'I was really stuck': Firefighters rescue aunt who tried to help niece

Fire fighters help Mel break free.
Fire fighters help Mel break free.  Photo: Plymouth Herald

When Mel Ellis saw that her 11-year-old niece had got herself her stuck in the toddler swing at the park, she did what any of us would do - she rushed to help her out.

She did not think that her actions would result in the fire brigade being called to help them both.

You see, her niece Layla had been mucking around with her cousin when she jumped into the baby swing then couldn't wiggle herself out. So Mel got into the neighbouring swing to show her young niece how to get pull herself free – and then it happened. She too got stuck.

"I only meant to help Layla get out – I didn't think I'd get stuck in the ruddy thing," Mel told the Plymouth Herald

"I was well and truly stuck.

"We were both in there for about an hour. It was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me."

Bystanders rang the fire brigade who were able to wiggle the two of them free, unhurt.

"The most embarrassing thing was getting stuck there – not the fire brigade coming along, who were nice and helpful."

Layla's mum, Michelle Lee, said the pair were good sports when the fire brigade was called.

"They came with flashing lights and everything. It was so funny," she said.

"They were both laughing about it.

"I don't think either of them will be trying to get into the baby swings any time soon."

I'm pretty sure they aren't the only people to get stuck in one of those swings – they look so tempting to jump into, particularly for kids trying to relive their childhood. You wouldn't expect to get stuck in one.

There's no judgement here, but you've got to admit it's a little funny.