Boy's heartbreaking note about stolen wind chime

Jake's note explained why his sister took the butterfly wind chime.
Jake's note explained why his sister took the butterfly wind chime. Photo: Getty Images

It's not often a homeowner has sympathy for someone who stole from them. But when Chrissy Marie read the note written by the brother of the "thief" who took her butterfly wind chime her heart broke. 

The young boy wrote the note and left it on US woman's doorstep after his sister stole the wind chime decorated with butterflies. Chrissy shared a photo on Facebook of the note and the $5 the little boy left.

The note read: "I am sorry that we stole your wind chime, our mum died and liked butterflies. My sister took it to put by our window, I am sorry this is [the] only money I have please do not be mad at us. Jake."

Chrissy Marie wants Jake and his sister to know she is not angry.
Chrissy Marie wants Jake and his sister to know she is not angry. 

Now Chrissy wants to find Jake and his sister, not to punish them but to return their money and give them something more to remember their mother.

Chrissy replied to Jake via her Facebook message:

"Well Jake, I'm not sure who you are but you can come get your money back sweetie. I had three of those wind chimes you can come back get your money back and have one also so both of you have your own. I am not mad please come over to my house."

Chrissy is new to the area, so doesn't know many people. She has tried to find out who Jake is or where he lives but has so far been unsuccessful.

"I have knocked on a few doors nearby but I have an injured foot can't walk far," she wrote in the comments. "I asked my landlord who owns lots of homes out here she said she does not know anyone named Jake. Kids around her though said that there are a lot of Jakes at their school."

Chrissy told Q13 News she doesn't condone stealing, but she understands how hard it can be to lose a parent at such a young age, having lost her own mother when she was only five. She said, "[When I read the note] I wanted to cry because apparently he felt bad for what his sister did. And I think he might be scared."

Chrissy has been surprised by all the attention surrounding her post, and she hopes it won't scare Jake off. She said all she wants to do is return Jake's money to him without embarrassing or scaring him.