Matt Canavan, a communist turned economist in a bushie's hat

Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Matt Canavan says he had a <i>Sliding Doors</i> moment when he decided to ...
Minister for Resources and Northern Australia Matt Canavan says he had a Sliding Doors moment when he decided to go and work for the Nationals. He then followed Barnaby Joyce, as he moved roles, believing he had something to learn from the "accountant from the bush". Glenn Hunt

Federal resources minister Matt Canavan ambles into the beer garden at Brisbane's famous Breakfast Creek Hotel and is straight away on the front foot. "You want a beer?" he asks.

"Sure, I reply," as we take a table on a beautiful and sunny autumn afternoon – the kind that makes the stinking hot summers in the Queensland capital worth the while. Canavan doesn't usually drink over lunch but he says he's willing to make an exception for AFR Weekend.

"I don't normally drink during the day, it's a rare occurrence. It would be nice to have the kind of life to just have a beer for lunch," he says wistfully.

The 36-year-old Rockhampton-based MP has caught a bit of a lurgy coming back on the overnight "red eye" flight from the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association conference in Perth.

Matt Canavan is based in Rockhampton, on the Tropic of Capricorn.
Matt Canavan is based in Rockhampton, on the Tropic of Capricorn.

I rib him about choosing a pub for our lunch – to show he was a "man of the people". He laughs before recalling a skit from Billy Birmingham's comedy series Twelfth Man about a posh Sydney restaurant with unprintable items on the menu involving the anatomy of certain animals.

"There's always a menu with fancy ingredients you can't pronounce," he explains, trying to justify his decision.

But the beer garden of the "Brekky Creek" – as it is affectionately known to locals – is pleasantly quiet for a late Tuesday lunch, with only a former Australian rugby league player propping up the bar with some of his mates.

Make mine Adani

Like fellow Nationals MPs of the past, such as former Queensland premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen or former state minister turned Independent Bob Katter, Canavan likes a good yarn and is not short of opinions on any topic you manage to throw at him.

Canavan scores a try during the Pollies v Press Gallery touch footy match at Parliament House in Canberra in March 2016.
Canavan scores a try during the Pollies v Press Gallery touch footy match at Parliament House in Canberra in March 2016. Alex Ellinghausen

While Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce has in previous years been the mouthpiece of rural discontent amongst the Coalition, the baton has been passed to Canavan who has been a "spear-carrier" on key issues such as Adani's $16.5 billion coal mine, and especially on the environmental activists attempting to block what would be Australia's largest coal mine.

Last month, Canavan also aimed both barrels at Westpac for declaring it would not fund the mine, port and rail project proposed by the Indian energy giant, cranking up the parochialism dial to 11 to declare the bank should revert to its original name, the Bank of NSW, because it wasn't supporting Queensland projects.

Canavan says he takes his role as Adani backer-in-chief extremely seriously, saying the Galilee Basin could end up being bigger than the Bowen Basin and the Hunter Valley in terms of coal exported, and that means jobs for Queenslanders and royalties and taxes for governments.

"I'm concerned about the reputation of the country if it [Adani's project] falls over because of regulations or environmental activism. It's common knowledge the way they [Adani] have been mistreated in this country," Canavan told AFR Weekend.

On whether he plans to have more children: "I thought I had solved that. I'm not home very much. But apparently it can ...
On whether he plans to have more children: "I thought I had solved that. I'm not home very much. But apparently it can happen by Skype.'' Alex Ellinghausen

"Ultimately, if it can't happen because we can't work out changes to the Native Title Act or because the corporate sector has no balls, that will hurt us."

We wander over to the meat counter to make our choice for lunch. The Brekky Creek – where the smell of frying meat constantly wafts through the pub – is a place vegetarians may choose to avoid. Canavan opts for a grass-fed rib fillet, while I choose a rib-eye on the bone. We both go for chips, instead of vegetables, accompanied by mushroom sauce.

Marx, then God

The affable Canavan is a strange bedfellow for the Nationals, given he is not a farmer or a small businessman. He's an economist by trade who grew up in the Labor heartland of Logan, between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and was a self-proclaimed communist and Marxist at university.

Canavan (left) is a strange bedfellow for the Nationals, given he is not a farmer or a small businessman.
Canavan (left) is a strange bedfellow for the Nationals, given he is not a farmer or a small businessman.

He recalls turning up to market day in the Great Court at the University of Queensland on his first day in 1998 and making a beeline for the Socialist Workers stand. He spotted the front page of the Socialist Worker newspaper declaring "John Howard a racist" and took an exception to this.

"I didn't like John Howard – because I was a Marxist at this time – but I don't think he's a racist," explains Canavan. "So I got into an argument and thought 'these guys are idiots' and didn't sign up."

When I asked what his parents – who were big supporters of Bjelke-Petersen, the long-term conservative Queensland premier of the 1970s and '80s – thought of their son becoming a comrade, Canavan replied, "My mum was more concerned as a communist I didn't believe in God.

"They couldn't really care who I voted for. I guess I did go off the rails that first year chasing girls and stuff, but I ended up meeting my wife at the end of first year."

It will be up to Barnaby Joyce and Canavan to help Malcolm Turnbull  win over Queensland voters in dusty pubs throughout ...
It will be up to Barnaby Joyce and Canavan to help Malcolm Turnbull win over Queensland voters in dusty pubs throughout the state. Glenn Hunt

It was also during second and third-year economics classes where he was introduced to more libertarian philosophy such as the American economist Milton Friedman and English writer George Orwell that Canavan's early political leanings became more conservative. And he rediscovered God.

The promise

After university, Canavan – now an economist himself – moved to Canberra to work for the Productivity Commission. He had joined the Liberals club in his last years at university but wasn't actively engaged with the party when he moved to the nation's capital.

He joked with a mate via email that if Tony Abbott ever became Coalition leader he would ask him for a job. When Abbott rolled then Opposition Leader Malcolm Turnbull in 2009, Canavan decided to follow through with the promise.

Abbott's office didn't have a vacancy but there was an opening for an economist in the office of then Queensland senator Barnaby Joyce who was then shadow finance minister. Despite some initial apprehension ("I honestly thought this could be career limiting") about joining Joyce who was stumbling over the intricacies of the finance portfolios – including mixing up his millions and billions –  he took the job.

"It was a Sliding Doors moment I suppose. It could have been very different for me," says Canavan as he started to tuck into his steak and chips. It didn't help that Joyce – who appeared ill-suited for the finance portfolio – was given the flick by Abbott four weeks later, after one gaffe too many. 

Canavan could have transferred to the more experienced Andrew Robb who took over the finance brief, but after witnessing Joyce, who became shadow minister for regional development, give a speech on the stump in Perth only hours after he'd been sacked, Canavan decided he could learn more from the accountant from the bush who was then a senator from the bush.

"He belted out this really great soapbox speech about developing Australia and I just thought this guy has something I don't have and haven't been exposed to," he says.

Canavan says he takes his role as Adani backer-in-chief extremely seriously.
Canavan says he takes his role as Adani backer-in-chief extremely seriously. Trevor Collens

Canavan became chief of staff to Joyce before sniffing an opportunity to enter politics himself. He moved to Toowoomba with his wife and young family. But when another LNP senator, Toowoomba-based Barry O'Sullivan, replaced Joyce who moved to the lower house, Canavan decided to move further north.

In what appears to be an arbitrary decision for a city between Townsville and Brisbane, Canavan up and moved his family to the coastal town of Yeppoon near Rockhampton. He says he will never live in a big city again.

Top End top priority

The well-spoken and intelligent Queensland Liberal National Party senator (who sits in the Nationals party room in Canberra) has risen through the parliamentary ranks remarkably quickly. He won a Senate spot in 2013 but didn't take his place in the red leather of the Upper House until mid-2014 – spending 10 months at Stanbroke Beef as a business analyst and, for a short time, as a stockhand (a job Canavan admits he did badly). By the start of 2016, he was Minister for Northern Australia. After a ministerial reshuffle last August, the resources portfolio was added to his responsibilities. 

It's his burning passion to get development going in the Top End; Joyce's down-to-earth nature has rubbed off on his young protege.

Canavan deals with getting coal and gas out of the ground, when it then becomes Energy and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg's problem, including trying to overhaul Australia's energy system to deal with the influx of renewables.

The senator has become an avid reader of mining history and uses it to justify his position to use taxpayer funding to back Adani's controversial mine, saying a leg-up from taxpayers helped get all new mining regions off the ground, evoking the "if you build it they will come" attitude of the Bjelke-Petersen era.

 Adani  – which wants up to $1 billion to help fund its rail link to the coast – is one of five projects being assessed by the $5 billion Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund. 

"Why did we do it for every other coal basin in the past? I think there is a rationale for government investment in large-scale infrastructure to open up new areas because it's risky and a frontier," he says.

Canavan says it wasn't a conscious decision to become a spear-carrier against those who oppose the Adani mine – and there are many who believe a new coal basin is the last thing Australia needs as it transitions to a low-emissions economy – but he has become "increasingly frustrated".

"We are facing co-ordinated campaigns that are well funded that are seeking to abuse our legal system to hold up job creation in this country," he says. "That should be a topic of conversation with business, something that the big banks and the Business Council – and they have in the past, I accept that – that should be their focus."

Canavan says 15,000 jobs will be created from opening up the Galilee Basin for Adani and other companies such as GVK/Hancock Coal. Adani says 4000 jobs will be created during rail and 3000 during mine construction, with almost 3000 permanent workers at the Carmichael mine. 

 Apart from talking up Adani and the Galilee Basin, Canavan is knee deep in helping resolve the looming east coast gas shortage. He admits the Turnbull government's pledge to block LNG exports to shore up domestic gas supplies had an element of the big threatening stick, especially given state governments control most policy levers when it comes to exploration and development.

"The energy situation we face across the country is what keeps me awake at night. I'm very concerned about where we are at with our electricity pricing, particularly for the future of manufacturing in Australia," says Canavan.

The pubs test

He predicts gas prices will remain high for the next few years given the time it takes for new projects to be identified and get off the ground. Canavan says state governments, especially in Victoria, have pandered to inner-city green voters who are anti-coal seam gas and "fracking", but admits the industry needs to repair its reputation over property rights.

Canavan says they are still to work out how the LNG export trigger would work but, ever the economist, he says he would "prefer the market to sort it out".

"This is not our preferred option. We are going to put it into place for a temporary period. We don't believe it's a long-term fix," he says. "I still hold out that an agreement can be reached to bring supply onto the market."

The urbane and cultured Prime Minister – or "Mr Harbourside Mansion" as Peta Credlin described him – has never really played over well in Queensland. It will be up to Joyce and Canavan to help him win over Queensland voters in dusty pubs throughout the state.

Canavan plays down the distrust of Turnbull, saying the Coalition has the run on the boards in key policy areas.

He glances at his watch – it's nearly 4pm – and says he has to head to a meeting in the city. Checking on how many kids he has now, Canavan says it's five. "Are you having any more?" I ask.

"I thought I had solved that. I'm not home very much. But apparently it can happen by Skype," he says, laughing.

Canavan shakes my hand as we exit, leaving his unfinished beer on the table.


Breakfast Creek Hotel

2 Kingsford Smith Drive, Breakfast Creek

1 grass-fed rib fillet with chips and salad, $39

1 beef rib-eye on the bone, $44

2 beers (bought by Canavan)

Total: $83