

Leah Purcell's The Drover's Wife takes out Book of the Year

Leah Purcell's A Drover's Wife has been named Book of the Year in the NSW Premier's Literary Awards.

When the indigenous actress and director, Leah Purcell, took out her mother's tattered copy of Henry Lawson's short stories, she had no idea that the script she would bang out in seven days would be named Book of the Year in the NSW Premier's Literary Awards Monday night.

The plants are the stars here

Angela Lober with her work at the Royal Botanic Garden.

Visitors to this year's Botanica exhibition at the Royal Botanic Garden are drawn almost irresistibly to Angela Lober's remarkable depiction of a Gymea lily that faces them as they walk in the door.

Gold standard

Joanna Buckley applies gold leaf to the Providence building at Abbotsford Convent.

Joanna Buckley's The Light and the Ground at Abbotsford Convent will have one of the historic site's buildings covered in gold leaf.

What's on in the Canberra arts scene, May 13, 2017

Dancer Eliza Sanders, captured by photographer Lorna Sim, as part of their Enigma exhibition.

 A collaboration between photographer Lorna Sim and contemporary dancer Eliza Sanders has resulted in an alluring exhibition entitled Enigma. Sim's challenge was to capture a perfect moment in a spontaneous dance. Not an easy quest, given Sanders is rarely constrained by norms and takes a fearless approach to her dance.

Photos question our relationship with animals

<i>Amelia & the Animals</i>, by Robin Schwartz, is on show at Sydney's Black Eye Gallery as part of the Head On photo ...

American photographer Robin Schwartz photographed her daughter in a series of interactions with different animals. The series, Schwartz says, is a way to showcase the individuality of animals and their importance in our lives.