

Who dares to discount future lives born into a ravaged climate?

We can't afford to miscalculate the costs of runaway climate change.

If a government was to build a wondrous, but expensive, high-speed railway that was to last 100 years, how should it pay for it? It would be unfair to impose the entire cost on today's taxpayers, given future generations would enjoy most of the benefits. Future train passengers are also likely to be wealthier, in real terms, than today's taxpayers, so we might expect them to pay a greater-than-equal share of the cost. For infrastructure projects like this, economists have a straightforward way of "discounting" the railway's future benefits (for example, by comparing them with the benefits of investing in something else) to decide whether the upfront costs are worthwhile.

Yet how straightforward, or even honest, can this approach be when deciding how to address climate change? The planet is clearly warming – relatively fast – but no one knows what the precise effects of that will be; the Earth is too complex. Nonetheless, economists try to model the costs of the consequences, and debates rage over their projections. The differences are seen in the discount rates used, which are functions of the forecast net damage caused by climate change. These rates determine the optimum carbon price and, in turn, the extent that it's "worthwhile" trying to prevent global warming or, instead, adapt to it when it happens.

The problem, as with all cost-benefit analyses, is the quality of information relied on. If a benefit, or a cost, is measured inadequately or perhaps not at all, the analysis will mislead.

In 2009, Bjorn Lomborg's Copenhagen Consensus Centre invited the now director of the ANU's Centre for Climate Economics and Policy, Associate Professor Frank Jotzo, to review its cost-benefit analysis of climate actions. Jotzo pointed out it had effectively ignored non-market costs. So much so that, in a world that is three degrees hotter, which is "generally regarded to herald unacceptable risks ... for humanity", the centre's analysis suggested the worst impacts would be felt in tourism and agriculture. In contrast, the assessed impacts on health and from sea level rise were "almost insignificant".

Jotzo's paper used the Great Barrier Reef to highlight the flaws in weighing up mitigation today against adaption tomorrow. "The coral reef example is obvious in that there are no apparent adaptation options. The situation may be similar if somewhat different for issues such as the survival of species, where assisted relocation may be an option in some instances. Overall, the inclusion of non-market values in the analysis is likely to shift the balance towards more mitigation, rather than adaptation." Lomborg's centre thanked Jotzo for his work but his comments were effectively ignored in its final report.


The integrated assessment models used to project the costs of climate change are improving, because they try to cover more non-market effects. Economists now tend to use lower discount rates than in the past (reflecting the higher forecasts of damages, and the greater incentive to avoid them). But Jotzo says these analyses remain fundamentally limited. "Some things will never have a market value, such as the Great Barrier Reef, or someone's way of life. If some Pacific islands become unlivable, for instance, the economic cost of resettling people from those islands – say, to New Zealand or Australia – is relatively small. You can then assume that, over time, they will get new jobs in Auckland and so on. But the psychic cost to those people, and to humanity, of losing those communities forever? There's no way of costing that economically. So when you do cost-benefit analysis, you inevitably end up with an inadequate model because you've missed out on what really matters."

The most glaring omission is the failure of almost all analyses to account for the risk of disastrous climate change – because, again, the potential damage is impossible to measure. Harvard professor Martin Weitzman regularly points this out, saying many economists' models are effectively illusions and they should stop pretending they are "an approximation to something that is accurate and objective". He said recently that, if the world continued on a business-as-usual trajectory, "then there is some non-trivial probability of a catastrophic climate outcome materialising at some future time". "If we don't start buying into this insurance policy soon, the human race could end up being very sorry should a future climate catastrophe rear its ugly head." His views on discount rates reflect this. "If we value highly the climate-associated welfare of future generations, then we should be using low discount rates – say, one per cent or less – which would register the present value of their catastrophic damages as if it were equivalent to a very high level of present damages – something that must be avoided by action now."

These are not the dissenting views of a handful of economists. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest assessment report questioned the very morality of applying discount rates that penalised "future generations just because they are born later". "Many regard such 'datism' to be as ethically unacceptable as sexism or racism," the report said. On determining the cost of the risk of extinction, it concluded the "broad consensus is for a zero or near-zero pure rate of time preference for the present".

A common, past complaint against low discount rates was that they placed an extremely heavy moral burden on the current generation to act (and to pay). But who dares get this one wrong? Runaway climate change is more than just a bungled railway project. If policymakers are willing to discount future lives, perhaps we should also expect them to name the exact price, in dollars, of each community they are willing to risk disappear.

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