United Nations Development Programme

Russian Federation

Media about us

See Russian language publications in the Russian version of this site

25.02.2013. Russia Beyond the Headlines.'New Weather Station in Siberia to Monitor Climate Change'

22.02.2013. National Geographic Magazine."Save the Saiga: Poachers Responsible for a Dwindling Population"

08.11.2012.The Telegraph.'The women living in Chernobyl's toxic wasteland'.

01.11.2012. Parolimpics.Org.'The Black Sea Day Celebrations Take Pleace in Sochi ECO-Town'.

30.10.2012. Aroundthethings. 'Sochi celebrates International Black Sea Day'.

27.10.2012. Sochi'2014 News Portal. 'Sochi celebrates International Black Sea Day'.

20.10.2012. Voice of Russia Radio Station. 'Russia’s carbon-trading initiatives'.

23.06.2012. Voice of Russia Radio Station. 'Green capitalism'.

09.06.2012.RIA Novosti. 'Russia needs to create Marine Protected Areas'.

24.03.2012. MIGnews.com. 'UN struggles for clean Baikal'.

21.03.2012. RIA Novosti. 'UNDP and Ministry for Natural Recources and Environment will create 12 new protected areas in steppes regions'

21.02.2012. RIA Novosti.In first for Russia, RIA Novosti journalist on jury for UN journalism contest

10.02.2012. RIA Novosti. ‘The GEF will provide $7 million to the program of greening of oil, coal-mining industries and hydroenergetics’.

01.04.2012. Voice of Russia Radio Station.'The UNDP in Moscow'.

01.03.2012. Wood.Ru.'Krasnoyarsk Krai was praised for creating and preserving protected areas'

29.06.2012. Voice of Russia Radio Station. 'Standards and labels for promoting energy efficiency in Russia'.

27.01.2012. RIA Novosti. 'UN will forward 9 million rubles to establish a new natural park in the Altai region'

 22.01.2012. Voice of Russia. Climate Change: 2011 highlights and 2012 previews. Part II. Interview with Alexander Averchenkov, UNDP Senior Climate Change Advisor

15.01.2012. Voice of Russia. Climate Change: 2011 highlights and 2012 previews.Part I. Interview with Alexander Averchenkov, UNDP Senior Climate Change Advisor

09.11.2011. The Moscow Times. UN Report Says Slash Fossil Fuel Subsidies

21.08.2011. Voice of Russia. Green Corporate Responsibility in Russia.

17.07.2011. Voice of Russia. Solving traffic congestion in Kazakhstan and Russia.

26.06.2011. Voice of Russia. Lighting efficiency and uniformity of standards in Russia.

06.06.2011 UNDP/GEF Project issues 2010 Newsletter "Living Future of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion"

20.05.2011.H2O Film Festival marks International year of forests: Voice of Russia

05.04.2011. Development&Transition. Russia and the World Trade Organization

24.03.2011.Global Port.ru. Mongolia will help Russia to protect Lake Baikal from dirty runoff

13.02.2011. Voice of Russia. Russia becomes UN donor country

8.11.2010. Voice of Russia radio.The Future of the United Nations in Russia (Interview with Frode Mauring, UNDP Resident Representative in Russia)

26.10.2010. Media on the 2010 National Human Development Report

06.09.2010. Aftenposten.Skoleåpning vekker grufulle minner i Beslan

06.09.2010. Aftenposten.Skoleåpning vekker grufulle minner i Beslan

02.08.2010. Voice of Russia.Geoengineering at issue

20.04.2010. The Moscow Times. Risk of 'Dutch Disease' Worsening by 2020, Says UN

29.03.2010. Voice of Russia. World community denounces terrorist attacks on Moscow metro

05.10.2009. Media on the UNDP Global Human Development Report 2009

03.08.09. Voice of Russia Radio. Timelines programme. Interview with Frode Mauring, UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative in RF

09.07.2009. Michelle Obama visited the Sisterhood of St. Dmitry, where UNDP project is implemented

17.05.2009. AFP. Crisis bad news for Russia’s shrinking population

05.05.2009. WORLDFOCUS. Online radio show on Russia’s population in peril

30.04.2009. Media about National Human Development Report 2008

11.07.2008. The Moscow Times. Boosting Population a Vague Science

28.04.2008. Demographic Policy in Russia: from Reflection to Action. Media overview

11.04.2008, The Moscow Times, UN Head Looks to Moscow for Funds

February 2008. Diplomat magazine. The Driving Force of Nothern Regions' Development(PDF)

20.08.2007. The Moscow Times. State Capitalism as a Model for Development.

15.05.2007. Media overview related to National Human Development Report launch

30.03.2007. Interfax. Interview with Marco Borsotti, UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative in the RF

14.02.2007. Maria Sharapova appointed UNDP Goodwill Ambassador. Media overview.

Rossiskaya Gazeta. 15.12.2006. UN Under-Secretary-General told RG who benefits from decentralization of the global organization

ITAR-TASS. 28.11.2006. Ad Melkert to discuss Russia-UNDP cooperation in Moscow.

15 July 2006, Rossiiskaya Gazeta. Keeping the G8’s Promises to the Poor

July 2006, Diplomat magazine, UN Priorities in the Context of G8 Agenda in 2006

05 July 2006, Media overview of the launch of the Update to the Inter-Agency Transitional Workplan for the North Caucasus

20 June 2006, ITAR TASS about new UNDP report National Millennium Development Goals: A framework for action

9 June 2006, Helsingin Sanomat. UN helps in reconstraction of the war-affected North Caucasus (PDF, in Finnish)

14 February 2006, The Moscow Times "State Pressure Motivates Most Corporate Giving"

20 January 2006, Interfax, UN representative in Russia: We will seek easier access for UN personnel to Chechnya

To view the archive of 'Media about us' section (2004, 2005) click here

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