
Workplace Relations

Income quiz.

Readers guess income of 15 jobs. How close were they?

More than 25,000 people took up the challenge, and now we have the results. After averaging out all the responses, we thought it would be interesting to see whether the collective wisdom was on point.

Online lenders are in the spotlight over their use of technology to assess people's creditworthiness.

Can you guess what people in these jobs earn?

How much do politicians earn on average? How about footballers? Or teachers? But rather than giving you the answers straight away, let's try something different. Can you guess how much each of these jobs earn?

Young achiever: Northern Grampians Shire infrastructure manager Trenton Fithall.

Engineering the future

Local government can be a great fit for young engineers with a community focus.

Forensic scientist Dr Paola Magni gathers information that no one else has.

Dead men tell tales

A sleuth who deals with microscopic clues finds her work constantly fascinating.

Chances are alcohol is stifling the warning signals that help prospective clients consider the consequences of what ...

They booze, you lose?

Some of the greatest business deals have been done over a bottle or seven of fine wine, but science says you have to be careful of those syrupy handshakes.