the shows they create. And, for now, it's legal.