Blind boy sends letter of thanks to Nintendo for making a game he can play

 Photo: kentarock1020/Twitter

Like any 11-year-old boy, Hibiki Sakai just wanted to be part of the gaming world along with his peers. But the loss of his sight at age two meant the fifth grader often missed out things other children take for granted.

So when he discovered Nintendo's Rhythm Heaven, one of the only games the 11-year-old can play, he wrote to thank the gaming powerhouse for making it and urging them to make more games for people with disabilities.

It read:

Hibiki's letter to Nintendo. Photo: kentarock1020/Twitter
Hibiki's letter to Nintendo. Photo: kentarock1020/Twitter 

Dear Nintendo,

How do you do. My name is Hibiki Sakai, and I am in 5th grade.

I cannot see with my eyes, but I have always wanted to play games, just like everybody else. There were hardly any games I could play.

The only game I could actually play was "Rhythm Heaven." I was able to enjoy only this game with others, and no one could beat me in this game.

I have perfected the game on Game Boy Advance, Game Boy DS, Wii, and 3DS.

Therefore, I strongly hope you keep making "Rhythm Heaven" going forward. I can handle it, even if you made it a little bit harder!!


I am sure that there are many visually impaired kids besides me who want to but cannot play games.

That is why I hope you develop games that people with physical disabilities can enjoy with other people. I will continue to support Nintendo.


Hibiki Sakai

To Hibiki's surprise, Nintendo replied in both Braille and a typed letter in Japanese script, thanking him for his appreciation and suggestions.

Then this:

"Hibiki, your letter will be shared with our game developing team. We will keep doing our best to create games that everyone can have fun with. We hope you will keep supporting us."


Rhythm Heaven is a game where players try to keep up with increasingly difficult drumming routines.

Hibiki became fond of making sounds after losing both his eyes at age two to retinoblastoma - a childhood eye cancer. His dad, Kentaro, told Buzzfeed News that it was a harrowing time.

"We spent days crying," he said. "But Hibiki's positive will to live gave our family a ray of light. After starting to play the drums at age four, he has taught me so many things."

Check out Hibiki's style posted on his dad's Twitter.