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loader();   //------------------------------------------ function testPreLoadToken(strPassedFormName) //------------------------------------------ { var urlPassedString =; var re = /[+]/gi; var strWebFormID = ""; var strINST = ""; var strTemp = ""; var intFoundToken = 0; var varElement; var strCompanyID = ""; // parse our string of data into it's appropriate name and value pairs if (urlPassedString.length != 0) { var token =''; arrPassedString = urlPassedString.split("&") for (intI = 0; intI < arrPassedString.length; intI++) { qsValue = ''; qsName = ''; qsName = arrPassedString[intI].substring(0, arrPassedString[intI].indexOf("=",1)); qsValue = arrPassedString[intI].substring(arrPassedString[intI].indexOf("=",1)+1) if (qsValue.substring(0, 1) == "+") { qsValue = qsValue.substring(1, qsValue.length) } qsValue = unescape(qsValue.replace(re, " ")); qsValue = qsValue.replace(/%D%A/gi, "\n"); //@@@ qsValue = qsValue.replace(/%D���/gi, "\nA"); qsValue = qsValue.replace(/���/gi, "\nA"); //@@@ qsName = unescape(qsName.replace(re, " ")); qsName = qsName.toUpperCase(); if (qsValue == "") qsValue="1"; if (qsName == "TOKEN" && qsValue != "") { token = qsValue; intFoundToken = 1; // Find the original Online Form ID if (window.document.forms[strPassedFormName]["W"]) { strWebFormID = window.document.forms[strPassedFormName]["W"].value; } if (window.document.forms[strPassedFormName]["I"]) { strINST = window.document.forms[strPassedFormName]["I"].value; } if (strWebFormID != "") { strTemp = "" + token + "&W=" + strWebFormID + "&I=" + strINST + "&U=" + escape(window.location); window.location = strTemp; } } } } } testPreLoadToken('rci');     //--------------------------------------------------------------------- function TurnOtherOff(intMimeTypeId,lngMailinglistId,objthis,thisform) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- { var strTextTypeBox = 'MLID_' + lngMailinglistId + '_2'; var strHTMLTypebox = 'MLID_' + lngMailinglistId + '_4'; var frmWebform = window.document.forms[thisform]; if(intMimeTypeId==2) { for(i=0;i   *Required field

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