
आपने @Mums4Refugees को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @Mums4Refugees का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. ने रीट्वीट किया
    7 अक्तू॰

    (10/10) Effectively he served 11 years because he asked for asylum in Australia. You do less time for murder.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  2. ने रीट्वीट किया
    7 अक्तू॰

    (8/10) There are too many examples of how obscene the financial cost of all this is so here's just one. This asylum seeker man was released last week after being detained for 11 years.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  3. ने रीट्वीट किया
    7 अक्तू॰

    (5/10) So why wouldn't Australia just accept NZ's longstanding offer to take those refugees left offshore? It would save Australia a much needed $1 billion, and as a gesture of goodwill why not just pay for the travel & quarantining of those being relocated (saved)?

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  4. ने रीट्वीट किया
    7 अक्तू॰

    (4/10) But wait, there's more. Last night we learnt over $1 billion is budgeted for offshore detention in the next 2 years. Offshore doesn't include Christmas Island by the way. Offshore means Manus and Nauru.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  5. ने रीट्वीट किया
    7 अक्तू॰

    (3/10) Last night's includes a spend of another $55m on Christmas Island. Over $180m has already been spent on that centre in the last year, but the largesse has not incl giving the kids their own beds. A family of 4 have had to share a bed for 13 months.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  6. ने रीट्वीट किया
    7 अक्तू॰

    (1/10) Any entry level democracy in recession would dial down their expensive addiction to pricey island detention centres. But not Australia. (thread)

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  7. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    $61m for school chaplains $16m for Indigenous health Why are we all not (peacefully) rioting on the streets of Canberra?

  8. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    . is all announcement & no delivery. He’s promising to increase partner visas by 30,000 in tonight’s . 100,000 Australians & 100,000 of their partners are waiting 27 months to get a visa. The budget does not clear this backlog.

  9. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    devoid of compassion 4 refugees&people seeking asylum: - Huge cuts to refugee&humanitarian intake decrease safe passage - Increased spending on offshore detention blowing out any savings made by above -Support for people seeking asylum slashed when most needed

  10. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    Shattering news in : the Australian Govt is permanently cutting its and Humanitarian Program by 5000 places p.a. The saving of $958m over 4 years will be more than wiped out by a $1.2 billion blowout in offshore processing costs this year and last year.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  11. 6 अक्तू॰

    Dear Australian your is a disgrace

  12. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    . A great opportunity to rebuild a fairer more resilient economy. And yet no plan for full employment, nothing for women, no increase to Newstart, no plan for childcare, uni sector still up sh*t creek, as is resi aged care & nothing to tackle the climate emergency!

  13. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    It seems women have been left out of even though they have been on the front lines fighting the pandemic & they have lost the most jobs.

  14. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    Disgraceful. Religious chaplains have no place in public schools.

  15. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    Unbelievable. Nothing. Absolutely nothing for social housing in

  16. ने रीट्वीट किया
    6 अक्तू॰

    We are bitterly disappointed to see nothing in for people seeking asylum. This is again a massive policy failure by the Australian Government to leave the most vulnerable families with no safety net during a pandemic.

  17. 6 अक्तू॰
  18. ने रीट्वीट किया
    5 अक्तू॰

    Israel commits 31 assaults against Palestinian journalists in September: shoots 7 with live fire or tear gas grenades, and steals a press vehicle

  19. ने रीट्वीट किया
    5 अक्तू॰

    Temporary visa holders, incl and people seeking have been largely left behind during - we are hoping that the Federal govt has included them in the tonight to ensure ppl aren't left destitute and homeless

  20. 6 अक्तू॰

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