One Wisconsin Now

Join Our Fight to Restore Progressive Values to Public Policy in Wisconsin

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One Wisconsin Now

Stand up for the First Amendment. Sign the Petition to Tell Legislators to Oppose Wisconsin Assembly Bill 299.

Our Profile

One Wisconsin Now has established a reputable statewide and national profile, providing a leading voice for progressives in the media on a range of issues. In addition to regular appearances on MSNBC, our staff and our work has been cited in national media stories by major publications including the New York Times, the Nation, the Progressive Magazine, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Washington Post, Huffington Post, and USAToday.

Our Team

Bill Stephen

Board President

Stephanie Bloomingdale

Vice President

David Sensenbrenner

Secretary / Treasurer

Pat Kreitlow

Board Member

John Grabel

Board Member

Sara Geenen

Board Member

Our staff are experts in opposition and educational research, media communications, online campaigns. We are the progressive information hub for allied organizations and tens of thousands of activists across Wisconsin.

Scot Ross

Scot Ross
Executive Director

Scot Ross, One Wisconsin Now and One Wisconsin Institute Executive Director since 2007, has served as a senior communications director and research strategist for numerous statewide campaigns and elected officials.

Ross has worked as a communications director in the United States Congress, the Office of the Attorney General in the Wisconsin Department of Justice and the Wisconsin State Legislature. Ross was research director for America Coming Together and research director the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He also unsuccessfully challenged a 30-year incumbent Democrat for WI Secretary of State in 2006 and, consequently, now strongly believes in term limits.

A former journalist, Ross got his first professional job as a reporter at age 18 and his stories have appeared in publications ranging from the Pittsburgh Press and The New York Times. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in English and earned an MA from George Washington University.

While at One Wisconsin Now & Institute, Ross has overseen the organizations’ from a several hundred-member email list to Wisconsin’s most-often quoted progressive advocacy organization with over 75,000 online supporters. The organizations’ work has appeared in thousands of media stories and Ross has been a guest on national television and radio programs including The Rachel Maddow Show, the Ed Show, Melissa Harris-Perry, Opening Bell with Maria Bartiromo and has been quoted in national publications ranging from The New York Times to USAToday to The Washington Post.

Among his favorite moments at work: When Stephen Colbert made fun of Scott Walker for nine minutes based on the “Thanks again and Molotov” letter that One Wisconsin Now uncovered.

Mike Browne

Mike Browne
Deputy Director

Mike has been involved in progressive politics in Wisconsin for two decades – working for leadership in the Wisconsin Senate and Assembly, progressive political candidates and issue organizations at the state and local level.

Serving as the communications director for two Senate Democratic Leaders, including the leader of the “Wisconsin 14”, has given Mike extensive experience working with state and national media to deliver the progressive viewpoint on issues. His involvement as a top policy aide in the development of state budgets and other legislation has provided Mike with a broad understanding of state issues and the implications of policy initiatives.

Mike lives in Madison and has two children.

Jenni Dye

Jenni Dye
Research Director

A lifelong Wisconsinite, Jenni is passionate about progressive politics and engaging more people in the political process.

Jenni previously served as executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin and Foundation and was actively involved in the 2011 Wisconsin union protests. She has presented at numerous conferences on her grassroots work during the 2011 Wisconsin uprising and in advancing progressive policy at the local level, including presentations to the Personal Democracy Forum and People for the American Way’s Young Elected Official Convening.

Prior to working in politics, Jenni was an attorney with Community Justice and with Carney, Davies & Thorpe, working on family law, consumer protection, and municipal issues. She is a proud graduate of the University of Wisconsin, earning a degree in political science at UW before attending UW Law. During college, she interned with State Senator Judy Robson for several years.

Jenni lives in Fitchburg and currently represents her community on the Dane County Board.

Analiese Eicher

Analiese Eicher
Program Director

Analiese is the program and development director at partner organizations One Wisconsin Now and One Wisconsin Institute where she primarily works on two programs: fighting the trillion dollar student loan debt crisis and protecting the right to vote.

Prior to joining One Wisconsin Now/Institute, Analiese served as the government relations director and chief lobbyist for United Council of UW Students and as District 5 Supervisor on the Dane County Board. She currently serves as the vice chair of the Emerge WI Board and as soccer coach to a great team of kids.

She is a proud UW-Madison Badger and lives in Sun Prairie, WI.

Cody Oliphant

Cody Oliphant
Online Director

Cody currently oversees online communications, web development, and graphic design at One Wisconsin Now & the Institute, having served previously as Deputy Research Director from 2009 to 2012.

As a student at a University of Wisconsin college, Cody was a reporter and editor of the student newspaper. In 2008, he graduated from UW-Madison with a degree in political science and began an internship at our organization. A lifelong resident of Wisconsin, Cody grew up in Viola, a small community in the Kickapoo Valley in the southwestern part of the state.

Cody and his family live in Cottage Grove with their cat, Pearl.