
Peter Gorman Office

Peter Gormans Office

Peter Gorman
is a noted and award-winning journalist who has been named 2007 and 2010 "Texas Print Journalist of the Year" (The Houston Press Club Lone Star Awards) and won dozens of other state and national prizes. He has won three 1st Place awards and two 2nd Place Awards from the AAN in the past several years. The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies represent nearly 90 alternative press newspapers around the United States. Every year they award prizes to the best writing in the association nationwide.

The Gorman Office

Trophy Table in Peter Gormans Office.

Peter Gorman talks about the Mysteries of the Incas...

For nearly 30 years, Peter Gorman has worked with Ayahuasca, the visionary vine of the Amazon.

Base camp

Base camp

What he has to say about the Healing Power of Ayahuasca...

More Infos: Check out his Blog!

carrying anaconda

Two Matsés men struggling to hold a huge anaconda they'd just killed.


Peter, Moises and two Matsés men holding a 22' 5" anaconda that had recently been killed. Photo: Jeff Rotman

Peter, Moises and two Matsés men holding a 22' 5" anaconda that had recently been killed.


Sunset on the Rio Galvéz.

Sunset on the Rio Galvéz.


Dusk on the Rio Javari, the border between Peru and Brazil.

Dusk on the Rio Javari, the border between Peru and Brazil.


Peter Gorman's boat, the Jacare, at a stop on the Javari River.

Peter Gorman's boat, the Jacare, at a stop on the Javari River.


George, a member of Gorman's crew, climbing high into a Lagarto Caspi tree.

George, a member of Gorman's crew, climbing high into a Lagarto Caspi tree.


On the Rio Supay in Peru.

On the Rio Supay in Peru.


Iquitos Sunset

Iquitos Sunset









Peter G




NEWS 16 March 2017

"The Guardian" released an article on Peter Gorman:

The ayahuasca king: the man who gives jungle 'medicine' to lost souls

read more in" The Guardian"

Gorman’s New Book!

The story of the Western world's discovery of Sapo/Kambo and a guidebook to using the medicine traditionally

The story of the Western world's discovery of Sapo/Kambo and a guidebook to using the medicine traditionally

Senior Editor
Executive Editor

"High Times" 

1986 to 1998

April 1997

Who but Gorman would have the guts to put Mexican Revolutionary Pancho Villa, for whom the song "La Cucaracha" was written, riding through the universe a hundered years  after his death on the cover of a magazine...

Who but Gorman would have the guts to put Mexican Revolutionary Pancho Villa, for whom the song "La Cucaracha" was written, riding through the universe a hundered years  after his death on the cover of a magazine...

June 1986

Gorman's first story for High Times and the first national magazine story on ayahuasca published in the United States...

Gorman's first story for High Times and the first national magazine story on ayahuasca published in the United States...

October 1992

Gorman and the HighWitness News Team focused on Native American rights throughout 1992 to recognize 500 Years of wrongs inflicted on Native Americans since the arrival of Columbus...

Gorman and the HighWitness News Team focused on Native American rights throughout 1992 to recognize 500 Years of wrongs inflicted on Native Americans since the arrival of Columbus...

In the deep Amazon...

Coi-ya, a Matsés man, out hunting in the early morning.

Coi-ya, a Matsés man, out hunting in the early morning.


A beautiful old Matsés woman with her jaguar whiskers in place.

A beautiful old Matsés woman with her jaguar whiskers in place.


Peter G in canoe

Gorman and several Matsés friends returning from a wild boar hunt.


Gorman getting served nü-nü by his Matsés friend Pablo.

Gorman getting served nü-nü by his Matsés friend Pablo.


Gorman at the wheel of his boat, the Jacare.

Gorman at the wheel of his boat, the Jacare.


Gorman being served nü-nü by his friend Alberto.

Gorman being served nü-nü by his friend Alberto.


Loaded bow of a riverboat headed up the Amazon.

Loaded bow of a riverboat headed up the Amazon.


Pepe, a Matsés man, scraping sapo/kambo from a Phyllomedusa bicolor frog.

Pepe, a Matsés man, scraping sapo/kambo from a Phyllomedusa bicolor frog.


Woman on a riverboat, headed into a storm on the Rio Ucayali.

Woman on a riverboat, headed into a storm on the Rio Ucayali.


Peter Gorman's great friend and teacher, Moises Torres Vienna.

Peter Gorman's great friend and teacher, Moises Torres Vienna.


Gorman leans over the railing of a riverboat.

Gorman leans over the railing of a riverboat.