Federal Politics

Hinch predicts 'more to come' on Ashby expenses saga

Senator Derryn Hinch

Crossbench senator Derryn Hinch is ramping up pressure on Pauline Hanson's One Nation over the explosive recording of senior figure James Ashby proposing a secret arrangement for the party to make money out of taxpayers and candidates.

One Nation senator rejects party's Muslim ban

Senator Brian Burston and Senator Pauline Hanson welcomed Senator Peter Georgiou to the Senate, as he  replaced Rod ...

Newly installed One Nation senator Peter Georgiou has rejected his party's well-known opposition to Muslim migration, a centrepiece of leader Pauline Hanson's right-wing populist policy platform.

Time for 'random audits' of bosses

There is a need for random audits of bosses to better detect unpaid super, the review said.

Random audits of employers would be a more proactive approach in chasing down billions of dollars of unpaid superannuation, often to the nation's most vulnerable workers, says Inspector-General of Taxation Ali Noroozi.