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Iran elections: presidential debates or reality TV show?

The third and final round of the presidential debates took place on May 12, a week before Iranians head to the polls to cast their votes on May 19. The debate was supposed to focus on the Iranian economy but instead became a platform for every other grievance.

The debate degenerated into a spectacle – a vulgar reality TV show – which elicited tears, cheers and jeers among many: decades after a revolution that was meant to fight corruption and injustice, Iran’s senior politicians are mired in all sorts of scandals involving misuse of funds and abuse of power.

The three-hour debate exposed grievous shortfalls in the performance and achievements of the country’s politicians. Candidates exchanged jaw-dropping accusations, which only raised doubts that the outcome of this election would generate any change for the better. Out of the six running candidates, it was clear that two are not serious contenders and only qualified to fill the seats as extras in the debates. Ironically, these two performed better in the debates than the four major candidates, mainly due to their untarnished records.

Read also Shervin Ahmadi & Philippe Descamps, « Big hopes, smaller changes », Le Monde diplomatique, May 2016. Still, this election is really divided into two camps. One camp belongs to the moderates represented by the incumbent, Hassan Rohani, and his vice president, Ishaq Jahangiri. The other camp is that of the hardliners, led by Ibrahim Raisi and Mohammad Baqer Galibaf.

The black turbaned Ibrahim Raisi has been running one of the richest individual charity institutions in Iran, Qods Razavi; he was appointed to the position by the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. As for Mohammad Baqir Galibaf, the ambitious mayor of Tehran, and a former police chief and a veteran Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander from the Iran-Iraq war, it is his third time he has run in a presidential election.

If the first two presidential debates had a few dramatic showdowns, the third felt like a battleground. The rivals exposed each other’s darkest secrets, accusing them of corruption and abuse of public assets. That clearly won no favours with the Supreme Leader, who warned the candidates only last week to desist from broaching subjects that benefit ‘the enemy’. In Iran, the word ‘enemy’ is widely. Nearly 40 years after the Revolution, those who preside over the system do not see themselves as immune from overthrow or a public uprising. And the regime’s greatest nightmare are these presidential elections, which every four years pry open the curtains of the state and expose unseemly truths about the system and its senior politicians.

Read also Ahmad Salamatian, « Iran’s stolen election », Le Monde diplomatique, July 2009. What Ayatollah Khamenei wants and needs is a large voter turnout to prove that the system retains a popular support base and thereby claim legitimacy. But the reality is that the election is a tricky business for the system. While it can be used as a show of democracy to the world, it can also reveal the dissatisfaction of the populace, just as it did in 2009 when thousands poured out into the streets to protest against the outcome of the election. The ‘green movement’ supporters took to the streets and were seen to have jeopardised national security. Memories of human rights violations committed against those who protested are still fresh. The government admitted to at least 27 deaths; and 2,500 were arrested in Tehran. The two leading presidential candidates, Mir Hussain Mousavi with his wife and Mehdi Karobi, remain under house arrest without charges.

The Supreme Leader can’t be too cautious if he wants to avoid a repeat of the 2009 scenario, particularly at such a sensitive moment, with uncertainty over US foreign policy in the Middle East. But the priorities of Iran’s presidential contenders are different. For the moderates close to Rohani, holding the office of president is essential, as their last firm territory.And in the absence of a heavyweight figure such as former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (who died last winter), it’s important for the moderates to invest in a new figure. Rohani seems the ideal consensus candidate to groom for the future.

For hardliners, who are mainly close to the Revolutionary Guards, Ibrahim Raisi is a perfect candidate. Raisi was the deputy chief justice during the crackdown following the 2009 election protests and was also involved in the execution of political prisoners during the 1980s and 1990s.

None of this was raised during the recent debates.

Most people are aware that the IRGC tends to benefit from a closed, stagnant and corrupt economic system, and having an ally in power means the economic reform and implementation of the Iran nuclear accord would be undermined by a hardliner presidency.

This presidential campaign has centred on the economy and unemployment; but the personal attacks and the revelations of corruption turned off most viewers. None of the candidates look especially good, but the choice is clear: does the country continue along the same path of gradual improvement, which began with Iran’s nuclear deal with the West two years ago, or does it make a U-turn and return the time of Ahmadinejad, marked by sanctions, a crippled economy and endless confrontation?

The spotlight was on Rohani and Raisi, seen as the real rivals at this election. Yet someone else stole the hearts of millions of Iranians. Mostafa Hashemitaba a 70-year-old veteran politician who served as vice president, sports minister and minister of industry under Rafsanjani, was the star of the last debate. During the wrap-up five minutes given to each candidate, Hashemitaba said that ‘none of the promises given to you are rational’.

Was he referring to Raisi and Qalibaf’s promise to increase subsidies for the poor or Rohani’s pledge to ‘solve the rest of the sanctions in the next four years’? Any such promise requires fundamental changes. Spreading cash means more inflation and economic crisis, and lifting the rest of the sanctions means dramatic regional change and direct negotiations with the US (the remaining sanctions relate to terrorism and human rights).

The debates showed people that Rohani is no different from the rest of the politicians within the system; but where Rohani differs from the hardliners is in his ability to speak with the West and his desire to improve the economy through his commitment to the Iran nuclear deal.

These are good enough reasons to convince the Supreme Leader to support moderation and diplomacy; as he has often said, the nation’s security and stability is more important than anything. Now it is up to Iranian voters to have their say.

Camelia Entekhabifard

Camelia Entekhabifard is an Iranian/American journalist, political commentator and author of Camelia: Save Yourself By Telling the Truth, Seven Stories Press, 2008.

All views expressed here are the author’s alone

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