danigrrl's picture
United States
Current Role(s): 
Director of UX, Digital
Design 4 Drupal Camp

Professional Info

Companies Worked For
Harvard Business Review, the zen kitchen, Bentley User Experience Center
Industries Worked In: 
Higher Education, Consulting, Consumer Products, Financial Services, Healthcare, Software and Technology Development, UX Design and Research, Usability Testing

Personal Info

Languages spoken: 

UX Designer with specialties in information architecture, design for content management systems, and an ever-growing number of urban homesteading activities.


Member for
7 years 9 months
Over 5 edits
Drupal Contributions: 

I provide UX feedback, prototyping and consulting for Drupal.org; best known project is the redesign of the Drupal.org user profile. Conducted research into the Drupal contributor experience as part of my Master's thesis.

Contributing author to The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 (Apress, 2011), and author of Drupal for Designers (O'Reilly, 2011-2012). I do speaking engagements about design workflow for Drupal, user experience and entrepreneurship. Co-organizer of Design 4 Drupal Camp in Boston, in service of my not-so-secret mission to bring more designers into the Drupal community.

Areas of Expertise: 
UX Design and Strategy
Visual Design
Site building
Drupal Events: 
DrupalCon San Francisco 2010
DrupalCon Denver 2012
DrupalCon Portland 2013
DrupalCon Austin 2014
DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014
DrupalCon Los Angeles 2015
Drupal Association Individual Member

danigrrl helps support and grow the Drupal community with the Drupal Association.

I contributed to Drupal issue queues
I contributed to Drupal.org
I provide Drupal-related services
I help mentor new contributors