Newly added
After twelve nation-wide dialogue meetings across the country, more than 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives will meet in Uluru to discuss...
EXCLUSIVE: In the last year, Dylan Voller’s name has been splashed over newspapers both nationally and internationally; the image of him strapped to a restraint...
Newly added
A representative for Ariana Grande says the US singer is unharmed after what's been reported as an 'explosion' after her show in Manchester.
Opinion: Dr Hannah McGlade, Senior Indigenous Research Fellow Curtin University, says the case for moderate reform makes sense in the light of radical...
Painting the 1967 referendum as a ‘success’ in terms of effective reform for Aboriginal people is problematic, writes Gabrielle Appleby, Associate Professor, UNSW...
This 4-year-old Adnyamathanha girl is using her culture to help save sacred spot, Yungapunganah, from being turned into a nuclear waste site.
The show explores the longstanding importance of ceremonial masks in Torres Strait Islander culture and how they continue to influence contemporary art forms.
Little J & Big Cuz

In an Australian first, television show Little J & Big Cuz provides a young Indigenous audience with ‘relatable’ characters as well as offers an insight into traditional Aboriginal culture, country and language.

Top Stories From Across The Country

All the latest news and stories from NITV, including news, sport, programs and features.

The city of Sydney is doused in frills, heels and florals for Fashion Week 2017, and yesterday, major model and celebrity, Samantha Harris stole the show.
Wiradjuri woman and Labor frontbencher, Linda Burney, believes the decision to have a politician-free zone at the Indigenous constitution convention at Uluru is ...
In 2016, #IndigenousDads and their children took to Twitter to combat racism against Indigenous fathers, and to share fond memories of their childhood. This...
The Point spoke with lawyer, human rights advocate and prisoner rights campaigner Martin Hodgson who is supporting Goreng Goreng man Kevin Henry who was...
On Mother’s Day, Dunghutti model, Samantha Harris has revealed her mother inspired the design behind her latest challenge.
Indigenous groups and Arctic nations have renewed calls for the world to address climate warming, but US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says his country will...
In a historic move, an alternative national anthem will be played when the NRL Indigenous round kicks off tonight.

Comment, Community & Achievement

Celebrating diversity and learning from inspiring groups and individuals across our nations

Sparks fly as families come together for the Christmas dinner in Nakkiah Lui’s Black is the New White. Prudence Upton Huw Griffiths, University of Sydney
According to rugby league star, Sam Thaiday liking "dark girls" was a part of his "Jungle Fever phase". Reassessing what she thought she knew about romance,...
Read about Brittini Cameron's career trajectory as she secured a VET Cadet role with Transport for NSW, which gave her the stability and long-term prospects a new...
Essendon forward Orazio Fantasia grew up idolising Adelaide Crows champion Andrew McLeod, but it’s another Indigenous star who he says everyone wants to be like.
How does 'the first' Indigenous representation, represent the 600,000 or so of us?
While Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander teachers are significantly underrepresented in schools and universities, encouraging initiatives are aiming to bring...
Is it all about the boy bands, the Kardashians and Snapchat for our young ones today?
For the Kids!

Jarjums is the NITV programming dedicated to children catering to all kids and kids at heart we have fun and educational Indigenous and First Nations content from Australia and around the world. 


Latest news & features

Newly added
Around 300 Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders will gather at Uluru to hold a First Nations Convention.
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In an Australian first, software developers have come together to think up innovative solutions for First Nations charities.
Newly added
After twelve nation-wide dialogue meetings across the country, more than 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander representatives will meet in Uluru to discuss...
Newly added
A representative for Ariana Grande says the US singer is unharmed after what's been reported as an 'explosion' after her show in Manchester.
EXCLUSIVE: In the last year, Dylan Voller’s name has been splashed over newspapers both nationally and internationally; the image of him strapped to a restraint...
Opinion: Dr Hannah McGlade, Senior Indigenous Research Fellow Curtin University, says the case for moderate reform makes sense in the light of radical...
Forget florals, stripes and even paisley - an emerging fashion label at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia uses Indigenous artwork for its new collection.
Aunty June has created everything from puppet characters, to the music and the set for the Garramalang Festival in Darwin, all in traditional Larrakia-style.
Painting the 1967 referendum as a ‘success’ in terms of effective reform for Aboriginal people is problematic, writes Gabrielle Appleby, Associate Professor, UNSW...
This Indigenous chef has introduced native bush foods to mainstream menus.
Here is the episode guide for NITV's latest TV series, Little J and Big Cuz, which is the first animated kids show to feature Indigenous Australians and their...
Tracey Moffatt has launched a preview work titled Hell from her newest exhibition My Horizons prior to the upcoming presentation of her works at the Australia...
Professor Mick Dodson has stepped down from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies after 26 years, 17 of those as its...
Traditional Owners are welcoming visitors with a unique combination of traditional food, culture, and language, during the week-long inaugural festival.
Evidence has been found of fifty thousand year old sites where our earliest ancestors lived off the North West Coast of Western Australia.