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1932 - 2016 Obituary Condolences Gallery
Debbie Reynolds (Hulton Archive / Getty)
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June 17, 2017

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June 17, 2017

Please don't submit copyrighted work; original poems, songs or prayers welcomed. reviews all Guest Book entries to ensure appropriate content. Our staff does not correct grammar or spelling.

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May 8, 2017
i knew debbie personally and carrie and the fam she was a great person with me only being 5 years older than her the whole fam are great people
March 9, 2017
May Ms. Reynolds Rest In Peace and may you find comfort in knowing the God of Tender Mercies cares for her and you.
March 6, 2017
Debbie, you will be sorely missed. Your talent was beyond comprehension, your heart made of pure gold, and a legacy that has transcended generations. Rest soundly beside Carrie. From now on, each time it rains, I'll know you are singing and dancing on that heavenly stage.
February 23, 2017
Thanks Debbie, for the memorable entertainment. You will forever remain etched in memory. RIP with your gifted Carrie.
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