The campaigns against the Bin charges

This page contains articles about the resistance to the introduction of refuse charges in Ireland from the Workers Solidarity Movement. The articles chiefly concern Dublin and Cork.

The overwhelming majority of waste produced in this country is produced by industry, big business and large-scale agriculture while only a small fraction is produced by domestic householders. The refuse charge is an attempt to shift the burden of paying for the waste produced by big business on to the ordinary worker. It will punishes those who pay most tax and produce least waste instead of taxing those who pay least tax and produce most waste.

The anarchists are coming


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Chronological reports from the frontline

Anti-Bin Charges March in Cork
About 300 people marched on Saturday afternoon in protest at the ongoing stand-off over the bin tax and the non-collection of domestic rubbish in Cork City.

Resistance Pays ... Cork Anti-Bins
Figures released by Cork City Council confirm that the non-payment of bin charges remains very high despite the Council's bullying tactics

Bin Depot locations - Sandyford - Grangegorman - Collins Ave - Davitt road - Rathmines - Swords - ? - (please post a map to so we can link to it here)

Wages Up 23%!
(of course not - only the bin-tax jumps up like that) The anti-bin tax campaign fought a long, hard struggle in 2003 involving pickets, blockades in estates and outside depots.

Small bin tax victory in Dun Laoghaire
Every Wednesday morning I arise at 7 am. Our mission to make sure that every bin on the Granville Road, Doonsalla, Watsons road is lifted whether they have paid some, all or no bin tax.

Bin Tax - what has been going on
The campaign against the bin-tax in Dublin has seen an upsurge of community resistance to the government

Government announces new 'turd tax'
Minister for the environment Martin Cullen today announced a new tax on visits to the toilet, which has already been dubbed the 'turd tax'.

Cork Against the Bin Tax
The campaign in Cork and contact detials for anarchists active in the campaign in Dublin

Anti-bin tax meetings in Cork
About fifty people gathered in Mayfield GAA club in the first of a series of meetings re launching the campaign against the refuse charges in Cork city. The meeting was addressed by Paddy Mulcahy and Ted Tynan both jailed in 1991 for non-payment

Cabra marches on Mountjoy
Over 500 people assembled in Cabra outside the Bingo hall and marched down the New Cabra Road towards Mountjoy prison where there is still ten brave anti-bin tax protesters incarcerated.

Day of action brings bin trucks to a halt
This morning saw a day of action across Dublin against the bin tax. At depot after depot activists from the campaign turned up in the early hours of the morning to stop the bin trucks leaving. This act of defiance is our answer to the continued jailing of activists by the high court.

Another bin tax march on Mountjoy jail
Saturday saw the second major march on Mountjoy jail of the bin tax protests. As many as 3,000 took part in this one, most marching out from Parnell square with a couple of hundred marching down from Cabra to meet them at the jail

10 jailed, hundreds protest at Mountjoy
Last night at very short notice over 300 people protested outside Mountjoy jail. On Saturday a Dublin Council of Trade Unions march will leave Parnell Square around midday to march on Mountjoy jail.

Blockades and lobbies of Dublin city bin truck depots
There were blockades on two of the four Dublin city depots this morning and a lobby of the Rathmines depot. This is to mark the High Court case this morning when 24 protesters from the city are being dragged into the courts for breaking the councils injunction against blockading trucks.

Grange Gorman blockade successful
Last nights blockade of the Grange Gorman bin truck depot was a success with no truck managing to leave during the three-hour blockade. These were the trucks that were to do the rubbish pick-up in the shopping areas of the city centre.

Bin tax protesters

Dail protest, blockades and the bin tax campaign
The opening of the Dail on Tuesday 30 September after the long, long holidays the TD's get saw a somewhat disappointing bin tax protest on the streets outside

Monster meeting in Ballybrack + report from Dundrum
There was an excellent turn out for the meeting last night at Ballybrack workmans club &endash; 100-120 people

Second successful solidarity blockade in Stoneybatter
A crowd of about 25 people had assembled by 8:30, ready to take part in the blockade. We moved off into Drumalee to await the truck and our numbers grew as several residents came out to join us.

Report from High court bin tax hearing
Judge refuses city council's application for blanket injunction

Bin tax and Reclaim the Streets protests link up in Dublin [with pics]
Monday evening in Dublin saw a Reclaim the Streets demonstration joining up with an anti-bin tax march demanding the release of two imprisoned activists

Anti bin tax protest in Ringsend
This morning the council announced that they would begin implementing non-collection of bins in the Ringsend area of the city. Anti-bin tax activists mobilised to blockade the trucks to force them to collect all the bins.

Massive anti-bin tax meeting in Cabra
The decision to flex the muscle of the campaign by this action was taken on Monday night at a meeting in Cabra. The massive meeting of between 500 to 600 people took place in St. Finbarr's GAA Club.

Cabra activists blockade bin truck [with pics]
All bins are still being collected in Cabra (and the Dublin city area) but we felt it was important to send a message of solidarity to Fingal activists and also send a warning to the council that we were prepared for them.

Successful first bin truck blockade in Stoneybatter [with pics]
The anti-bin tax campaign in Stoneybatter took its first action today when it blockaded a bin truck just off the Oxmantown road. The truck was blockaded for one hour as a solidarity gesture with the campaign in Fingal.

Report on Bin charges meeting Kingstown Hotel Dun Laoghaire
Numbers and caution disappointing &endash; hopefully more resolve at local meetings

Bin tax protesters in Cabra blockade two trucks [with pics]
As Fingal council took a High Court case against bin tax protesters this morning bin tax campaigners in Cabra blockaded two trucks in solidarity with Fingal campaigners. Our intention is to hold onto at least one of these two trucks all day.

Bin tax protesters lobby at depots
Yesterday Fingal council attempted to start refusing to collect the bins of those who not paying the bin tax. This morning the campaign in the Dublin city area swung into action. Our first move was a lobby of the depots that the trucks leave from each morning

Bin tax - the WAR has begun
After being beaten on every front and with non-payment still remaining very high, Fingal council became the first one to try and implement their new tactic of non-collection of the rubbish. This morning there are eight different trucks which are blockaded into various estates in the north Dublin area known as Fingal

Irish Glass Bottle workers occupation
Workers at the Irish Glass Bottle plant in Ringsend have been in occupation of the plant for the last couple of months. The plant is closing, making some 375 workers redundant.

Winning the Water War
In 1996 the domestic water charge was abolished. In 'Winning the Water War', Dermot Sreenan, an activist in the Federation of Dublin Anti-Water Charges Campaigns examines the campaign and the demonstration of people power that brought about the downfall of this charge.

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Water Charge

Understanding the Issues

Class, Ecology and the bin tax
As long as we live in a world ruled by a small elite that not only has the wealth to escape from environmental degradation but actually makes a bigger profit by not doing anything about it the 'environmental problem' will never be solved

Sunday Independent claims anarchists are 'infiltrating' bin tax campaign
The mouthpiece of millionaire Tony O'Reilly, the Sunday Independent, got terribly excited when it 'discovered' there were anarchists involved in the bin tax campaign

Service Charges Taking from the poor to give to the rich
One of the main reasons that we are fighting against the bin tax is because it is another attempt to transfer wealth from workers to the rich

Anarchists, the bin tax & direct action
There are many political groups and individuals involved in the campaign against the bin tax. Many of them see the campaign as little more than a way of getting votes in the local elections of June 2004.

The Bin Tax & Privatisation
It is no secret that the government wants to privatise the bin service in Dublin. The service has already been privatised in thirty-seven Local Authorities around the country

Cullen is a liar
Minister for the Environment, Martin Cullen claims that bin charges are necessary to deal with the waste crisis in this country

1 (no) law for the rich
The last months in Dublin have seen the jailing of ordinary working class people for protesting against the bin tax. A tax whose introduction was not only opposed by most people but which tens of thousands are refusing to pay.

David Begg: Bertie's new partner
ICTU general secretary David Begg condemned the anti-bin tax campaign. He did this at the same time that the state was jailing protesters and refusing to collect rubbish from thousands of households in Dublin.

Not Just Dublin
The media has tried to attempt this as being about Dublin v the rest of the country. So how come anti-bin charge activists were being jailed in Cork back in May 2001. There are also active campaigns elsewhere in the country, including Drogheda

Bin the Bin Tax!! (WS60)
Double taxation has returned to the Dublin area, with a £150 refuse charge introduced by Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council and talk among councillors on Dublin Corporation of the introduction of a charge there too.

The service charge con
Taking from workers to give to the rich

The 'polluter pays' & the bin tax (WS61)
The attempt to introduce refuse charges by the Dublin area county councils has been welcomed in some quarters. It is, we are told, necessary to fund a local waste management policy, that will increase the amount of waste recycled, and reduce the amount of landfill needed.

Anti-Bin Tax = tax dodger?
The politicians the big farmers and the bosses don't hold back when it comes to defending their interests. We should do the same, and no better way to start than by telling them to stuff their bin tax.

Bin Tax- Some backround notes on Environmental, Taxation and EU issues
Report written by Joe Higgins while in Jail

The WTO and GATS
According to the WTO, the GATS agreements cover 160 services' sector. What few people realised when the deal was first done is that the GATS also includes healthcare, education, housing, water, waste management and other basic services usually run by government agencies.

Blockade the trucks - Don't fall for council scams
As we go to print, the bin charges battle has started in earnest in Dublin with Fingal Council's attempt not to collect non-payer's bins.

Water tax in Northern Ireland
Northern Irish homes are to be subjected to a tax on water, unless enough of us get together to stop the government's plan.

Organising for Change
Just as combining against the bin tax or against the war makes us stronger so too does combining in political organisations.

Bin Charges - a strategy to win
by Gregor Kerr, the former Secretary, Federation of Dublin Anti Water Charge Campaigns
The key tactic which guaranteed success in the anti-water charge campaign was the refusal to pay. In the initial stages of the campaign, activists in local communities went from door-to-door encouraging their neighbours to join the boycott campaign

Dublin bin truck

Our TAX Money - Will we get a receipt? (WS56)
What the Flood and McCracken and Moriarty Tribunals have revealed that politicians and business people regularly exchange massive sums of money without the slightest regard to taxation. Over 85% of tax on income is paid by PAYE workers

The Bin Tax - The Race for Office
Whilst I can understand the will of people to 'make the politicians pay' for their treachery in bringing in this tax for a public service - we don't agree with this tactic. The way this tax is going to be defeated is by building a massive campaign.

Direct Action and fighting to win
Anarchists are not particularly interested in protesting against the evils of the world - we would prefer to abolish them!

Direct Action is next step for the Anti-Bin Tax campaign
We must send out the message that we intend for every truck to pick up all the rubbish on their bin run. The Council must understand this, and the government must understand it. If non-collection is attempted, trucks will be blockaded into our estates until everyone's bin is emptied.

Sinn Fein and Labour help to introduce Dublin bin charges
Dublin City Council (Dublin Corporation) voted to introduce charges for refuse collection. The bin tax has arrived in the one local authority area which did not even try to levy a water charge a few years ago. The excuse used by some politicians was that the council had been threatened with dissolution had it not introduced the charges.


Figures from Emmett Farrell (Liberties) given at Dublin bin tax conference
In Sligo refuse collection privatised and current charge is ¤ 10 per week equivalent to ¤ 520 per year and it is not possible for a family with a few children to hoard rubbish over weeks. There is no waiver.
In Kilkenny County Council the privatised charge is ¤ 460 in 2004. In Athlone, the privatised charge is ¤ 8 per week equivalent to ¤ 416 per year.
In Limerick, the private collector Mr Binman provides a partial waiver but pensioners must pay ¤ 80 every six months and this is very onerous on pensioners already struggling on fixed &endash; low - incomes.

Bin truck blocked in Stoneybatter

Red and Black Ireland

Bin charges news will be posted to Ainriail

The Ainriail mailing list carries the latest news from the WSM and the struggles anarchists are involved in. There are never more then 8 posts a week (and normally only 2-4). We post printed articles to it shortly after they are published.

More details!

Workers Soldiarity 78


  • 1 (no) law for the rich
  • Palestine and the International Solidarity Movement
  • Thinking about anarchism - Unequal power, unequal pay
  • Robert Emmet and the rising of 1803
  • Debate on Iraq war
  • The Social Forums: Abandon or Contaminate?
  • Bin Tax - what has been going on
  • Chile: 30 years of 9-11 protests
  • "Direct Action" and "A Day Mournful and Overcast"
  • HASC meetings in Cork
  • David Begg: Bertie's new partner

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Grangegorman bring centre lobby


Anybody curious about the arguments against the introduction of bin charges into Ireland, please familiarise yourself with

 Older News reports

March 2003 - Bin Tax Battle Enters New Phase
The campaign against the bin tax is set to enter a new phase before the summer as the government brings forward new legislation to give the Councils the power to refuse to collect the bins of non-payers

Feb 2003 - The Anti-Bin Tax - keep connecting with the punches
Despite the fact that the Dublin City Council effectively has it's hands tied they could not let the Christmas pass without trying to frighten people into paying their precious double-tax.

Sept 2002 - The anti-bin tax battles
According to the council's own figures less then 50% of people paid any part of their bill last year. With the growing success of non-payment only around 20% have paid something so far this year

Sept 2 2002 - Bin tax picket of Dublin corporation meetings [with photos]
First summons and another picket of the Dublin corporation council meeting

Drogheda ain't paying
Less than 50% of Drogheda residents have paid any of the yearly 260 Euro charge

Feb 12 2002 - Bin tax : Council sends out threatening letters
Dublin city council have been sending threatening letters to people who are refusing to pay the bin tax. A WSM member who is on the co-ordinating committee explains below what the campaigns plans are and how to deal with the letter.

Jan 2002 Bin Tax Victory - Court orders Corpo to collect non-payers' bins
After a marathon protest and despite the jailing of seven activists from our campaign, Cork Corpo's strategy of bullying the people of the city into paying twice to have their domestic rubbish collected, ended in disarray.

Nov 14th Major Victory In Cork Anti-Bin Campaign
Our campaign against the bin charges here in Cork received a massive boost late last week with an unexpected court victory - Cork Corporation is legally and socially bound to collect household rubbish and is not entitled to refuse to collect such rubbish on the grounds of unpaid bin tax.

Oct 1st - Bin tax struggle in Dublin [with pictures]
On Thursday the 27th all the local county councillors were invited to a meeting in the Liberties to explain their position on the bin tax. On October the 1st the campaign picketed the corporations meeting at which motions to abolish the tax were meant to have been discussed.

Sept 22nd - A tale of 2 meetings
A report on two anti bin charges meetings in Dublin, one organised by Eric Byrne and the other the 2nd AGM of the Dun Laoghaire campaign

September 17th - Delegates from local anti Bin tax groups meet in Dublin
Monday night saw the first real activists meeting of the Dublin Corporation area anti Bin Tax campaign. Attendance was better then expected, there with reports from over 12 areas.

WS 66 September/October - Council's Bin Tax Rubbished
The Dublin Campaign against the Bin Tax is entering a crucial phase. Meetings calling for a mass campaign of non-payment have been held in various areas throughout the city.

Anarchists at the bin tax demo

August 30th - Cork Corporation has escalated its campaign in the anti-bin tax protest
Mick Barry is the sixth member of Householders Against The Service Charges (HASC) to be jailed in the current protest.

August 20th - Another member of Householders Against the Service Charges jailed in Cork
He is being held in Cork Prison having been sentenced to serve 5 days in jail for not paying a £70 fine under the Litter Act

WS65 July/August- Bin Tax: We are winning
Reports from the campaign in the Liberties and Walkinstown

WS65 July/August- Bin Tax: Building for the future
Dermot Sreenan who is on the ad-hoc co-ordination committee for the Corporation area looks ahead to the sort of victory we need.

WS65 July/August- Anti-Bin Tax protestors jailed in Cork
In June 2001 James McBarron along with two other bin tax protesters was jailed in Cork. We asked him to write about his experiences

HASC picket

Members of HASC picketing out the Cork Corporation Bin Yard (Wed 16th May).

June 26th - Another Cork bin tax protester jailed
Sandra Condon, a member of Householders Against The Service Charges, was arrested this morning at her home in north Cork City on foot of her conviction for 'bogus' littering offences in connection with the ongoing campaign against rubbish collect charges in Cork city.

June 15th - Bin charges meeting in Harolds Cross
Last night saw the first meeting of the anti-bin charges campaign to be held in the Harolds Cross area. Sitting at the back of the room was a guy from the Dublin Corporation

June 11th - Bin charges protest at Dublin Corporation meeting [with pictures]
A respectable crowd of in or around 50 people mustered for this demonstration which was good considering that the first round of bills have yet to drop over most of the city

June 6th - Campaign Against the Bin Tax grows in Dublin Corporation
The following reports are from three anarchists involved in the Campaign Against the Bin Tax in the Dublin Corporation area. Over the last couple of weeks many local meetings have been held and next week there will be a protest at City Hall.

May 31st - Council Bug Bins
Recently information has come to light that Dun Laoghaire - Rathdown Council have begun to put micro chips in Wheelie bins.

May 18th - Cork service charge activists released [with photos]
The jailings have been a PR disaster for Cork Corporation and have brought unprecedented attention to our campaign against the Bin Tax. The Campaign is set to escalate even further next week, when another member of HASC, Sandra Condon, will be jailed

May 16th - Email Campaign against service charge jailings in Cork [with photo]
Cork Corporation has today jailed three activists with Householders Against The Service Charges (HASC) - Joe Moore, James McBarron and Mick Joyce

May 15th - Stop the jailings of Householders Against Service Charges activists in Cork
Joe Moore, James McBarron and Michael Joyce, all members of the Householders Against Service Charges (HASC) in Cork (Ireland) are all facing imminent imprisonment as part of the ongoing and defiant protest against the imposition of the Bin Tax on Cork workers

WS64 May/June - The fight against the Bin Charges
In March 2001 the first of a second round of bin charges hit homes all over the Dún Laoghaire - Rathdown area. Though the charges have not yet been beaten, the campaign here is in a very strong position. Already campaigners are becoming active throughout the Corporation area and the Dublin and Dún Laoghaire campaigns are building links

March 8th 2001- Stop the jailings protest

On Feb 15th, two members of Householders Against Service Charges (HASC), were fined £95 and £75 by the Cork Circuit Court under the Litter Act. They were ordered to pay the fined within 28 days or face imprisonment of 3 days at Cork Prison. Both activists, as part of the ongoing campaign against the 'Bin Charges', have pledged not to pay the fines.

Crumlin anti bin tax campaign banner

Ballymun echo banner

Feb 2001 - Bin Campaign Set To Escalate In Cork
Cork Corpo. plans to jail bin charges activists it has fined under the Litter Act

Feb 2001 - Dublin Bin charges - Liars and Cheats
The vote to implement bin charges in Dublin Corporation in mid-January once again proved what a bunch of liars and cheats politicians are - no matter what party they come from 

Jan 2001 - Sinn Fein and Labour help to introduce Dublin bin charges
Dublin City Council (Dublin Corporation) voted to introduce charges for refuse collection. The bin tax has arrived in the one local authority area which did not even try to levy a water charge a few years ago. The excuse used by some politicians was that the council had been threatened with dissolution had it not introduced the charges.

WS62 - Jan/Feb 2001 - Bin charges struggle continues
Reports from the struggle against the bin charges in Dublin and Cork. Cork Corporation has found a new target in their fight to impose bin charges in Cork... the old and the disabled. In Dub Laoghaire over 50% of people haven't paid one or both installments of this year's charge

November 21st - Dún Laoghaire protests against Bin charges
This was a determined crowd, no way would they be paying twice (PAYE/VAT and now the proposed local charges) for their bin collection service. "No way - we won't pay" was certainly the most popular slogan.
by Alan 

Council on the run over bin bill (WS61)
Resistance to the introduction of Bin charges in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown

and Cork (WS61)
Rubbish dumping outside the City Hall has become a regular feature of the campaign against the bin-charges in Cork city

Bin the Bin Tax!! (WS60)
Double taxation has returned to the Dublin area, with a £150 refuse charge introduced by Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council and talk among councillors on Dublin Corporation of the introduction of a charge there too.

Dermot speaking

Related articles

Winning the Water War [Overview of campaign]
In 1996 the domestic water charge was abolished. In 'Winning the Water War', Dermot Sreenan, an activist in the Federation of Dublin Anti-Water Charges Campaigns examines the campaign and the demonstration of people power that brought about the downfall of this charge.

Anarchism, elections and power (WS 61)
Anarchists have always opposed participation in the sham of parliamentary elections (choosing rulers rather than ending the division into rulers and ruled) and this time around it will be no different.

Our TAX Money - Will we get a receipt? (WS56)
What the Flood and McCracken and Moriarty Tribunals have revealed that politicians and business people regularly exchange massive sums of money without the slightest regard to taxation. Over 85% of tax on income is paid by PAYE workers.

The following indexs are also relevant

Bin tax protesters

Red and Black Ireland

Bin charges news will be posted to Ainriail

The Ainriail mailing list carries the latest news from the WSM and the struggles anarchists are involved in. There are never more then 8 posts a week (and normally only 2-4). We post printed articles to it shortly after they are published.

More details!

Useful links

Winning the Water War
In 1996 the domestic water charge was abolished. In 'Winning the Water War', Dermot Sreenan, an activist in the Federation of Dublin Anti-Water Charges Campaigns examines the campaign and the demonstration of people power that brought about the downfall of this charge.

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Water Charge

Liberties in Dublin against bin tax

East wall against the bin tax

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