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A still from 2007 film 'Juno'.
A still from 2007 film 'Juno'.

Picture this. A young woman in Australia looks at her pregnancy test.

Two lines. Positive.

For her, the positive isn’t exactly positive news: she can’t, or doesn’t want to continue the pregnancy.

The next steps she takes will differ greatly depending on where in Australia she actually is - from facing imprisonment, to inducing a miscarriage with RU486 in the comfort of her own home, seeking approval from two doctors that she needs a termination, or heading to a clinic for a surgical procedure, while picketers wait on the edge of their inclusion zone.

She will be one of many Australian women who access an abortion in Australia every year; the figures on exactly how many are hazy.

“We think there are about 80,000 a year [in Australia],”Associate Professor Louise Keogh, a health sociologist at the University of Melbourne told Hack, “But the figures are old and not great because we don’t collect any routine statistics.”

“Over their lifetime, the estimates are between a third and a quarter of all women will have an abortion.”

When it comes to accessing an abortion, every state and territory in Australia is different.

Here’s how it works.


Abortion is a crime in Queensland - it’s in the state’s criminal code.

A woman who “unlawfully” has an abortion in Queensland can be liable for up to 7 years imprisonment, according to the code; anyone “unlawfully” administering the abortion can be liable for up to 14 years.

However, the code was updated in 2009 to make abortion legal if a pregnancy will risk a woman’s mental or physical health.

But there are moves to change the laws current laws. You might have seen Queensland’s abortion laws in the news recently - two bills put forward by Independent MP Rob Pyne are being debated in QLD Parliament on March 1.

Have you had difficulty accessing an abortion in Australia? We want to hear your story. Send us a message on Facebook or email us:

The first bill removes abortion from the Criminal code completely, and the second one puts new regulations around the procedure under the Health Act.

However, last Friday night a Parliamentary committee stalled the bills’ progress - after they said the bills were flawed, and left room for “potential uncertainty” in the law.

You can hear more about the situation in Queensland on today’s Hack from 5:30 on triple j.

New South Wales

Like Queensland, abortion is in NSW’s criminal code. Women seeking an abortion, doctors and anyone who assists could face 10 years imprisonment.

However, like Queensland’s laws, abortions aren’t criminal if they’re done to protect a woman’s mental or physical health.

A legal precedent set in 1971 made financial or social stresses lawful reasons for accessing an abortion in NSW too.

Greens MP Dr Mehreen Faruqi introduced a reform bill in August 2016 that aims to decriminalise abortion and provide safe access zones around clinics. The bill is set to be debated this year.

Last month, the state’s new Women’s minister Tanya Davies came under fire for her personal “pro-life” stance, however NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian stressed there was no “policy change” in the Government’s stance on the issue.


An abortion in Victoria is legal in the first 24 weeks of a pregnancy. After that, a practitioner has to determine if an abortion is in the patient’s best interests.

A law passed in 2015 makes it illegal for protesters to harass or film people within 150 metres of an abortion clinic.


Abortion used to be in Tasmania’s criminal code; it was removed in 2013.

Now abortions in Tasmania are legal up to 16 weeks, after that two doctors have to agree to the procedure.

There’s also exclusion zones around abortion clinics in the state: protesters or “footpath interference” can’t happen in the 150 metres surrounding a clinic.

South Australia

Abortion is legal in South Australia, but the procedure has to be performed in a hospital.

In order to access an abortion in South Australia, two doctors also have to agree that the pregnancy would be harmful to the woman’s health, or if there is risk of the child being seriously physically or mentally handicapped.

Western Australia

Abortions are legal up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Only a medical practitioner, not the patient, is liable for fines if the abortion is found to be “unlawful”.

After 20 weeks, it gets tricky. A woman in WA has to receive approval from two doctors to go ahead with the procedure. Those doctors have to be on a panel of at least 6 medical practitioners - as appointed by the health Minister. Then the procedure can only go ahead at a hospital determined by the Minister.

Northern Territory

Abortions in the NT are legal up to 14 weeks, if the pregnancy is considered a physical or mental harm to the patient, or if there is risk of the child being seriously physically or mentally handicapped. The procedure has to be done in a hospital.

Emergency abortions are legal up to 23 weeks.

Australian Capital Territory

Abortion isn’t in the ACT’s crime act, but the procedures have to be performed in a hospital.

What about the abortion pill?

Mifepristone and misoprostol, commonly known as RU486 or the “abortion pill” was legalised in Australia in 2006.

In 2013, the Therapeutic Goods Administration put mifepristone and misoprostol on the Pharmaceutical benefits scheme.

Mifepristone and misoprostol are administered orally and will induce a miscarriage in women who are up to 9 weeks pregnant.

Women in NSW, QLD, WA and Tasmania can access RU486 to terminate a pregnancy. They can even access the procedure via a phone service, up to 8 weeks.

Women in South Australia, Northern Territory and the ACT can’t - their abortions have to be performed in a hospital.

Editor's note: this article has been updated to correct an earlier version which said RU486 could be accessed only up to 7 weeks gestation, rather than 9 weeks.

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