Cute or rude? Toddler vents about 'chatty' plane passenger

Mila has become an internet sensation.
Mila has become an internet sensation. Photo: Instagram @kcstauffer

The internet is going nuts for a cute 2-year-old named Mila Stauffer, but we're not sure if she's adorable or rude.

A recent video of the US toddler complaining about a chatty plane passenger has gone viral and people are cracking up.

The video, taken by Mila's mum Katie, shows Mila sharing zingers such as:

"Well, it happened. On the plane, I got in my seat…right by Chatty Cathy."

"(She asked) who's your favourite princess? [I answered] THE ONE I'M TRYING TO WATCH ON THE iPAD!"

"She was smiling like this: hey kid, I have no friends."

Mila uses a mocking voice to impersonate the woman, and the internet has fallen in love with her. But I'm not so sure.

First, the video is heavily edited and I can't help but wonder just how much input Mila's mum or other family members have into what she says.

And second, why are we laughing at a child who is being taught that it's funny to mock people who are guilty of nothing more than trying to make pleasant conversation?

Most of us spend our parenting lives trying to teach our kids how important kindness is. This video is the antithesis of all of that.

Mila's mum Katie told Babble Mila is a born performer. "It all started when Mila would tell us these amazing stories that she made up. She was SO dramatic…then we started filming them."

Katie also says the stories Mila tells aren't always real. She wants to be an actress and she likes to make up stories. So perhaps we can at least take comfort that there's no plane passenger out there feeling stung by this story.

This video has been viewed over 10 million times and has attracted comments of approval and disapproval.

Some thought she was adorable.

"She should be an actress!" commented one Facebook user. "She is just amazing with her facial expressions along with the context. Love her."

Others weren't convinced.

"How is what she is saying cute?" asked one commenter. "I see someone teaching her to be extremely rude. Go ahead and coach a kid to use vocabulary way beyond them because that can be funny. But to encourage her to say such disrespectful things is not."

Katie says, "Some of the comments are a bit hard to take, but these people don't see what it's like at home. It's literally a funny family video that we would share with whoever liked it…the fact that she loves it makes it even better."

So, is it funny or mean spirited? You be the judge.