RAC Victoria


Refugee Action Collective Victoria is an activist group based in Melbourne fighting for refugee rights and campaigning against mandatory detention.

Victoria, Australia
Se unió en junio de 2011


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  1. Tweet fijado
    11 ago.

    Denying people in Foxtrot compound water and power is as unconscionable as denying people

  2. hace 4 minutos
  3. retwitteó
    hace 6 horas

    Hamed's family are entitled to know depths the Parliament has plummeted & that & ignored pleas 4 medi intervention.

  4. hace 2 horas

    ' controls and destroys ' 12th day of Mike compound. . has power to

  5. retwitteó
    hace 24 horas
    En respuesta a y a
  6. retwitteó
    12 ago.

    we're not rocks to block the sea.4yre detention without committed any crime.. wake up international community stop torture abuse on

    , , y 4 más
  7. hace 8 horas
  8. 12 ago.
  9. retwitteó
    10 ago.

    Silent protest,Manus prison camp right now

  10. retwitteó
    10 ago.
  11. retwitteó
    11 ago.

    1,380 Days in Australian offshore detention centre on .. WAKE UP 4YOUR DUTIES ENOUGH RACISM, TORTURE, ABUSE.

    , , y 4 más
  12. 11 ago.
  13. retwitteó
    11 ago.

    And now it's back on! Security on all sorts of power trips, thinking it's funny to behave like immature shitheads.

  14. retwitteó
    11 ago.

    Power is off in both Foxtrot AND Mike compounds on .... except for the area where security staff work.

  15. retwitteó
    11 ago.
  16. retwitteó
    11 ago.

    I AM HAMED / JE SUIS HAMED Vigil for Hamed Shamshiripour who died 07.08.17 in Cause of death unknown

  17. retwitteó
    11 ago.
    En respuesta a

    27c + 88% humidity in Manus.Wouldn't leave home without fluids in SE Qld. If we left a pet in that without water & shelter we'd be charged.

  18. 11 ago.
  19. 11 ago.
  20. retwitteó
    10 ago.

    Watch as a minister won't even mention Hamed Shamshiripour, who died in her government's offshore prison, by name.

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