- published: 03 Mar 2016
- views: 3338
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management, with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses.
Royalty-free, or RF, refers to the right to use copyrighted material or intellectual property without the need to pay royalties or license fees for each use or per volume sold, or some time period of use or sales.
Many computer industry standards, especially those developed and submitted by industry consortium's or individual companies, involve royalties for the actual use of these standards. These royalties are typically charged on a "per port" basis, where the manufacturer of end-user devices has to pay a small fixed fee for each device sold, and also include a substantial annual fixed fee. With millions of devices sold each year, the royalties can amount to several millions of dollars, which is a significant burden for the manufacturer. Examples of such royalties-based standards include IEEE 1394, HDMI, and H.264/MPEG-4 AVC.
Royalty-free standards do not include any "per-port" or "per-volume" charges or annual payments for the actual implementation of the standard, even though the text of the actual specification is typically protected by copyright and needs to be purchased from the standards body. Most open standards are royalty-free, and many proprietary standards are royalty-free as well. Examples of royalty-free standards include DisplayPort, VGA, VP8, and Matroska.
Free music or libre music is music that, like free software, can freely be copied, distributed and modified for any purpose. Thus free music is either in the public domain or licensed under a free license by the artist or copyright holder themselves, often as a method of promotion. It does not mean that there should be no fee involved. The word free refers to freedom (as in free software), not to price.
The Free Music Philosophy generally encourages creators to free music using whatever language or methods they wish. A Free Music Public License (FMPL) is available for those who prefer a formal approach. Some free music is licensed under licenses that are intended for software (like the GPL) or other writings (the GFDL). But there are also licenses especially for music and other works of art, such as EFF's Open Audio License, LinuxTag's Open Music License, the Free Art license and some of the Creative Commons Licences.
Before the advent of copyright law in the early 18th century and its subsequent application to music compositions first, all music was "free" according to the definitions used in free software or free music, since there were no copyright restrictions. In practice however, music reproduction was generally restricted to live performances and the legalities of playing other people's music was unclear in most jurisdictions. Copyright laws changed this gradually so much so that in the late 20th century, copying a few words of a musical composition or a few seconds of a sound recording, the two forms of music copyright, could be considered criminal infringement.
'Stars In Her Skies' - Pensive Uplifting Orchestral Cue (CC BY 4.0)
FREE HD stock footage: Passing Clouds CC-BY NatureClip, 2013
Runner Utopia (Royalty Free Music) [CC-BY-NC-ND]
Bertin - Memories [CC BY-SA 3.0] + Download
'Forever Sky' - Uplifting Ambient Rock (CC BY 4.0)
Afternoon Blaze (Royalty Free Music) [CC-BY-NC-ND]
FREE HD background: Pink Rose CC-BY NatureClip, 2013
Close of Day (Royalty Free Music) [CC-BY-NC-ND]
Creative Commons CC BY NC SA 4 0 marking free to use
"Stars in her skies, faint but infinite; I can almost see them from here." Follow Scott on... Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/musoscientific Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/musicbyscottb... Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/musicbyscottb 'Stars In Her Skies' by Scott Buckley (released under CC BY 4.0). Download this track, and more cinematic creative commons music at http://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library - a library of music for indie filmmakers, media artists and game designers - free for both non-commercial and commercial use. If you liked it, 'like' it! Share it with your friends, use it in your projects and spread the word - it's much appreciated! Photo credit: Sarath Kuchi (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sarath_... BY-SA)
No watermark, no ads, no music - 12 min of uninterrupted clouds passing by. Enjoy! Download FREE from http://www.natureclip.co.nr (no sign up required) Free to re-use under a Creative Commons by Attribution license (credit required) Go to http://www.natureclip.co.nr for more content, T&C; and FAQ. Subscribers can download the full HD (non compressed) version for FREE! Remember: provide credit & do not simply re-upload my videos in original (raw) form - please be creative and mix with your own or others content - see T&C.; 'Passing Clouds' CC-BY NatureClip, 2013 http://youtube.com/natureclip You must credit me using the above if you use this video under a Creative Commons by Attribution license (CC-BY). You can also purchase a single use non-attribution at http://www.natureclip.co.nr Y...
"Runner Utopia" by Jens Kiilstofte is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International. Download Free Mp3 & Purchase Commercial Use & Sync. license at: https://snd.ms/music/runner-utopia Our licensing boils down to the following three rules [1] If you buy one of our premium packages (PRIME, MULTISTEM or ELIAS), the music is yours to reuse as many times as you like, in any commercial or non-commercial project. [2] If you download a free version of our music, you can use that for listening, and share it with friends and family. [3] If you download a “Legacy Track” you can use that for free in any kind of commercial or non-commercial project as many times you like, when giving credit to the artist. Read more about our Licensing: https://machini...
Download: Mediafire (OFFICIAL LINK): http://www.mediafire.com/listen/8yy74sadset9bxc Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IGv0SJQjpSNTd5WGYyYW4xd1U/view?usp=sharing El material de este vídeo hace uso de licencias Creative Commons: licencia CC BY-SA 3.0, que permite el uso del material con fines comerciales mediante atribución, y cuyo material resultante de dicho uso obtenga una licencia similar; licencia CC0 1.0, cuyo material está definido como de dominio público. Otra parte del material no tiene licencias Creative Commons, sin embargo su uso comercial está permitido. El resto del material es original. Música: "Memories" by Bertin https://soundcloud.com/bertin01/bertin-memories-free-download is licensed under a Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
Follow me on... Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/musoscientific Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/musicbyscottbuckley Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/musicbyscottb 'Forever Sky' by Scott Buckley (released under CC BY 4.0). Download this track, and more creative commons music at www.scottbuckley.com.au/library - a library of music for indie filmmakers, media artists and game designers - free for both non-commercial and commercial use. If you liked it, 'like' it! Share it with your friends, and spread the word - it's much appreciated!
"Afternoon Blaze" by Jens Kiilstofte is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International. Download Free Mp3 & Purchase Commercial Use & Sync. license at: https://snd.ms/music/afternoon-blaze Our licensing boils down to the following three rules [1] If you buy one of our premium packages (PRIME, MULTISTEM or ELIAS), the music is yours to reuse as many times as you like, in any commercial and non-commercial project. [2] If you download a free version of our music, you can use that for listening, and share it with friends and family. [3] If you download a "Legacy Track" you can use that for free in any kind of commercial or non-commercial project as many times you like, when giving credit to the artist. If in doubt, read our...
Download FREE from http://www.downloadnatureclip.blogspot.co.uk (no sign up required) Free to re-use under a Creative Commons by Attribution license Go to http://natureclip.co.nr for T&C;, FAQ and even more free content. Remember: provide credit & do not simply re-upload my videos in original (raw) form - please be creative and mix with your own or others content - see T&C.; Pink Rose CC-BY NatureClip, 2013 http://youtube.com/natureclip You must credit me using the above if you use this video under a Creative Commons by Attribution license (CC-BY). You can also purchase a single use non-attribution at http://www.downloadnatureclip.blogspot.co.uk You can help support NatureClip using Tip Jar, by subscribing or you can: a) 'like' NatureClip on Facebook http://facebook.com/natureclip b) T...
"Close of Day" by Jens Kiilstofte is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International. Download Free Mp3 & Purchase Commercial Use & Sync. license at: https://snd.ms/music/close-of-day Our licensing boils down to the following three rules [1] If you buy one of our premium packages (PRIME, MULTISTEM or ELIAS), the music is yours to reuse as many times as you like, in any commercial or non-commercial project. [2] If you download a free version of our music, you can use that for listening, and share it with friends and family. [3] If you download a “Legacy Track” you can use that for free in any kind of commercial or non-commercial project as many times you like, when giving credit to the artist. Read more about our Licensing: https://machinima...
This is a video made using information and logos from the Creative Commons website. You can use this video to make it easier for your audience to understand what they can and cannot do using your work which you licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Contact me, if you'd like other Creative Commons licenses animated too, or you'd like this one modified. Download and use video for your project: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=58CAE3D6D731148C!156857&authkey;=!AEp5F28IfE-gXEo&ithint;=video%2cmp4 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
"Stars in her skies, faint but infinite; I can almost see them from here." Follow Scott on... Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/musoscientific Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/musicbyscottb... Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/musicbyscottb 'Stars In Her Skies' by Scott Buckley (released under CC BY 4.0). Download this track, and more cinematic creative commons music at http://www.scottbuckley.com.au/library - a library of music for indie filmmakers, media artists and game designers - free for both non-commercial and commercial use. If you liked it, 'like' it! Share it with your friends, use it in your projects and spread the word - it's much appreciated! Photo credit: Sarath Kuchi (https://www.flickr.com/photos/sarath_... BY-SA)
No watermark, no ads, no music - 12 min of uninterrupted clouds passing by. Enjoy! Download FREE from http://www.natureclip.co.nr (no sign up required) Free to re-use under a Creative Commons by Attribution license (credit required) Go to http://www.natureclip.co.nr for more content, T&C; and FAQ. Subscribers can download the full HD (non compressed) version for FREE! Remember: provide credit & do not simply re-upload my videos in original (raw) form - please be creative and mix with your own or others content - see T&C.; 'Passing Clouds' CC-BY NatureClip, 2013 http://youtube.com/natureclip You must credit me using the above if you use this video under a Creative Commons by Attribution license (CC-BY). You can also purchase a single use non-attribution at http://www.natureclip.co.nr Y...
"Runner Utopia" by Jens Kiilstofte is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International. Download Free Mp3 & Purchase Commercial Use & Sync. license at: https://snd.ms/music/runner-utopia Our licensing boils down to the following three rules [1] If you buy one of our premium packages (PRIME, MULTISTEM or ELIAS), the music is yours to reuse as many times as you like, in any commercial or non-commercial project. [2] If you download a free version of our music, you can use that for listening, and share it with friends and family. [3] If you download a “Legacy Track” you can use that for free in any kind of commercial or non-commercial project as many times you like, when giving credit to the artist. Read more about our Licensing: https://machini...
Download: Mediafire (OFFICIAL LINK): http://www.mediafire.com/listen/8yy74sadset9bxc Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3IGv0SJQjpSNTd5WGYyYW4xd1U/view?usp=sharing El material de este vídeo hace uso de licencias Creative Commons: licencia CC BY-SA 3.0, que permite el uso del material con fines comerciales mediante atribución, y cuyo material resultante de dicho uso obtenga una licencia similar; licencia CC0 1.0, cuyo material está definido como de dominio público. Otra parte del material no tiene licencias Creative Commons, sin embargo su uso comercial está permitido. El resto del material es original. Música: "Memories" by Bertin https://soundcloud.com/bertin01/bertin-memories-free-download is licensed under a Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b...
Follow me on... Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/musoscientific Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/musicbyscottbuckley Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/musicbyscottb 'Forever Sky' by Scott Buckley (released under CC BY 4.0). Download this track, and more creative commons music at www.scottbuckley.com.au/library - a library of music for indie filmmakers, media artists and game designers - free for both non-commercial and commercial use. If you liked it, 'like' it! Share it with your friends, and spread the word - it's much appreciated!
"Afternoon Blaze" by Jens Kiilstofte is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International. Download Free Mp3 & Purchase Commercial Use & Sync. license at: https://snd.ms/music/afternoon-blaze Our licensing boils down to the following three rules [1] If you buy one of our premium packages (PRIME, MULTISTEM or ELIAS), the music is yours to reuse as many times as you like, in any commercial and non-commercial project. [2] If you download a free version of our music, you can use that for listening, and share it with friends and family. [3] If you download a "Legacy Track" you can use that for free in any kind of commercial or non-commercial project as many times you like, when giving credit to the artist. If in doubt, read our...
Download FREE from http://www.downloadnatureclip.blogspot.co.uk (no sign up required) Free to re-use under a Creative Commons by Attribution license Go to http://natureclip.co.nr for T&C;, FAQ and even more free content. Remember: provide credit & do not simply re-upload my videos in original (raw) form - please be creative and mix with your own or others content - see T&C.; Pink Rose CC-BY NatureClip, 2013 http://youtube.com/natureclip You must credit me using the above if you use this video under a Creative Commons by Attribution license (CC-BY). You can also purchase a single use non-attribution at http://www.downloadnatureclip.blogspot.co.uk You can help support NatureClip using Tip Jar, by subscribing or you can: a) 'like' NatureClip on Facebook http://facebook.com/natureclip b) T...
"Close of Day" by Jens Kiilstofte is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivatives 4.0 International. Download Free Mp3 & Purchase Commercial Use & Sync. license at: https://snd.ms/music/close-of-day Our licensing boils down to the following three rules [1] If you buy one of our premium packages (PRIME, MULTISTEM or ELIAS), the music is yours to reuse as many times as you like, in any commercial or non-commercial project. [2] If you download a free version of our music, you can use that for listening, and share it with friends and family. [3] If you download a “Legacy Track” you can use that for free in any kind of commercial or non-commercial project as many times you like, when giving credit to the artist. Read more about our Licensing: https://machinima...
This is a video made using information and logos from the Creative Commons website. You can use this video to make it easier for your audience to understand what they can and cannot do using your work which you licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Contact me, if you'd like other Creative Commons licenses animated too, or you'd like this one modified. Download and use video for your project: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=58CAE3D6D731148C!156857&authkey;=!AEp5F28IfE-gXEo&ithint;=video%2cmp4 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Germany English. French. Spanish China. Director: Götz Friedrich Writers: Oscar Wilde (based on the play by), Hedwig Lachmann (translation: German) Stars: Teresa Stratas, Hans Beirer, Astrid Varnay | ----------------------------------------- A stunning performance of the Strauss opera. Stratas is one of the great actresses of the operatic stage, and one of the few petite enough to play a physically convincing Salome. She can seem like a child on stage, and of how many divas can you say that? This, like "Lulu," is an opera the lady simply owns. The production exudes sex (the John the Baptist is pretty hot too, which helps a lot), and it's very faithful to the spirit of the original, with a Beardsley-esqe quality to the production design that is NOT, however, cartoonish. If you happen to li...
Como animar tu logo en Adobe Flash CC By @GianDesignsS SUSCRIBIRSE PARA MAS VÍDEOS TUTORIALES SI LES GUSTO ESTE TUTORIAL. Cualquier duda escríbanme a mi Gmail: GianDesignsS@gmail.com facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GianDesignsS twitter : @GianDesignsS (url) https://twitter.com/GianDesigns youtube canal: https://www.youtube.com/user/GianDesigns
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/entvisual STRANGE EVENTS... Exciting video that made people around the world shocked World news This material is under Creative Commons (CC BY) License from YouTube's own Creative Commons library, for more info on Creative Commons CC BY Licenses and what rights are included for others to reuse, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/entvisual STRANGE EVENTS... IF It was NOT filmed, NO ONE would believe it World news This material is under Creative Commons (CC BY) License from YouTube's own Creative Commons library, for more info on Creative Commons CC BY Licenses and what rights are included for others to reuse, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license Copyright Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
[MKTD] #84 باور رينجرز,المجمدة إلسا,سبايدرمان - فيلم كرتون 2017 power rangers en français - dessin animé 2017 by Power Rangers en Français Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos and compilations :) Music: Youtube Audio Library Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a CC Attribution 3.0 Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) http://creativecommons.org Twin Musicom Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.org/
1 Hour of some of the best classical flute music for studying and concentration by Georg Friedrich Händel. It is the perfect relaxing instrumental music for studying and better learning to focus and it is also great classical music to study, concentrate, writing or working in office. Use this classical music for relaxation and reading or as study music for exams and study time. Thank you so much for watching this video by Just Instrumental Music channel. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to Subscribe :) Music: "Flute Sonata in E minor, HWV 359b - Händel" by Martha Goldstein (musopen.org) (CC BY-SA 3.0)
100 likes for the .C4D file!! PSD is out for free ;) www.qehzy.com Order Graphics Here: http://www.qehzy.com/order.html Last Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zltq7GNSxvc Brain Logo made by: https://twitter.com/BillionArts Leave a comment on any tutorials you would like to see or any suggestions you have, or tweet me at the link below. .C4D File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k74ec7tbe4azd44/DarebyQehzy%5BNoLights%5D.c4d?dl=0 Or: https://www.mediafire.com/?p5xp38c35j6vmd4 .PSD File (+CC): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0krxfnzrnnndc83/Dare.psd.zip?dl=0 or: https://www.mediafire.com/?3686le737dzv904 My Lightroom: https://sellfy.com/p/1RMM/ My brushes: https://sellfy.com/p/fVTw/ My Materials v5: https://sellfy.com/p/WNoG/ Get Everything at a discount price: https://sellfy.com/p/apTq/ Free br...
In this Photoshop CC 2017 tutorial I will show you how to create a romantic scene using free stock images. You'll learn how to create fantastic light effects and how to compose different images into a seamless romantic scene. Download resources and PSD: https://www.psdbox.com/?p=14046 ------------------------ Versión Española: https://psdbox.es/intermedio/crear-una-manipulacion-romantica ------------------------ Subscribe and get the latest tutorials Website: http://www.psdbox.com Premium: http://members.psdbox.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/psdbox_official Rent a tutorial: https://psdbox.vhx.tv/browse Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/psdbox DeviantART: http://psd-box.deviantart.com Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/psdbox Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/psdbox
In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White shows how to get started with Adobe Lightroom CC by focusing on the 10 things beginners want to know how to do. Learn how to import and manage your images, learn how to edit them non-destructively on the desktop, mobile and web and learn how to output them to share with others. Take advantage of new workflows. Follow me on Twitter: http://twitter.com/terrylwhite Like me on Facebook: http://facebook.com/terrywhitefans Follow me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/terryleewhite Follow my blog: http://terrywhite.com Tools Used to Make My Videos: Adobe Creative Cloud: http://adobe.com/creativecloud Screen Recording Software: http://terrywhite.com/i-use-screenflow/ Photography Equipment - What’s in My Studio: http://terrywhite.com/studi...
In this episode of Adobe Creative Cloud TV, Terry White helps you get started with Adobe Illustrator CC by showing the 10 things beginners want to know how to do.
Asi lo vivi by G4Eramos amigos nada mas
tu enamorado de alguien mas
y yo tan solo consejera de algo inusual
no esperaba imaginar tanto
no esperaba descubrir
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
ah ah ah ah
Hubo momentos que quise llorar
y me aguante asi de mas
las lagrimas en tus mejillas
era de una niña
que le arranco ah la soledad
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
pero al final asi lo vivi