Join us for our next FREE Tech Tuesdays webinar on May 23 from 12-12:30 p.m. on CBA perks provider ServeManager. ServeManager is web-based software that allows law firms and process servers to work together providing transparency and instant communication on all your serves. ServeManager manages the complete job lifecycle — find or invite process servers, […]


As a solo attorney, you are undoubtedly a busy person. Most solo attorneys would agree that owning and running a small law practice is more than a full-time job. From meeting the demands of current clients to scheduling appointments with prospective clients, there are hardly enough hours in the day to keep up with everything […]


Casemaker Tips and Tricks for May

May 11, 2017

Each month we will be bringing you a few tips and tricks for making your research with Casemaker that much more efficient. This month — adding notes, excluding terms in a search, citing references, your search history, and tracking for clients.  For more Casemaker tips and tricks follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and via the […]

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How Much Effort Should You Put into Client Retention?

May 9, 2017

Nobody ever says that client retention is easy. However, the process of retaining existing clients can be significantly easier than finding new clients. If you had to choose between a difficult job and a very difficult job, which would you select? The task of retaining existing clients certainly requires time and effort. But searching for […]

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Litigation Member Appreciation Reception — for Litigation Section, Solo Small Firm Section, and DBA Bench Bar Committee Members

May 4, 2017

The Litigation section invites you to meet their section and executive committee members, DBA Bench Bar Committee members, and area trial court and appellate judges at a complimentary reception. Enjoy refreshments and hors d’oeuvres in this beautiful space overlooking the Front Range and Coors Field, and a chance to win CLE passes and other door […]

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Improve Your Communication Style for Greater Success

May 2, 2017

A few weeks ago at a professional networking meeting, a question was asked; what is the best way to communicate with people who you interact with during the course of the day?  Most people chimed in with their preferential choice of communication along with valid reasons why they favored their preferential method.   One person stated […]

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May Solo Small Firm Networking Events

April 28, 2017

Solo Small Firm Section networking meetings are a great opportunity to connect with your peers, as well as a practice management and technology discussion forum. The meetings are open to all CBA members, not just Solo Small Firm Section members, the sponsoring entity. Colorado Springs routinely offers CLE credits, although sometimes there is no formal agenda, […]

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April’s Best of the Blogs

April 26, 2017

We know you are busy! So we read through numerous blog posts and find the best ones to share with you each month. Please let us know if you feel we are missing a particularly good one. Quick Tips Protect Yourself on Unsecured Wifi Tips for Using Your Smartphone at Work Three Apps to Help […]

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Are You a Denver Bar Association Member? May is Member Appreciation Month! Free CLEs and More!!!

April 25, 2017

It is because of you, that the Denver Bar Association is currently in its 125th year of serving the Colorado legal community. Member Appreciation Month is right around the corner, and the best part is that many CLEs and events are specifically designed solo and small firm attorneys. All events are free, and many include […]

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Transitioning Your Tech: Selling Your Practice in the Digital Age

April 20, 2017

By Guest Blogger, Corinne C. Miller In a profession that has prided itself on maintaining its traditions over the years, the injection of technology has created new opportunities and challenges for the modern law practitioner. Cloud computing has made our firms more productive, saved our clients time and money, and streamlined discovery for firms of […]

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