- published: 17 Jun 2009
- views: 86797705
地表最強神劇《太陽的後裔 韓劇原聲帶》,第三波單曲〈This Love〉,請來實力派重唱組合DAVICH獻唱。美妙的鋼琴旋律搭配20人管弦樂團帶來的雄壯演奏,打造出這首出色的抒情歌。這首歌描述和戀人分開後的思念,且對於自己沒能好好疼愛對方感到抱歉,並感謝對方給的愛。歌詞彷彿輕描淡寫地在說個故事,經過Davichi極具渲染力的歌聲詮釋,更突顯那股悲傷的情緒。〈This Love〉也是劇中被稱為「救援CP」的兩位主角徐大英(晉久 飾)和尹明珠(金智媛 飾)的主題曲,將兩人的苦戀和感動傳遞給觀眾。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 整個韓國台灣全亞洲 都在瘋狂追劇! 打敗來自星星的你 6集收視總次數超過24億 全球韓劇迷「團結」中! 地表最強神劇 《太陽的後裔》 韓劇原聲帶 台灣獨占影音豪華限定盤Vol.1 : CD+大型海報+台灣獨占全球獨家DVD 中文字幕MV 5首! (全19曲+5首中文字幕MV DVD+52頁全彩寫真+大型海報) 03.18開始搶購 04.08正式發行 [ ♬ 實體搶購] 華納購物網 https://goo.gl/jn1Yqm 博客來 http://goo.gl/92cmKU 五大唱片 http://goo.gl/ZUMt7n 佳佳唱片 https://goo.gl/10C3Tw 玫瑰大眾購物網 http://goo.gl/Bb4CAJ 光南大批發 http://goo.gl/olyLR6 誠品網路書店 http://goo.gl/stJ3D4 山海山音樂廣場 http://goo.gl/X57E6z 《太陽的後裔 韓劇原聲帶》Vol.1 全台數位熱播中 [ ♬ 數位音樂平台] KKBOX https://goo.gl/bZPW57 ...
Song: This Love Artist: Maroon 5 Album: Songs About Jane Lyrics: I was so high I did not recognize The fire burning in her eyes The chaos that controlled my mind Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane Never to return again But always in my heart This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore I tried my best to feed her appetite Keep her coming every night So hard to keep her satisfied Kept playing love like it was just a game Pretending to feel the same Then turn around and leave again This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye...
DAVICHI - This Love | 다비치 - 이사랑 (태양의 후예 OST) ------------------------------------------------ Subscribe KBS World Official YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kbsworld ------------------------------------------------ KBS World is a TV channel for international audiences provided by KBS, the flagship public service broadcaster in Korea. Enjoy Korea's latest and most popular K-Drama, K-Pop, K-Entertainment & K-Documentary with multilingual subtitles, by subscribing KBS World official YouTube. ------------------------------------------------ 대한민국 대표 해외채널 KBS World를 유튜브에서 만나세요. KBS World는 전세계 시청자에게 재미있고 유익한 한류 콘텐츠를 영어 자막과 함께 제공하는 No.1 한류 채널입니다. KBS World 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 최신 드라마, K-Pop, 예능, 다큐멘터리 정보를 받아보세요. ------------------------------------------------ [Visit KBS World Official Pages] Homepage: ht...
Sign up for updates: http://smarturl.it/Maroon5.News Music video by Maroon 5 performing This Love. (C) 2003 A&M;/Octone Records
Watch Kpop group Davich performing their song 'This Love' at KCON 2016 LAxM COUNTDOWN stage. ▶More kpop videos of Davich on M COUNTDOWN: Cry Again l EP.410: http://bit.ly/DAVICHI-CryAgain-EP410 - KPOP concert convention KCON 2016 LA - KCON 2016 LA×M COUNTDOWN - Davichi-This Love ▶Watch more videos of KCON 2016: http://bit.ly/KCON2016-KPOP [Kor Ver.] 마음 촉촉하게 적셔주는 다비치의 감성가득 무대! _________________________________________________ KCON 2016 Integration of K-POP gala concert and large K-Wave Convention for K-Culture fans around the world. ▶Subscribe Now! - Mnet K-POP: http://bit.ly/Subscribe-Mnet-KPOP Facebook: https://facebook.com/MnetOfficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/MnetKR _________________________________________________ Mnet(Music Network) is an official KPOP music televisi...
Get the song on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/pmjthislove Get tix to see PMJ on tour: http://www.pmjtour.com Order our "Essentials" album & more: http://www.shoppmj.com Meet our 2016 #PMJsearch winner, Devi-Ananda from Berlin, Germany! We brought her to PMJ Manor to film her debut on this '40s big band style remake of Maroon 5's "This Love." She's a natural fit for PMJ!! The Band: Devi-Ananda - vocals http://www.facebook.com/devianandamusic http://www.instagram.com/devianandadahm http://www.facebook.com/gunhildcarlingfanclub Bob Lawrence - trombone Jacob Scesney - sax http://www.instagram.com/jsayswho Jonathan Richards - bass http://www.instagram.com/jonathanrichardsmusic Aaron McLendon - drums http://www.instagram.com/amacdrums Scott Bradlee - piano http://www.instagram.com/scottbradlee...
蔡恩雨 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PriscillaAbbyChai 蔡恩雨 微博:http://www.weibo.com/6026676895/profile?topnav=1&wvr;=6&is;_all=1 One Five Zero Music Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/onefivezeromusicproduction ----------------------------------------------------- 原唱: 周興哲 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HV9SQ3ZTGSA 翻唱: 蔡恩雨 Priscilla Abby 製作: One Five Zero Music -----------------------------------------------------
華語樂壇創作暖男Eric周興哲 VS. 台北電影節最佳女配角 簡嫚書 This is love兩小無猜純情談愛 激起Eric周興哲戲劇細胞大噴發 Eric周興哲的紳士浪漫 簡嫚書不領情?! 【This is love】歌曲充滿正面意義,在構思腳本與女主角人選時,氣質的「純淨感」是很重要的元素,因此剛出爐的台北電影節最佳女配角–簡嫚書成了不二人選。 飾演從小兩小無猜、青梅竹馬的兩人,貼切的演出了「緣分即使因為物換星移卻仍深深牽引著彼此,長大後的相遇仍然可以感受到曾有過的美好記憶,因為年少時喜歡對方的情愫與心情是最純粹、純真,不帶任何雜質的,相對也更容易停駐在心中,深刻且歷久彌新」的愛的本質,Eric周興哲在劇中就是一個單純簡單的大男孩,一心只希望心儀的女孩快樂,許多現實中的歧異反差,透過故事的鋪陳,在在呼應了歌曲想要表達的愛的意義。 睽違兩、三年沒有接演MV的簡嫚書,和Eric周興哲的第一場戲就是頂著大太陽在山坡上來回騎腳踏車,為了盡善盡美,資深導演黃中平一拍就拍了三個多小時,Eric周興哲與簡嫚書兩人,不僅不喊累,還表示大清早就騎腳踏車,運動流流汗其實很健康! 兩人對戲過程,簡嫚書的演技無庸置疑,不久前才參與微電影拍攝的Eric周興哲也不是省油的燈,許多細膩的表情與心情都詮釋得不錯,其中一場激烈爭吵拉扯的橋段,令人見識到簡嫚書的好演技,Eric周興哲的表現也可圈可點。然而MV裡為了顯現Eric周興哲的貼心與浪漫,其中一幕Eric周興哲因為幫簡嫚書慶生而在屋內點滿蠟燭的情節,畫面氣氛看來唯美感動,沒想到實際派的簡嫚書卻說,若是現實生活中有男生這麼做,她第一個念頭應該會是「這男的沒錢繳電費嗎?!」,此話一出笑翻全場,無疑是打槍Eric周興哲精心的浪漫設計! 值得一提的是,這支MV的構想幾乎都來自於周興哲自己的Idea,包括小時候青梅竹馬長大後再次相遇,因男主角不敢...
Bob Marley feat. LVNDSCAPE & Bolier - Is This Love is OUT NOW! Listen on Spotify here: http://po.st/IsThisLoveSP1 and iTunes here: http://po.st/IsThisLoveIT Download on Beatport here: http://btprt.dj/28pcy7i Stay up to date on more Spinnin' artists & music here! ► http://spinninrecords.com Get ready for the summer. LVNDSCAPE & Bolier produced a fantasic official remake of Bob Marley’s iconic Is This Love. A tropical sound 2.0 combined with an infatuated whistle and melodic beat. This is definitely love! Follow Bob Marley: https://www.facebook.com/BobMarley https://twitter.com/bobmarley https://www.instagram.com/bobmarley Follow LVNDSCAPE: http://www.soundcloud.com/lvndscape http://www.facebook.com/lvndscape http://www.twitter.com/iamlvndscape http://www.instagram.com/iamlvndscape Fo...
Whitesnake performs Is This Love live at The Bomb Factory in Dallas Texas on June 3, 2016.
Get the single, "Why I Love You". Out Now! iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/why-i-love-you-single/id1112632849?uo=4&at;=1001l3Iq&ct;=888915225387&app;=itunes Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6567j2YYSIlduWjsNQefgk Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/MAJOR_Why_I_Love_You_Single?id=Bgfmeagnncy7tzbzzzvvqdig2vy http://www.nowthatsMAJOR.com Socials: /nowthatsMAJOR Official music video by MAJOR. performing Why I Love You. 2016 BOE Music Group http://vevo.ly/pzW07O
1. เพลง Every time - CHEN(첸)XPunch(펀치) 2. เพลง Talk Love(말해! 뭐해)_K.will(케이윌) 3. เพลง Once Again - Mad Clown, Kim Na Young 4. เพลง By My Side(사랑하자) - SG WANNABE(SG워너비) 5.เพลง This Love(이 사랑) - DAVICHI(다비치) 6. เพลง With You - LYn(린) 7. เพลง ALWAYS - t Yoonmirae(t 윤미래) 8. เพลง Wind Beneath Your Wings(그대, 바람이 되어) - M.C THE MAX(엠씨더맥스) 9. เพลง You Are My - Everything Gummy(거미) 10. How Can I Love You - XIA(JUNSU)
드라마 ‘태양의 후예(Descendants of The Sun)’ OST Part.3 _ 이 사랑 (다비치(DAVICHI)) 실력파 여성 듀오 다비치가 참여한 ‘태양의 후예 OST Part.3 이 사랑’은 아름다운 피아노 선율과 20인조 오케스트라의 웅장한 연주가 돋보이는 발라드이다. 헤어진 연인에 대한 그리움을 노래하는 곡으로 잘해주지 못한 미안한 마음과 사랑 받았음에 고마워하는 마음을 담았다. 담담한 듯 이야기하는 가사가 지닌 애절한 감성을 호소력 짙은 다비치의 목소리로 더욱 극대화시켰다. 김보경의 ‘혼자라고 생각 말기’, 에일리의 ‘눈물이 맘을 훔쳐서’ 등을 작곡한 음악감독 겸 작곡가 개미(강동윤)와 OST계의 흥행보증수표 프로듀서 송동운의 협업으로 탄생했으며, 슈퍼주니어, 버즈 민경훈, 김보경과 호흡을 맞춘 바 있는 작곡가 한승택과 ROZ가 공동으로 작곡을 맡았다. 드라마 ‘태양의 후예’에서 두 주인공 서대영(진구 분)과 윤명주(김지원 분), 일명 ‘구원커플’의 테마곡으로 시청자들에게 애잔한 감동을 선사한다.
For private or group Guitar-Bass-Vocal lessons on Skype or "CVT Lessons"(Custom Video Tablature), go to rockinguitarlessons.com for pricings & details,or email me directly..If you are taking a "CVT Lesson" from me-be SURE to email me your phone number... ..This is a part 1 CVT guitar lesson on how to play "Is This Love" by "Whitesnake",taught by professional guitar instructor "Mike Gross" from rockinguitarlessons.com & youtube.com/rockinguitarlessons1 ...if you would like to make a donation to this channel,...go to "Paypal.com" and use my "Paypal email"(tvxpunk@aol.com) and it will prompt you as to how to make a payment...Your donations are very much appreciated...I am also available for studio,session work and touring..For now,here is a link to the chat-vid forumn...http://rockinguitarles...
ᴴᴰ Is This Love I'm Feeling? By: Yasmin Mogahed Serenity Podcast Presented on February 21, 2011
ทีมงานเษตรฟิล์ม Production ผลงานหนังสั้น สาขานิเทศศาสตร์เกษตร ชั้นปี3 คณะเทคโนโลยีการเกษตร สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าเจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง
No programa Inglês com Música, a professora Marisa Leite de Barros e a cantora Amanda Acosta trazem a pronúncia correta das palavras e a tradução de letras de canções famosas. Neste programa, elas trabalham a letra da canção Is This Love do cantor jamaicano Bob Marley.
John - Feel This Love mp3, video & unabridged text can all be freely downloaded at http://theoneself.com/library/john-feel-this-love Next Live Class: October 22nd - Forward Into Physicality - http://theoneself.com/classes/ Receive download package including Class 1 when you subscribe to the monthly classes for $30 (no minimum term) at http://theoneself.com/classes/ NEW: Follow Story's journey from the beginning in the Spoken Energy Series http://Spoken.Energy (first collection includes collector's editions of Story's main two books). The One Self Teachings Library - http://www.TheOneSelf.com (free texts and mp3s) Latest News - http://Limitlessness.com LIMITLESSNESS.AUDIO - Purchase recordings from Story's Mp3 Store. Bonus videos often included. There are many free samples to listen ...
★ Super Junior (슈퍼주니어) - The 7th Album Special Edition 'THIS IS LOVE' [Full Album] ★ Full Album Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwfPHx3sApBn3Rxy_qEz5sj4fLxlwlAL6 Album: [Full-Length] The 7th Album Special Edition 'THIS IS LOVE' Album Artist(s): Super Junior (슈퍼주니어) Release Date: 2014.10.23 Genre: Dance Pop Tracklist 01. THIS IS LOVE (Stage Version) 02. Hit Me Up 03. MAMACITA (아야야) 04. 춤을 춘다 (Midnight Blues) 05. Don’t Leave Me 06. 중 (…ing) 07. 백일몽 (Evanesce) 08. 사랑이 멎지 않게 (Raining Spell for Love) 09. Shirt 10. Let’s Dance 11. Too Many Beautiful Girls 12. 환절기 (Mid-season) 13. Islands
It's Okay, That's Love Ep 16 EngSub FULL HD
00:00 "Sweet Love" 03:25 "Just to be close to you" 09:51 "Easy" 14:07 "Three times a lady" 17:47 "Say yeah" 21:29 "Still" 25:15 "Loving you" 29:28 "Sail on" 33:30 "Old fashioned love" 36:53 "Jesus is love" 41:53 "Lady you bring me up" 45:56 "Oh no" 48:58 "This love" 54:15 "Lucy"
I was so high I did not recognize
The fire burning in her eyes
The chaos that controlled my mind
Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane
Never to return again
But always in my heart
This love has taken it's toll on me
She said goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
I tried my best to feed her appetite
Keep her coming every night
So hard to keep her satisfied
Kept playing love like it was just a game
Pretending to feel the same
Then turn around and leave again
This love has taken it's toll on me
She said goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore
I'll fix these broken things
Repair your broken wings
And make sure everything's alright
My pressure on her hips
Sinking my fingertips
Into every inch of you