AreIOM_logo_blueas of support:

  • Humanitarian assistance
  • Migration management and counter-trafficking
  • Resettlement movement and operations
  • Migration health

Humanitarian assistance: IOM has longstanding experience delivering humanitarian assistance and coordinating emergency response in close collaboration with the Government of Pakistan. In response to floods between 2010 and 2012, IOM assisted affected populations through emergency and recovery programmes, and led the Shelter/Non-food Items (NFIs) Cluster. IOM also supports populations affected by the ongoing complex emergency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) through emergency shelter and NFI distributions, as well as humanitarian communications activities.

Migration management and counter-trafficking: IOM Pakistan works closely with the Government to address issues related to migration management and counter-trafficking. Among other initiatives, IOM supports the EU-funded Pilot Initiative to Monitor Readmission in Ukraine and Pakistan (MONITOR). The project is establishing a system for monitoring the situation of readmitted persons, as well as the implementation of European Union Readmission Agreements in third countries. IOM also partners with the National University of Sciences and Technology to deliver counter-trafficking awareness sessions for Pakistani peacekeepers prior to their deployment to various missions abroad.

Resettlement movements and operations: The IOM Operations Unit in Islamabad has conducted resettlement and migration activities for more than 30 years. IOM facilitates refugee movements to various countries, including Australia, Canada and the United States. To support refugees and skilled migrants prior to departure from Pakistan, IOM offers cultural orientation sessions for Australia and Canada. IOM Pakistan collaborates closely with other IOM missions worldwide to support voluntary return and reintegration activities. In coordination with the IOM Resettlement Support Centre in Nepal, IOM Pakistan enables processing of cases through the United States Refugee Admission Programme.

Migration health: IOM clinics in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and Mirpur have provided departure health assessments and screening services to prospective migrants and refugees since 2007. As part of its collaboration with the National Tuberculosis Control Program, the IOM Bio-safety Tuberculosis Laboratory scored 100 percent on Drug Susceptibility Testing.

Davide Terzi, Representative and Chief of Mission, International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Davide Terzi - IOMDavide Terzi is a humanitarian manager and is presently serving as Representative and Chief of Mission at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Pakistan. Mr Terzi has worked with IOM for 22 years, since 1994. Prior to his assignment in Pakistan, he served as Chief of Mission in Jordan, Ghana, Georgia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).  Earlier, he was appointed Senior Emergency Officer in Geneva   and served as Senior Operations Officer in Moscow. He also gained extensive experience working in countries including the Turks and Caicos Islands (Caribbean) and Rwanda.

Amongst his many achievements, Mr. Terzi is a skilled fundraiser and humanitarian manager specializing in complex crises. He was instrumental in the Government of DRC becoming an IOM Member State and in 1999 he received the Director General’s Award for Field Merits.

Before joining IOM, Mr. Terzi worked with the Italian Technical Cooperation as Logistics Officer in El Salvador, Mozambique and in the Former Yugoslavia for five years. Before his career in the relief sector, Davide was employed in the civil aviation industry where he logged over 3,000 hours in command of airline, VIP and charter aircrafts.

He is an Italian national who was raised in Somalia and has lived his entire life abroad. He speaks 7 languages and has two children.